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Feb 18, 2017
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New york
I just picked up a empty egret 29 cab. It's missing pretty much everything. I'd really love be to get monitor rotation mount and control panel with cup holders. Please send a message if you have any spare egret 29 parts.

As a fellow E29 owner I'll keep my eyes out, but don't get your hopes up, parts for these cabs are as uncommon as hen's teeth.
Thank you. I figured it would be near impossible to find parts but I couldn't turn it down. I'd really love to have this running again one day
Even if you can find them (which is highly doubtful) finding all the parts you need is probably going to cost significantly more than just buying a functional cab.
Ya that's very true. I got the cab very cheap so it was worth a shot to see if any parts are out there.
One of the things I've thought about is sourcing a control panel box from something like an Astro City or Egret II and mounting it up to the E29 so that I could use "standard" Sega panels. Since your appears to be missing it could be something worth considering on your cab.

got any pics of your cab so we can see exactly what you've got and what's missing?
Here's a picture of how I got it. I kinda sorta have a control panel. Somebody thought it was a good idea to cut up plastic part with cup holders on control panel. As you can see it is rough shape and missing a lot.


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damn you are missing a lot.

I think if that were mine, while waiting to find a new top half of the control panel I'd get some fiberglas materials and rebuilt the top smooth, then drill and cut it out for a Sega Panel and paint it.

You're missing more than just the plastic bit on that control panel. there's a metal frame under the top half of the panel that the joysticks mount to, as they don't actually mount on the panel itself. Hopefully you at least have the locking mechanism still in place?

As for the monitor rotation mechanism, there was a guy on AO that built one for his Egret 3, so maybe you can use that as a guide to build a new setup for your cab:

that and some wiring should get your cab usable. replacing the doors and the header section can be a challenge though I think someone on AO that restored one used some plexiglas cut to size and painted white to replace the missing front door. you could probably do the same for the back door too since it's just got the one simple bend.
I was thinking about doing same thing you mentioned with control panel. I have an extra Astro city cp laying around I can use until I am able to score real one.
Thanks for link about rotation mechanism that's very interesting. I do have metal from panel but that is a great idea for back panel.
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The normal monitor for these is the MS8-29, and honestly with it missing your better off putting in something like a MS2932, or D9200, or even an MS9-29. The MS8s seem to have a high failure rate on the flybacks and there don't make flybacks for them anymore so if one dies you're out of luck, so you're better off putting in a more serviceable monitor anyway.

Unlike most other candy cabs the E29 has a glass pane in front of the monitor and a separate shroud so you don't have to worry about shroud gap like you do on an Astro or Blast. the usual challenge with swapping monitors on these is getting one that fits the rotation mechanism, but if you have to rig up your own mounting solution you can build it around whatever shape tube you want.
I gonna bring this thread back to life although I know my chances are really low. I’m hoping to get this in better shape this year. I currently made control panel work with some plexi, sega cp and a cpo. Also threw in a lcd temporarily just so I can play a little.
I have a tri sync monitor I’m gonna throw in one day once I figure out how I’m gonna mount it.

I would really love to find the correct control panel for this. If anyone has one or can point me to someone selling one I’d really appreciate it.

Oh ya I’d love a marquee too but pretty sure that will be near impossible

This is all, no further info;


That’s really nice. Although I need whole control panel. If you scroll up in thread you can see starting condition. Someone carved up the plastic for control panel so that won’t mount on it in anyway anymore. I gonna hold off on this for now until I can get other piece.
I feel like I should buy it though cause parts are so hard to find but €200. With my luck I’ll find the plastic part of panel and this will be sold

Thanks again
Parts are hard to come by, but demand is also not very high I think...

That panel has been up there since June 2016
Parts are hard to come by, but demand is also not very high I think...

That panel has been up there since June 2016
Wow that long I guess I shouldn’t be as worried as I am now about it not being available when time comes.
I think he also has (or had) it listed on Arcade Otaku

I have an aftermarket 2L14B panel and aftermarket start button panel I'd be willing to sell, they're plain, unpainted metal but I wrapped the control panel in a black vinyl.

They came with one of my cabs but I prefer the original Taito 2L8B panel
I have an aftermarket 2L14B panel and aftermarket start button panel I'd be willing to sell, they're plain, unpainted metal but I wrapped the control panel in a black vinyl.
how much would you sell each panel for?