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replacing scsi cd-rom drive with scsi sd card adapter?

CPS-3 hardware can be very finicky at times. Aside from checking the 5/12v. I can suggest reseating / cleaning the SIMMs. Clean all slots, the JAMMA / cart edge connector and maybe even blow the cart like an NES cartridge before inserting.

If that doesn’t work. I’d try to boot off CD instead of SCSI2SD. Or try other parts if they’re accessible.

I’d also recommend trying another SD card and making sure it’s written right/your SCSI2SD settings are also right.

Good luck, if all else fails, get UltraSIMMs ;)
Okay so I switched back to the original cd drive and I was getting the same error. Thing is, the controllers were faulty so I thought the jamma harness was a factor and it was. I cleaned both ends, plugged again and it’s working with the original CD rom. I’m currently installing 3rd strike as we speak. Should I try plugging in the scsi2sd afterwards?
Awesome to know, the old SD2SCSI card prep process looked awful, sounds like Zulu scsi has it nailed.

Yea it seems to work fine so far.

only issue is , it doesnt fit with the mounting holes of the Jasens cps3 case.

i ended up ordering some double sided pcb feet


and it still had clearance to fit under the cps3 board, so i just mounted it where it fit fine.
Sheesh, when did SCSI2SD get so expensive? I feel like the price has tripled since I got mine. I need another one too. :/

I ended up using double-stick tape on my Jasen case since the mounting holes didn't line up for me, either. Would be cool if someone designed a 3D bracket for it but not at all necessary IMO!
Has anyone gotten "UniCD-CPS3_for_standard_SH2_V4.iso" to work with the Zulu? I'm receiving an error with my standard repro cart, but the custom .ISO identifies and will start game install. I haven't tried fully installing and starting the game though. Since the custom ISO works would that imply that my reprocart @Mitsurugi-w made for me is Custom instead of Standard? I'm a little confused by this.

Hopefully it was just a bad download on my part.

Zulu Error Log appears to not find a valid ISO

[0ms] DIPSW3 is ON: Enabling SCSI termination
[1ms] Optional GreenPAK detected, loading firmware
[53ms] GreenPAK firmware successfully loaded
[167ms] SD card detected, FAT32 volume size: 2795 MB
[167ms] SD MID: 0x28, OID: 0x42 0x45
[168ms] SD Name: 00001
[168ms] SD Date: 7/200=
[168ms] SD Serial: 0x99541693
[170ms] Config file zuluscsi.ini not found, using defaults
[170ms] Active configuration:
[173ms] -- SelectionDelay: 255
[175ms] -- EnableSCSI2 is on
[369ms] Finding HDD images in directory /:
[383ms] ERROR: No valid images found!
[1884ms] SCSI PHY operating mode: GREENPAK_DMA
[1884ms] Initialization complete!
[1884ms] Platform: ZuluSCSI v1.1
[1885ms] FW Version: 1.0.2 May 17 2022 07:11:21

I receive an error that the CD Drive is not connected when using this .iso.

I'm going to try the version with 4th Strike and see if that works instead.

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Leads me to believe the iso may not be named right according to the BlueSCSI naming conventions. Until you have an image detected there's nothing on the SCSI bus.
I think you nailed it skate - Just looked it up and file names need to be less than 32 characters and I appended mine and went over the limit.

It looks like the latest version released 5 hours ago extended that to 64 characters.

I'll try this out, thank you!

For the record, this means that the default naming of "UniCD-CPS3_for_standard_SH2_V4th Strike.iso" would be over the character limit.
it's seems itead scsi2sd is iut of stock do you have other solutions please?
it's seems itead scsi2sd is iut of stock do you have other solutions please?
The IC's needed to make them are no longer available, and so the main manufacturer is now making new products. Namely the ZuluSCSI.

The blueSCSI is an open source design based on the "blue pill" microcontroller which can be assembled very cheaply. If I were running a CPS3 right now I would probably be using one of those. But if you want a commercially supported and assembled device, get a ZuluSCSI from https://zuluscsi.com/
The IC's needed to make them are no longer available, and so the main manufacturer is now making new products. Namely the ZuluSCSI.

The blueSCSI is an open source design based on the "blue pill" microcontroller which can be assembled very cheaply. If I were running a CPS3 right now I would probably be using one of those. But if you want a commercially supported and assembled device, get a ZuluSCSI from https://zuluscsi.com/
Good info.
it's seems itead scsi2sd is iut of stock do you have other solutions please?
Hi, I own Rabbit Hole Computing, (formerly doing business as Inertial Computing), and we've been manufacturing and selling SCSI2SD V5's for over five years. SCSI2SD V5.0 will likely never be in stock again with ITEAD. The CY8C5267AXI-LP051Cypress/Infineon semiconductor PSoC 5LP microcontroller used in SCSI2SD V4/V5 is unavailable globally, and the manufacturer-suppied lead time is currently eighty weeks, or just over 1.5 years. We spent nearly one calendar year waiting for more of these chips to ship to us, directly from the manufacturer. We developed ZuluSCSI as a logical and spiritual successor to SCSI2SD V5. We knew this day was coming, we stockpiled SCSI2SD V5 parts to the extent that we were financially able to, and when it became clear this was going to be a long term problem, we invested signficant financial resources in development of ZuluSCSI, almost exactly one year ago.

ZuluSCSI can deliver read speeds ~4x that of SCSI2SD V4/V5 (same chip), and it's overall a lot easier to use.

You can buy a fully assembled and tested ZuluSCSI RP2040 for $59 today. We're based in the US.

If anyone here would be willing to part with a bare CPS3 board for a reasonable sum, please send us a PM.


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