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Jul 22, 2015
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Hi Guys

I am looking for couple boards. I need them for testing some custom panels.
  • Ghox
  • Buriki one (hyper 64)
  • segasonic the hedgehog
let me know if anyone want to part with it.

Thank you for looking.
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If you end up needing anything other than the actual Hikaru, I can help. Stick, panel, cab odds and ends, etc.

If not, I wish you luck!
I can offert you a Hikaru motherboard with Planet Harriers cartridge for 900 Euros.

If you want only the Planet Harriers cartridge i can offert it for 400 euros.

Shipping prices not included in the offert.
Do you want the Cyber Lead panel for your own cab or to make repro panels from? They're rare as hell but someone may let you borrow one in order to make reproductions from?
You have a 1P panel? Niiiice. I'd definitely be keen on one if it can be repro'd
Do you want the Cyber Lead panel for your own cab or to make repro panels from? They're rare as hell but someone may let you borrow one in order to make reproductions from?
If that is the case I can borrow you some.Got a spare 1P and 2P panel :)
I need it for repro project. I tried to bid 2P panel on YHJ Auction but I missed. I think if I can get one from here, it will save my time on checking auction every day. And thanks to PascalP, I'll contact you soon.
just let me know when, and I can ship them to you, I'm sure they will come back at some point ;)
Neo 25 /29 panel
Do you need a nice one, or do you just need one for measurements/etc?

I have my old 29 panel laying around since I bought one of your repro's. It is not in the best condition though.
Neo 25 /29 panel
Do you need a nice one, or do you just need one for measurements/etc?
I have my old 29 panel laying around since I bought one of your repro's. It is not in the best condition though.
condition is not important to me as long as panel itselft is no color fading and bent.

I need the 2P neo candy panel ,is yours neo candy ?
I have a Neo Candy 29 with a nice panel. It's my only one, so I can't really give it up, but if I can help with photos or measurements I'd be happy to.
I am trying to colour match with the vector on hard candy which looks too dark Be great if you could get some pics of the panel.
Here are a couple pics, natural light, minimal color correction, with Pantone CMYK swatches for reference:
