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Arcade Admini-Moderator
Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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New Bern, NC USA

$30 by itself ( just the dual crystal)

$40 full kit (dual crystal, wiring harness, socket, 3-pin NH connector)

Dual crystal module designed by @Derick2k

When installed and used in conjunction with Darksoft's CPS1.5 multi this device will automatically select and use the correct clock speed for the game being played. Either 10mhz or 12mhz.


How to install:

Step 1 --- verify your A-board is working correctly with the multi.

Step 2 --- desolder the crystal from the A-board.

Step 3 --- either install and solder the socket or directly solder dual crystal module in place of the old crystal. There is an arrow that indicates pin 1 on the module.

Step 4 --- desolder the three pin connector for Dash, Reset, and Q sound from the top of the multi. It is located next to the SD card slot. Proceed to install the 3-pin NH connector on the bottom side of the multi as shown in the picture below.


Step 5 --- Take the wiring harness provided and identify the two longer wires. One is Reset and the other is Q Sound. Solder them on the underside of the A board as shown in the multi manual or for a cleaner install use the two topside solder points from the pictures below. On this harness shown Reset is yellow and Q sound is green. Wire colors may vary.



The provided wires are long enough to reach the underside comfortably however feel free to trim these wires shorter I'd using the above solder points for a cleaner install.

Step 6 --- plug the 5-pin connector into the dual crystal module and the 3-pin connector into the newly installed 3-pin connector.


Your install should look like this now:

It is helpful to lay the multi pcb next to the A-board when plugging in the 3-pin connector to minimize stress on the dual crystal module, especially if using a socket.

The socket is great if you may want to revert your pcb to stock but if the install is meant to be permanent I recommend directly soldering the module to avoid accidentally shaking the module loose.

Paid waiting to ship:

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PM me to order. I have a handful of sockets currently but a bunch ordered that hopefully arrive this week. I'll take orders and start packing them but many won't ship until sockets arrive. This doesn't affect you if you ONLY want the dual crystal or specify to me that you won't be using the socket.
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I got an early test unit. The quality is superb. I struggled a bit with getting the oscillator desoldered. There is a lot of mass in the housing which really absorbs the heat.

Some friends recommended to cut away the oscillator using a pair of very low profile nippers. Then mix in some new leaded solder and heat up so that you can remove the pins easily. To remove the solder from the holes one could use a desoldering gun like a sc7000z or a solder sucker like the ENGINEER 2.



I went for the socket on my install it seems to grip the dual oscillator nicely.

I actually should record a video removing the crystal. It's not that bad. I add new solder to all pins. Then I take a small screwdriver and place it under one of the shorter ends. I stand the pcb vertical using my clamp. I think start heating up two pins on the narrow side alternating between the two pins quickly while using slight pressure with the screwdriver on the other side to pry lightly. The one side will come up a bit. Then switch to the other two pins and that side should come completely out. Then just finish the first two pins to remove the oscillator. Then just use your favorite tool to remove solder from the holes.

I actually forgot to mention I'll do installs of the mod for $50 plus return shipping. Next one I do I'll record
Awesome job putting these together @Mitsurugi-w . Happy to see these will finally make it out to multi owners.

I suggest everyone gets the full kit ;). If you have doubts about desoldering the old crystal have someone else do the mod.

These should work on any A board. Also, with some slight modding using a manual switch, you can use these with original games to swap frequency if you want to.