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Multi Boyz Litigator
Multi Boyz
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Whole drum w/ stand and sensors. Bought during Namco's clearout of these. Kept meaning to get around to doing something with this, but it just hasn't happened and I'm in reclaiming space mode.

Roughly $800 into it, taking offers.

SOLD for 1025
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Tempted. How can it be hooked up to a switch is the question
You're thinking down the right track!

Unfortunately too big an undertaking for me at this point. I was mucking about with it a little bit with the help of a friend, and some info off of here I believe, but never got anything remotely near running.
Just taking up space here. Could be a sweet drumming experience for you!
At this rate, use it as a stool lol.
If it had a flat base instead of a 40 degree angle, I just may have by now...

It's one of those things that is invaluable if you need it, but 99.9% of people don't need it, lol. And I am king of collecting those! IIRC the rebuild kits for these are over 500 before shipping, nevermind the entire assembly. So it'll be a deal for someone at some point!

Just need someone's Taiko to take a forklift arm to the drum...
Oh I know, inevitably once you finally get rid of this someone is gonna come by and ask if you still have it.
Oh I know, inevitably once you finally get rid of this someone is gonna come by and ask if you still have it.
Oh, so you saw my FS thread for the 6 foot Planet Harriers banner from a few years ago, huh?

I held onto that for YEARS. Finally gave in and tossed it, and I've had at least 6 people ask about it since...
Oh, so you saw my FS thread for the 6 foot Planet Harriers banner from a few years ago, huh?

I held onto that for YEARS. Finally gave in and tossed it, and I've had at least 6 people ask about it since...

Oh I did not haha. But sounds about right.
Crazy this hasn't sold yet, there's an arcade in Amsterdam called Blast Galaxy that has a Taiko cab with a broken drum making 2 player matches very unfair, they should get on this :D
Crazy this hasn't sold yet, there's an arcade in Amsterdam called Blast Galaxy that has a Taiko cab with a broken drum making 2 player matches very unfair, they should get on this :D
Send them my way! Lol
Super interesting. You dont see these often and even less in this state. Good luck with the sale!