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For Sale


Oct 29, 2019
Reaction score
West Covina, CA
I messaged him and asked if he could hold it for me since I’m out of state for the next two weeks but he said no.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them this cheap.
Some dude bought them all at 500 each.
from $300 for all 7 it went to $500 each? I wander who it was? but at $500 it is a good deal...
Dunno, but he said they paid $500 per over Venmo with plans to pick up the whole lot.

I'd contacted, asked a few friends to come up with a final number, and was going to pick up a bunch of them. But $500 dude swept in.
Dunno, but he said they paid $500 per over Venmo with plans to pick up the whole lot.

I'd contacted, asked a few friends to come up with a final number, and was going to pick up a bunch of them. But $500 dude swept in.
Well..that sucks.. so you had a deal with the seller already? someone offered more money and all were sold to that person??
Crazy awesome deal, always cool to see stuff like this
This sucks it’s like one of those deals that never come. Damn.
Dunno, but he said they paid $500 per over Venmo with plans to pick up the whole lot.

I'd contacted, asked a few friends to come up with a final number, and was going to pick up a bunch of them. But $500 dude swept in.
Well..that sucks.. so you had a deal with the seller already? someone offered more money and all were sold to that person??
rewrite was this you??
Well..that sucks.. so you had a deal with the seller already? someone offered more money and all were sold to that person??
Made contact saying I'd like to buy a few and could head out now from Riverside, he asked how many, couple minutes later I told him how many, and he told me someone just paid $500/ea via venmo and they're gone.
That’s a buy first think later situation.
Absolutely. But I don't think there were 2 full minutes between my being asked how many and being told they were gone, lol.

@rewrite sorry to hear that you missed the deal..
No worries, these things come and go. I'd have grabbed one for @potato too since he was out of town and pointed everyone to it, but I'd lost out before getting as far as messaging him.