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Ok, so now I really want one. I am in. Jassin, let me know the details so I can place my order, put down a deposit so he can hold the cab. Maybe we can get Rewrite to check them out at some point if enough orders are placed? :)
you guys are making me jealous... those C cabs are gorgeous I just can't bring myself to drop 2.5K on one.
Jassin, so according to what I read, the Vewlix C is the same as the F spec wise (Sanwa LCD) and a few other upgrades/updates.
I just wrote KC again Derick...

I asked if it was still a option to combine shipping to save money, should you place an order SOON.

You see I completed paying for mine this afternoon, wire transferring the remaining 2,050$.

I'm on track for shipout sometime next week!

I will send you a PM with his contact... ;)
the savings of shipping just two together to Boston probably wouldn't be enough to justify the drive over having it delivered directly.
I just had my first phone conversation with KC.

He says IF we agree to have the cabs put on the same pallet, shipped to the same location, it will save about 350$.

If we can agree on a half way point and split the savings I'd be open to that... If Derick wants to pay 100$ to have his cab shipped to me that's also fine.
My order is bought and paid for to my door, anything else is a discount to me. :)
I might be ordering 2, my nephew is bugging about it. If the savings are considerable, might be worth it to meet at some halfway point.
you guys are making me jealous... those C cabs are gorgeous I just can't bring myself to drop 2.5K on one.
If the cabs were local to me and I would be able to fully inspect the cabs and pick and choose.. helllllllll yeahhh.. I would drop that kind of money on the C cab without thinking.. but all the good cabs are in California,, here in the East Cost we have to pay a premium.
you guys are making me jealous... those C cabs are gorgeous I just can't bring myself to drop 2.5K on one.
If the cabs were local to me and I would be able to fully inspect the cabs and pick and choose.. helllllllll yeahhh.. I would drop that kind of money on the C cab without thinking.. but all the good cabs are in California,, here in the East Cost we have to pay a premium.
I wish they'd been around when I bought my F... Same price, but cooler style. I'd like to snag a second Vewlix later this year, but having mismatched ones would drive me crazy.
I wish they'd been around when I bought my F... Same price, but cooler style.
I got the C because I'm Crazy for Capcom! ;)

Honestly tho, because the C has that fancy brushed metal control panel overlay if you want to go two player repo CP you MUST use the F version (red/white).

You know I did order one but I'm still waiting to see how it actually looks installed before making up my mind on keeping it that way.

In the back of my mind I was thinking as I placed the order... What IF I got a red (C) Vewlix for the MVS multi, and got a blue (L-AMI) Vewlix for the CPS2 multi. Get it? Big Red, Big Blue... Vewlix Red, Vewlix Blue... 8o
I wish they'd been around when I bought my F... Same price, but cooler style.
I got the C because I'm Crazy for Capcom! ;)
Honestly tho, because the C has that fancy brushed metal control panel overlay if you want to go two player repo CP you MUST use the F version (red/white).

You know I did order one but I'm still waiting to see how it actually looks installed before making up my mind on keeping it that way.

In the back of my mind I was thinking as I placed the order... What IF I got a red (C) Vewlix for the MVS multi, and got a blue (L-AMI) Vewlix for the CPS2 multi. Get it? Big Red, Big Blue... Vewlix Red, Vewlix Blue... 8o
Thanks for the link. I can finally get a marquee for it! Did KC's come with a marquee? Ken's don't and he can't source them either.
Not all of his had the plexi marquees, I made sure to insist on it coming with one. I suspect it will have some wear/damage, after all this is the most fragile part and these are used machines.
Not all of his had the plexi marquees, I made sure to insist on it coming with one. I suspect it will have some wear/damage, after all this is the most fragile part and these are used machines.
It's tempting to go grab one while he's still got some, but I just spent a boatload on Taiko drums, so it's probably better I wait a while...
hmmmm... those VLX C's...

Tempting, but after shipping going to Ken's house and buying another F from him is better for me :D

Keep up the good work, dude! :D
Any idea if he has any CRT candy cabs for sale?
I didn't ask about any CRTs... Interest being low, I was only after my Vewlix.

I did ask about a Init-D RC, he sent me a mms/video of another RC cab he had in stock.

Derick have you been in contact/decided yet? I want to get it shipped out sometime next week. :D