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Sep 6, 2016
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United States
I know some guys will hate me for tearing this up, but this thread isn't for them now is it? Anyway, here's the latest incarnation of my HSS-0130:

*Aftermarket Net City panel
*Unmodified Sanwa JLF levers
*Sanwa OBSF-30 and 24 buttons
*Wiring harnesses from Arcade Shock
*Brook Retro Boards w/multiplier pcbs (from Arcade Shock)
*Jasens Customs 20 pin to DB15 pcbs
*Off the shelf RJ45 passthrough and coin pushbuttons on the back (I honestly don't remember where they came from)
*Artwork by @sellsellsell2000
*NES, SNES, PCE, SS RJ45 cables thanks to @opt2not
*DC RJ45 cables from Akishop Customs (I used to have PS360+ boards inside)

I used 1ft DB15 cables because it makes storing this bad boy very simple. They were probably the hardest thing to find for this build lol. This bad boy will be going into storage in March for a minimum of two years. Feels good to store it as a finished project however.


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My brother is currently living in Taiwan and can have PCBs made dirt cheap. He used to program Tomahawk missiles for Raytheon so he's no dummy (unlike me) either. Anyway, I brought up the possibility of producing something similar to the now out of production Jasen's 20 pin to DB15 adapters; however, they will use a different pinout so they get along with @RGB HAS supergun. To me this makes the most sense as HAS is much more widely available than the MK30.

These ones shown are specifically for the MK30. I discovered the two superguns had a different pinout when I first ordered RGB's Saturn to DB15 adapters. Luckily he helped me out and made me a couple that play nice with the MK30. Don't worry RGB, I'll be making the switch to HAS after my move is complete ; )
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@mukurofish if your brother does produce those 20-pin to db15 adapters, I’d be interested in some. I have 2 projects I’m planning, that has 2-player support, so I’d be on for at least 4 of them.

They definitely make everything nice and clean. I wish I had more myself so the likelihood of them being built is relatively high. My brother will be visiting home from Taiwan in May. I'm keeping this stick stored in his workshop so he'll be able to take a good look at that time.
@mukurofish ... sir , i want just to replace my buttons on my HSS0130 , and i need an artwork moves like yours , but i don't know where to start. I intend to use my stick with Saturn HAS adapters. Maybe i didn't read and understand well , but i want to try to change the buttons because mine are in a poor shape :( . Thanks in advance. :whistling: (Anyway , after that maybe i'll try to do your mod on my stick too...)
@mukurofish ... sir , i want just to replace my buttons on my HSS0130 , and i need an artwork moves like yours , but i don't know where to start. I intend to use my stick with Saturn HAS adapters. Maybe i didn't read and understand well , but i want to try to change the buttons because mine are in a poor shape :( . Thanks in advance. :whistling: (Anyway , after that maybe i'll try to do your mod on my stick too...)
To replace the buttons you will have to de-solder the old ones from the PCB, and then solder wires onto the PCB to connect to the new buttons. It’s a royal pain in the ass, but that was the first mod I did to the stick five years ago. New Sanwa buttons will also not fit into the panel perfectly; they wiggle ever so slightly (barely noticeable, but it’s there). If you reuse the old PCB though you’ll be able to connect to HAS using the adapters no problem.

If you decide to go with Brook boards you can always run wires out the terminal post to a DB15 breakout connector too seeing how 20 pin to DB15 PCBs are not available right now (this is what I’m doing on a second project I have yet to show).
@AlxUnderBase This is what it looked like in early 2014. Was still using the factory panel. You can see the little wires going from the PCB to the buttons. I was such a newbie then I didn’t even know about quick connects, so I actually soldered the wires onto the buttons too haha.

Here is a thread showing my late 2015 version of the stick with PS360+ boards:

MK30 ADCAP and Sega HSS-0130 setup


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