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In my case: C1: 0 errors, C2: 2 errors, V: 3 errors.
I thought it was the daughterboard's fault because the cart was working before I desoldered everything.
I thought it was the daughterboard's fault because the cart was working before I desoldered everything
When I first started I found quite a few of my errors were just the 1.27mm socket pins on the dumper board needing to be resoldered. Can't hurt to try.

My errors always seem to be inconsistent. I can run the verify 2-3 times and get different numbers each time. Sometimes I'm lucky and they're just 0 across the board, but that's maybe 1/3 chips.
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Just resoldered everything again - the programmer side was just used to program a C ROM that verified fine so should be ok

MD5 verification failed upon dumping the V ROM I just programmed. Going to run the PROG command again I guess
Just resoldered everything again - the programmer side was just used to program a C ROM that verified fine so should be ok

MD5 verification failed upon dumping the V ROM I just programmed. Going to run the PROG command again I guess

If you cut open any of the female connectors, you'll see a single whip design; something we stopped using in IC sockets over 30 years ago. All it takes is some flux on the male pins, and you don't have a connection. I find I need to clean the programmer often using deoxite to get it to register sometimes. :(
Man, you got some really poor sockets if you got shipped single wipe :(
I've cut into a couple of mine by accident while cutting down to size and mine are definitely dual wipe
I've cut into a couple of mine by accident while cutting down to size and mine are definitely dual wipe
Hmm.. I need to look into it again. I recall seeing the connector on only 1 side. I'll look at it next time I make one of these carts..
Hi, could you be explain how to solder the jwestfall69 daughterboard with the chips, with a video per example, is so hard.
.....This cart will not be good for anyone that cares about high scores. Some people are pretty concerned with high scores, so this is good to know.
My guess is that if you use a memory card (or a solution like the Neo save masta) you'll be able to get around this limitation. Not sure if all MVS games support the memory card however.

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My guess is that if you use a memory card (or a solution like the Neo save masta) you'll be able to get around this limitation. Not sure if all MVS games support the memory card however.
I do use neobiosmastaVMC on most of my MVS PCBs. Turf Masters supports memory card, so I should be good.

Good thinking!
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Hi @rewrite or @Vortex or @ArcadeTV , i have some promblems with the Usb Blaster and the Quartus II 13.0SP1, on windows 10 x64, when i need to program the altera Max, Quartus said to me that the jtag chain is broken. I use a usb Blaster clone with quartus driver, but dont work. Any solution or alternative to program the 3 altera max. I select the altera epm3256atc144-10n on quartus. I dont know if the jtag pins need a pull up resistor, the altera will be supply with 3.3 volt (with the usb Blaster, or with a arduino with 3.3 volt out). I know that we can use other software for programming the altera Max but i need a little tutorial. Or a link to buy a tested and working Usb Blaster that work on Windows 10 x64 and quartus II 13.0SP1.

I have all chips programmed, for my MVS cart, but the altera Max is the problem to make the cart.

I had one CPLD that refused to be programmed by the programmer I suggested and had to use a USB blaster on it.

The USB blaster will not supply power to the CPLD/board. The VCC/GND pins on it are just used as a voltage reference. What you will want to do is hook up the USB blaster to the jtag port, then have the board plugged into and powered by an mvs motherboard. I also had a bit of a headache getting it working, as it turned out the clone I had was bad. Took a while to figure out that was the problem and not something I was doing wrong.

This was the bad one

This one worked
Interesting, this can't be shipped to CA. Figured for $9 I'd pick one up in case.

I struggled a lot with programming CPLDs. The one you'd suggested /did/ work for all of them, but it took a lot of tries of reseating the leads again and again and again in slightly different ways until they'd take, sometimes having to clean the contacts once or twice. They all reported back programmed with 0 errors in the end, but it took a lot of tries on some boards.

Out of curiosity, which one was the issue?
It was the PROG_CP1 CPLD. It only happened with one of the carts I have. openocd would see the device, but programming would always fail.
I had one CPLD that refused to be programmed by the programmer I suggested and had to use a USB blaster on it.

The USB blaster will not supply power to the CPLD/board. The VCC/GND pins on it are just used as a voltage reference. What you will want to do is hook up the USB blaster to the jtag port, then have the board plugged into and powered by an mvs motherboard. I also had a bit of a headache getting it working, as it turned out the clone I had was bad. Took a while to figure out that was the problem and not something I was doing wrong.

This was the bad one

This one worked
If the Usb Blaster dont supply the correct voltage, could be connect the vcc/gnd pins to a external power supply, per example a arduino with 3.3 V out? or the boar must be connected to a mvs board (mv-1, etc...), the mvs or aes card could be connect to another power supply (Power adapter) to the cart pins?
I order the FT232H USB, this friday i tested.