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I have the 8 pin version bought years back

Darn I was all excited too lol
Fun fact: I just noticed that the RGBS cable that comes with the GBS pcb, is the perfect size for the kick harness header on the Minigun...just a couple pins extra. Good to know! 😉
Wired me up a 9 pin mini din to RGBS this morning...works great! 😁


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Another question...how would I correctly wire up a kick harness for the Minigun header pins? Like orientation-wise? I can easily find pinout diagrams for specific pcb's, but is there a pinout diagram for the Minigun?
Anyone know if someone makes power cables for these?
Get an old computer power supply. chop off one of the 6 pin ATX power cables (intended for GPU). Solder ends (as per silk-screening on bottom of minigun) and use your cable. The 6 pin ATX end should fit perfectly into your power supply header on the minigun.
Years ago when I used to build a lot of these miniguns, I would just harvest power cables from DELL servers etc as they were really good quality thick cables. Never had any issues.

I assume Frank is still not around. His legend still lives on strong in his amazing products. :happy:
Hi there,

Does anyone know the total current draw of the minigun and a MVS1C board for the 5V and 12V rails? I have a linear power supply that I already have that I'm hoping to use with this.

Hi there,

Does anyone know the total current draw of the minigun and a MVS1C board for the 5V and 12V rails? I have a linear power supply that I already have that I'm hoping to use with this.


MVS uses almost nothing. I think people have measured it before and the current draw is about 2A on the 5V rail and 0.5-0.6A on 12V

You can also bypass the regulator for the sound section and run the whole board off 5V
MVS uses almost nothing. I think people have measured it before and the current draw is about 2A on the 5V rail and 0.5-0.6A on 12V

You can also bypass the regulator for the sound section and run the whole board off 5V

Expect a bit more current draw with multicarts and the like.
MVS uses almost nothing. I think people have measured it before and the current draw is about 2A on the 5V rail and 0.5-0.6A on 12V

You can also bypass the regulator for the sound section and run the whole board off 5V

Expect a bit more current draw with multicarts and the like.
FWIW to anyone reading, I consolized a MVS and have tested original carts as well as Darksofts multi; all work without issues. Also tested original carts and Darksoft multi on a Minigun (powered by Meanwell RT-125a) using the same consolized MVS I built for shits and giggles, also had no issues. :thumbsup:
Can anyone direct me to the most up to date cart for mouser/pcbway? I was hoping not to have to read 95 pages. Would like the Retro HD Genesis Din version with DB9 Genesis controller support and a nice plexi case. Also if anyone has DYI kits. I like assembling myself. Thanks.
There is a BOM which from memory contains digikey part numbers in the zip files.

If you do end up getting any pcbs printed in the 9 pin let me know. I am trying to put together a few diy kits for these types of things. Evertime I have wanted to build something like this ordering a single pcb and individual parts is the same price I can order 50 pcbs and parts for them all. So individually they don't work out that cheap and I end up with 49 spares. I have most of these parts on hand anyway so I figured I would keep the rest spare and see if I can offer reasonable priced diy kits and built components. I was going to try to get some of these listed somewhere maybe with some cap kits and common parts for common boards (I think @xodaraP does cap kits and maybe he would be happy to list them).

Ultimately the limitation becomes shipping and while I dont think that shipping will makes these things too expensive maybe it will.
I actually have a stack of blank Minigun 9 pin DIN PCBs at the moment as well because I wanted one and it was the same price to order 20 (I ordered a matte black solder mask and ENIG finish)

I have most of the passives to build these except the bipolar cap as well
I have most of the passives to build these except the bipolar cap as well

Yeah the 33uF bipolar caps in the BOM are now obsolete. What are peoples thoughts on Nishicon Muse bipolar caps as a replacement. They are specifically designed for high quality audio and are available without too many problems.

First build is working on my test bench first with the 50v caps, after which I pulled them out and tried 2 of the Muse caps, which i was happier with. Here's the second minus the trim pots and said caps, waiting for both to arrive as i picked up the ones in the first build locally at about 5x the price i can get them delivered for.

For anyone wanting to build one of these the smd work is some of the easiest I have come across. The 1206 caps and resistors are no harder to solder than through hole and the THS7374 package is one of the easiest i have ever attached. Nice Minigun.


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