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Oct 25, 2022
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Orange County, CA
Just received my two Vewlix diamond orange cabinets! I've been browsing the forum and FB groups but would love some help on getting to my preferred set up.

I want to be able to have these two cabinets run a ttx3 multi and a PC and/or Console with Brooks universal fighting board. I want the ability to have head 2 head capability with the ttx3 multi and p1/p2 for PC and/or Console. With the 2nd cab mirror the 1st cabs monitor. I'll list below the details of what I currently have and what's on the way:

What I have:
  • 2x Diamond Orange Cabinets
    • Fast I/O in each control panel.
    • Original 1080p monitors with DVI / VGA only
  • 2x Brooks Universal Fight Boards (universal mod kit from arcade shock)
  • PS4/PS5 and PC
What I plan on getting:
  • 1x TTX3 w/ Multi
  • 2x @Lemony Vengeance 's Vewlix UFB Adapter (allows both fast i/o and UFB to be plugged in at same time)
What I'm not sure about:
  • DVI to HDMI for PC/Console to connect to my monitor?
  • DVI splitter to mirror the video on both computers from my ttx3 and pc/console?
  • Audio Splitter?
  • Anything else?

Is there anyone here that has experience with getting this setup to work? I really appreciate any comments and help towards this.
If you have any pictures or input to getting this to work please let me know.

Thank you!


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What Lemony said. Another option is you could get an HDMI splitter that can extract the audio out. That would combine two of the 4 things so then only 3 things needed. They start around $20 for a 1080p splitter than can extract audio, and around $40 for a 4k splitter that can extract audio. The $20 route would save a little money compared to getting a splitter and an extractor separately, and the 4k one would future proof you if you ever wanted to replace the monitors in the future or split to a TV.

Not necessary but makes running two cabs mirrored easier:
2 USB extension cables: One in each machine running to the other. Makes going back and forth from mirroring between the two, to splitting them up to run individually much faster and smoother. This is to make the control panel of one Diamond player 2 of the other Diamond. If you want you can also add 2 usb switchers so you are never unplugging usb's and just pushing the button to switch usb's.
2 RCA splitters: One in each, so the cabs can share audio since you are mirroring them.
2 extra sets RCA cables: Same like Lemony mentioned, but get them longer and have a set in each running to the other. So, get 2 short sets for running when each Diamond is running individually, and a second longer set in each running to the other Diamond. This makes switching back and forth from mirroring and running individually much smoother and faster. In theory you would have your ttx3 multi in one Diamond, and PC/console in the other Diamond. So each will take turns which is in control, and also often times running individually.
Power Strip/Surge Protector with a Master Outlet: This allows you to turn on/off both of your Diamonds at the same with one button for a better mirror experience. For example, PC/or Console plugged into the master outlet, both cabinets plugged into slave outlets on the Power Strip, so simply turning on/off the PC/Console automatically powers on/off both of your Diamonds.
2nd HDMI Splitter: This is just so you are not constantly moving the spitter back and forth between the two Diamonds. Like if you keep your hardware(TTX3, Console, PC) split up and one inside of one Diamond, and one in the other Diamond. This can be skipped if you keep all hardware in one Diamond, or also if you keep the hardware outside of the Diamonds for both of them to freely share hardware, like say PC and Console in a seperate media cabinet. I personally find running a second splitter faster for switching back and forth between mirroring and running individually.
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You are both awesome thank you! I have a much better understanding on this.

I’ll be starting with the installing brook board first and then connecting those to the pc since I’m still awaiting on the taito ttx3. I’ll update this post as I get progress :)
You are both awesome thank you! I have a much better understanding on this.

I’ll be starting with the installing brook board first and then connecting those to the pc since I’m still awaiting on the taito ttx3. I’ll update this post as I get progress :)
As stated in PM, I have parts inbound to make this step happen for ya :)