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It could be the 245 if there is a bad trace but I would say it is more likely to be the EPROM itself - that’s also a lot easier to test for
You guys are incredible. Overwhelming response, to get this PCB (almost) working! Big Kudos for all of you.
It’s been a while but here’s an update!

I haven’t visited Bakersfield yet, though I did visit Don’s Arcade for the first time and that was great.

Back on topic: Luckily my work has an eprom UV eraser and an eprom programmer/reader thing. I asked my boss and am allowed to use those for my personal projects.

I may not exactly know what I need to do to reprogram my faulty eprom, but at least I have the hardware to be able to do so. I plan on looking into it soon! Hopefully my board will be fully functional very soon!

Thank you to everyone!
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