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SOLD Nintendo VS DualSystem Upright (SMB + Castlevania)

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Grand Master
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
Kodak, TN
Sold for $2,500, 1/25/2022

Cab that I've held onto for a while that's had next to EVERYTHING cleaned/fixed/replaced/etc. Lots of custom extras as well. Full Description and plenty of extra pics below the spoilers! Has gotten lots of play and love but I'd like to finally make some space in the garage + help fund some new projects coming in soon. Local pickup only, please! :)

Asking $2,800 $2,500 OBO here- asking for a bit more outside of AP. Potential trade+cash items below description. "Bonus" extras to be included are below description as well.







New paint, new T-molding, holes filled, the works.
Monitors + Amps have been fully shopped: New caps, HOTS; you name it. If a 20EZ needs it, it's got a new one installed. Old busted Marquee light ballast replaced with an LED fixture. Joysticks have been rebuilt and all buttons are using authentic Nintendo microswitch holders (some repro, some NOS). Quick disconnects for controls have been 100% redone by hand and labeled for each button. Note!: The Castlevania 2P controls (or "player 4") are not currently connected since Castlevania is 1P only. Super easy to connect to the switches if you would like to install a different game though. The 4P NVS control panel art that is usually sold online /does not/ seem to properly fit the DualSystem layout (I've purchased from two different shops that carry it), so I had these repros custom made: sent off the panels to the artist and they corrected their repro to properly fit the strange shape of DS Panels. Brand new center DualSystem Emblem is NOS. The DualSystem never had any sideart when it was originally released, so I had some custom unisystem art resized to fit this cabs dimensions. Much nicer then boring blank sides! :)

Cab was originally hacked up to run Jamma, but is now running a legit VS board with a single game on each side. The VS board I purchased separately was missing audio from a botched repair job, so I have replaced both LM3900s for each side and sounds are back and beautiful- just be aware there are a few small jumper wires near this section of the board for this purpose.

The not-so-hot, only 2 things really: Coin mechs, in particular. The metal surrounds on the upper coin doors are still a little gnarly on v close inspection, and I didn't want to sand them down as deep as the pre-existing gashes were since that inner ridge is whats keeps the plastic coin slot in place. The coin mechs on the inside were also absolutely trashed when I got it. Behind the actual coin door they're a bit hodgepodge put together right now; passes the "rough shake" test, coin slot bayonette bulbs are connected and replaced, but if you are hoping to put this cab in a for-profit (coin-operated) venue, be aware more work is needed here. I always keep everything on Freeplay though, so this is the one restoration area I honestly didn't put any real attention towards since it isn't really a factor for me and others who come to play. The leftmost custom sideart does also occasionally get some nagging air bubbles. I've done what I can to find the source and remedy it, but like I said, since these sidearts are basically "1-of-1" due to the resizing for this cab, I don't want to mess with peeling it off and attempt reseating.

Please feel free to ask any questions! I'm open to having you come over to give it a test-play before purchasing, but please ask any questions and be a serious buyer before arriving. Sadly my house is not an arcade so I don't really want strangers over who don't have any real intentions to buy :P


Extras I'm including with the sale:

- 1x Original NVS filter board (Untested)

- 1x NVS filter board rewired for Jamma (untested)

- 2x Video converter boards for running Jamma (Untested)

- 2x Original flyback cages (New flybacks don't mesh well with the old HV cage layout)

- 2x Coin tickers that have been uninstalled. (Untested)

- Additional ROM Kit for Vs Excitebike (Untested)

-1x Dummy CPU

- Extra assorted buttons and extra replacement bulbs for coin slots.

Things I might be interested in for Trade + Cash:
- Extra CPS3 Simms/DS Cart
- Tower of Druaga PCB
- Valkyrie no Densetsu PCB (Or equivalent Convertable System 2 board from This List )
- Mistercade Setup
- 1x Arcade DDR Pad w/ Bar (down for a project; interested in converting to USB)
- Two-Player Blast/Astro city Panels.


Thanks for looking! :D
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'Preciate the kind words guys :)

Definitely a bit of a space-taker, but one heck of a showpiece as far as woodies go for sure imo :P
Bump + markdown. Just got some new projects in I wanna work on, so looking to get a little space and refill the ever-depleting Krud Kutter and Simple Green fund :rolleyes: