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Oct 17, 2019
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Columbus, OH
Sorta at the end of my rope with this thing. I bought a Naomi2 with Netdimm off here a long time ago pre-setup for netboot. I finally got around to messing with it over the last month or two and for the life of me I can't get past the "error 01 game not compatible with mainboard". I opened up the test mode on the naomi2 and it says "unknown cartridge". My MVC2 and Strikers carts work fine. I even tried another regular non-ethernet netdimm, same error. I tried both Jamma I/O and an external PSU with the voltage at 3.3v and 5.10v, same error. I tried both the retail chip on the mainboard and the one I assume is flashed for netboot. Is it possible my mainboard is bad? I apologize, I don't know enough about the Naomi2 to troubleshoot beyond this point. Any idea what I'm missing here?

I have a spare Naomi 1 at a friends house I can test these Netdimms on, are they compatible?
Net dim boards will work find on a Naomi 1 (in fact due to there being so few Naomi 2 specific games there's no a lot of reasons to use one over a Naomi 1). However, I wouldn't expect different results. Have you tried cleaning the connector pins with isopropyl?
Net dim boards will work find on a Naomi 1 (in fact due to there being so few Naomi 2 specific games there's no a lot of reasons to use one over a Naomi 1). However, I wouldn't expect different results. Have you tried cleaning the connector pins with isopropyl?
Thanks that was the fix. Ran into the host of other problems that come with Naomi, but yeah everythings detecting without issue now.