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This isn't to do with the security, this is because you don't have the file permission set correctly in linux to allow executing of whatever file you're trying to run. `chmod +x <file_name>` will do it, but if you follow the instructions for the emulator you shouldn't ever have to do this.

Let's try to keep this on topic and about the emulator - you can create a new topic for asking about this!
Ok, I will keep on topic. Thank you Bobby
cant get vt 3 to load segmataion fault { core dumped} ?

also when i chmod +x <file_name> to make a .bin executable ...
i dont understand filename ?

for exsample do i chmod +x <hotd4special_hotdex.bin> ?
CabinetCtrl_InitDriver:787:SetErrorCode(5 : Drive board : (%d) Original point error)

tried running sudo usermod -a -G dialout,input $USER

im root@dan
i also saw the script arranged like sudo usermod -aG

but even though i have open gl error and vertex shade error
game loaded to drive board is not connected to main board error . please i need obviously to set mu user groups permission to access the input outputs dialout. but i cant seem to run the script to do this correctly
help massively appreciated thx

When i first installed. I noticed a E: high lighted in red?!

Now trying to run emulator as group dialout …
I’m running into the E: no location found isssue ?

Any help please ?

I’m not very savvy with Linux users / groups ..

But I found this in the net regarding

Trying To use tty/usb0

/dev/ttyUSB0device has the group of dialout

Add second user to the dialout group:

sudo adduser second_user dialout

So I think this issue is I’m trying to open a location /serial port for the ffb emulation to the ffb boards rs45 ?
Last edited:
I'm definitely paying attention to this. I would love to see this with more arcade boards.

I have a curious question. I didn't see anywhere that speaks on the specs needed for everything to run smoothly at a minimum.

What is a strong nVidia to start with? Should a replica of the original hardware be sufficient?
Does using more modern parts cause potential issues?

Has anyone been able to confirm that it's a 1:1 to the real thing? (I've been riding the MiSTer FPGA wave for a few years now, so that's why I ask)
I'm definitely paying attention to this. I would love to see this with more arcade boards.

I have a curious question. I didn't see anywhere that speaks on the specs needed for everything to run smoothly at a minimum.

What is a strong nVidia to start with? Should a replica of the original hardware be sufficient?
Does using more modern parts cause potential issues?

Has anyone been able to confirm that it's a 1:1 to the real thing? (I've been riding the MiSTer FPGA wave for a few years now, so that's why I ask)

Thanks for the questions!

Im not sure on specs, the only way to figure that one out is to try it. If anyone else has run it and would like to post their specs here that might be useful. I’ve used a Samsung Chronos 7 with Nvidia card and a Thinkpad P43S with an Nvidia card to develop it - so don’t have any actual PC based specs I’m afraid.

More modern parts should be fine! I think some have reported issues with 2024 type hardware, but anything from a few years ago has worked as far as I can see.

There’s no way to confirm it’s 1:1 to the real thing in the same way you can on the mister. It’s natively running on a PC, so in that way it’s 1:1 but using a different CPU/GFX card and all of the code that’s emulating the other peripherals is all guess work so it’s unlikely to be 1:1 accurate - weather you’d actually notice is another question though, it’s likely more smooth and better quality than it was originally.
Thanks for the questions!

Im not sure on specs, the only way to figure that one out is to try it. If anyone else has run it and would like to post their specs here that might be useful. I’ve used a Samsung Chronos 7 with Nvidia card and a Thinkpad P43S with an Nvidia card to develop it - so don’t have any actual PC based specs I’m afraid.

More modern parts should be fine! I think some have reported issues with 2024 type hardware, but anything from a few years ago has worked as far as I can see.

There’s no way to confirm it’s 1:1 to the real thing in the same way you can on the mister. It’s natively running on a PC, so in that way it’s 1:1 but using a different CPU/GFX card and all of the code that’s emulating the other peripherals is all guess work so it’s unlikely to be 1:1 accurate - weather you’d actually notice is another question though, it’s likely more smooth and better quality than it was originally.


Thanks for the reply. I noticed the explanation for why you created it was based on a replacement for when your actual board kicks the bucket. I didn't want to just assume that it meant it's a 100% replacement for the real thing. Also, I've been in communications with others to create an arcade and until I can source original boards for certain games, I'd love to be able to get a custom PC into a cabinet as either a temp measure or maybe for perm use. I've been to arcade bars where they are using LCD computer screens for arcade boards and trying to play 90s games off of them with very bad results. I'm a bit too off putted by that method to go that route even though most customers might not even care given enough beers (especially if you don't have the nostalgia of going to arcades in the 90s/early 2000s).

