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Jul 21, 2015
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One of my Sega Saturns was missing the back door that covers the backup battery and expansion slot so I modeled a replacement.


files and instructions are on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1730599
So glad you got around to making one of these. wish i could give more likes. :)

people on ebay try to sell OME covers for $10-$20. So glad to see an alternative.

thanks Twisted. :thumbup:
I seriously had no idea these were so desperately needed. I almost didn't even bother publishing the files assuming no one else would care, now I'm glad I did. :D
That is a very cool repo cover! I need one of these too. I bought a saturn recently that didn't come with the back cover. I love the cps2 library the saturn has but for some reason the only game I am having problems playing is Marvel superheroes vs street fighter. Oh well, I still really love this system.
That is a very cool repo cover! I need one of these too. I bought a saturn recently that didn't come with the back cover. I love the cps2 library the saturn has but for some reason the only game I am having problems playing is Marvel superheroes vs street fighter. Oh well, I still really love this system.
I believe it requires the green ram cart. Do you have it?
I have the action replay plus 4m for my saturn. The thing is that xmen vs street fighter works like a charm with the replay plus and all the other imports work fine also. I have Xmen COTA , marvel superheroes, and street fighter collection and they work fine. Only MSH vs SF works sometimes and the other times it takes me to some special menu where I can listen to all the sound effects in the game and some other things. I'm interested in the green RAM cart your talking about though. Mine is grey.
I just got a 3d printer and printed one of these covers for one of my Saturns. Thanks for sharing it!

I'm wondering if it's an issue with the PLA I'm using or print settings, but the top clip ended up very rigid to the point that I'm not sure it has enough flex to be easily removed once installed.
I use PLA for most things but for this I used ABS... PETG would be another good choice, but PLA doesn't really have the flexibility necessary for plastic clips like this.

PLA tends to be a lot more rigid and when you stress it beyond it's elastic deformation point it tends to snap rather than deform (like ABS).