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Arcade Admini-Moderator
Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
Reaction score
New Bern, NC USA
Price is $600 shipped in the USA.

This has the kit installed that disables the Namco check-in. Normally after 30 days without checking in with Namco's servers the game will no longer boot. This has that problem resolved.


Is it TTT2 that also had/has a credit limit that needs to be disabled, or is that a different Tekken title?

Been looking for one of these for a while now, but the timing is wrong (of course). Best of luck with it!
Credit limit? Please elaborate.

I've never had any issues with this kit. I've had one for a very long time running this exact same kit. I plan on keeping that one and unloading this one.
Credit limit? Please elaborate.

I've never had any issues with this kit. I've had one for a very long time running this exact same kit. I plan on keeping that one and unloading this one.
Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong title... I thought it was TTT2 that had the credit limit. The PCB was good for X number of credits until it turned itself off unless you either had a contract running with the company or you used a workaround. Same idea as this with ceasing to work without checking in within 30 days except it worked on a limited number of credits. Maybe it was Tekken 6? Or maybe I'm getting my fighters all mixed up entirely.
Is there any way to run Tekken 6 in 369 or will that only run in 357?
Mitsu, can you load other titles on this system? I dont know much about it, but def interested in it.
I'm HIGHLY interested, but I can't find verification which games work on 357 or 369.
IF some of the newer gundam titles do and you can find some verification, I'll likely be wanting to snag this...
I'm pretty sure Tekken Tag 2 was the only title made specifically for the 369. There is a guy in Europe that has done conversions of a few 357 games to also play on 369. I have a kit for Deadstorm Pirates and Darksoft has a kit for Raizing Storm. The real problem is that those two games do not use JVS I/Os. They use USB I/Os and I have yet to be able to play either since they will boot but not play with JVS I/Os. And I haven't found the I/O I need for sale anywhere either. They may have converted the rest of the games by now but I'm not sure. Darksoft knows how to contact the guy to buy the other kits.

Either way TT2U works fine with a JVS I/O and my S-JIHP. ;)
Sweet deal. Some one on the east cost/US should snatch that up post haste.
I'm pretty sure Tekken Tag 2 was the only title made specifically for the 369. There is a guy in Europe that has done conversions of a few 357 games to also play on 369. I have a kit for Deadstorm Pirates and Darksoft has a kit for Raizing Storm........
Volume Warning!!

cool that a few people are working on this. Raizing Strom is an awesome game.

..Alpha 1...Alpha 1!!... ..Alpha 1!!!...Alpha 1... ..Alpha 1...Alpha 1!... ..Alpha 1...Alpha 1...!!!
i want to jump on it, but I'm still recovering from that last hit I took.
i want to jump on it, but I'm still recovering from that last hit I took.
Lets trade, I get one of your cursed big blues and you can have this kit, I'll throw in some cash as well, lol. jk.

How are you making out with the cabs?
To clarify, @Mitsurugi-w, I was right about the credits thing, sort of. The official solution to playing off of Namco's servers is to purchase a point card to allow X amount of credits to be played on the PCB without connecting to Namco. If you can connect to Namco they simply bill your account an amount of each match played.

To quote an AO post:

you have to buy "NBline point" from Namco and you will fill up the point to your machine (actually to Namco server). every time you play, it will deduct 5 points.

a card has 10000 point and it cost around 133.33 dollar. a match will deduct 5 point, so you can play 2000 matchs. so each match will cost you around 0.067 US.dollar
it also say in the user agreement that if your machine does not connect to the server for a month. "it will shut down and cannot boot up" all you can see is this "Namco System 369 Error 02 : Account Error"
Gotcha. This does not suffer from the credit limit.

By the way, I haven't shipped this. If a big blue were to be magically left by my front door overnight it could still technically end up in someone else's hands.... ;)
busy with work, so I haven't even looked at them. Need to find a tube for the 4th cab