I'll try with one of my test machines, sometime this week, to see what results come of it.

Thanks for the reply. I noticed the explanation for why you created it was based on a replacement for when your actual board kicks the bucket. I didn't want to just assume that it meant it's a 100% replacement for the real thing. Also, I've been in communications with others to create an arcade and until I can source original boards for certain games, I'd love to be able to get a custom PC into a cabinet as either a temp measure or maybe for perm use. I've been to arcade bars where they are using LCD computer screens for arcade boards and trying to play 90s games off of them with very bad results. I'm a bit too off putted by that method to go that route even though most customers might not even care given enough beers (especially if you don't have the nostalgia of going to arcades in the 90s/early 2000s).

I'll try with one of my test machines, sometime this week, to see what results come of it.

I’d put my money on if you put one of mine in a machine next to a real Lindbergh in a machine, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Because it’s not true emulation it’s much much faster and more accurate speed wise than other emulators you might have used.

It’s also built to be a drop in replacement so it’ll work with all the original IOs and motion boards of any machines you might have.
I’d put my money on if you put one of mine in a machine next to a real Lindbergh in a machine, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Because it’s not true emulation it’s much much faster and more accurate speed wise than other emulators you might have used.

It’s also built to be a drop in replacement so it’ll work with all the original IOs and motion boards of any machines you might have.

Great to know. I plan to test mines with the correct Ubuntu version, off the shelf parts that seem to be a smart idea to use and a USB Arcade stick (modded with some USB polling device I got pre-pandemic).

Probably not that exciting for many people due to the level of complexity, but I've made my Lindbergh loader for linux public.

It's a piece of software that allows you to play Lindbergh games natively on modern linux, the house of the dead 4 is the main one that being targetted at the moment - there are lots of issues though:

- it only works for a small subset of games currently
- it's complex to get setup
- the sound sounds awful
- it might try and change your screen res / keyboard key repeat
- the game has to be patched to bypass security

I'd be interested in any feedback if anyone tries to use it, and also any help if anyone is an expert in sound / opengl / openal.

This emulator does nothing to attempt to bypass the Lindbergh security measures, and so the games will need to be patched appropriately by the user.

So, I started the process and already hit a small roadblock.
To verify, I did install the correct Ubuntu and am following instructions based on LindBergh Loader Github Instructions.

I get a permission error when trying to enter the following command:
wget -q http://launchpadlibrarian.net/534757982/multiarch-support_2.23-0ubuntu11.3_i386.deb \
&& dpkg -i multiarch-support_2.23-0ubuntu11.3_i386.deb
wget -q http://launchpadlibrarian.net/184146495/libalut0_1.1.0-5_i386.deb \
&& dpkg -i libalut0_1.1.0-5_i386.deb
wget -q http://launchpadlibrarian.net/184146496/libalut-dev_1.1.0-5_i386.deb \

&& dpkg -i libalut-dev_1.1.0-5_i386.deb

Any ideas?
Yes .. you need to change permissions to allow all 👍
Use intell cpu no amd! Like I did it won’t help you .
You don't have one command but multiple. && is a lazy "and" which tells your Computer to execute the command after it if the one before finished without an Error. Sudo only runs the one command you put it before with higher permission.

For example:
"a && b && c" would run "a" always, "b" only if "a" finished without an error and "c" would only run if "a" and "b" finished without an error.

"a && sudo b && c" would follow the same logic from above. "a" and "c" would run with the permission of your current user and "b" with higher ones.

To run all commands with higher permissions you would have to write "sudo a && sudo b && sudo c"

tl;dr: put sudo at the beginning of the command and after each &&

Also, never ever post this way again! You get an error from a command you post the command and the error you've got. The Errors are there for a reason, they tell you and any person you want help from what's wrong. Sometimes that hints at the issue and most times straight up tells you what's wrong and how to fix it.
Sorry if that sounds harsh but posting the errors is the difference between going to your car mechanic and telling him you have a flat tire or going to him and telling him "car no longer cars right"…
Right click the execute file
And in permissions allow it.

Linux sucks balls. Not that I’m into windows either cause I ain’t

Surely someone can do a self execute of this emulator. It’s a bit labour intensive.

I gave up as my pc is amd and I don’t think it liked it ..
I will build a intel pc asap and get back to it ( 1000001 projects on the go!
Hi @bobbydilley, I am trying to get Virtua Tennis 3 to run but can't get past this "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" error.

Tried with Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04, same issue. Also with freshly built lindbergh loader or release binaries. And with and without these variables LD_PRELOAD=lindbergh.so LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. ./lindbergh

Could I be missing something? Thanks!