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Dam everything looks so much better in red! Will not lie that out of my price range for a cab but it is gorgeous :love:
To me the C cab is the best of the vewlix line up. Took me a while to put all that together x4 cabs, I spent way way more than my asking price. I think Im being extremely fair in my pricing for what's included.
I understand, trust me i was NOT knocking the price. It looks worth it. Was just being humble and honest that it is out of my budget. Especially since that price comes before shipping. Given my location and the fact that there is no real arcade scene that i know in my area, i have not much choice but to eat that shipping bullet.
I know that brother, I didnt take it the wrong way :) Completely understand.

I wanted to buy a pinball but was way out of my price range, so I could not justify the purchase, but by market prices, the pinball was priced accordingly. I just couldnt afford it. :D

But if you can, for the $$$ go for a real vewlix cab instead of a chewlix, you wont regret it.
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I'm confused
Two people said they don't understand
As I said...
you're possibly going to need to invest in some level of conversion gear or a supergun setup to get it all running
This is fact.
Your budget would more than accommodate a proper candy cab,
Also fact.
Yes, he said that they'd look better on the CRT. He did offer an opinion. At no point did he force it on you though by giving you very real facts alongside his opinion.
Valid points. My apologies
I know that brother, I didnt take it the wrong way :) Completely understand.

I wanted to buy a pinball but was way out of my price range, so I could not justify the purchase, but by market prices, the pinball was accordinly. I just couldnt afford it. :D

But if you can, for the $$$ go for a real vewlix cab instead of a chewlix, you wont regret it.
You and and several others in this post have pretty much convinced me to look a real vewlix. So i am seriously looking at a Vewlix L from both Cereth and KC. Do people not consider the L model to be legitimate or is it just the "base" model as far as vewlix's go??
It's just the base model is all. Supposedly the monitor isn't as nice, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. People go on about how much nicer the original Diamond monitor is than the F/C monitor, but it's barely noticeable side-by-side. So I'm not sure how seriously I'd take the L to F/C comparisons.
Real talk. So is the input lag noticable or an excuse because people suck at fighters?
I've wondered this myself. I'm no pro player but i've always been curious about this myself. I don't have any issues on my Noir clone but then again i'm no pro player.
It's just the base model is all. Supposedly the monitor isn't as nice, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. People go on about how much nicer the original Diamond monitor is than the F/C monitor, but it's barely noticeable side-by-side. So I'm not sure how seriously I'd take the L to F/C comparisons.
As my first vewlix i will go with an L, but i sure do love Dericks C cab. Thanks for your input!
The good thing is you guys don't have to understand.
We can only go by what you post. If you say Street Fighter PCBs then that tells us that the cab you can maybe not quite afford isn't actually the best option for you, that's all. Those older PCB games will look bad on it, and be harder to get working. That's not me pushing an opinion, it's just the fact of the matter.

You didn't mention that SFIV was your priority. In that case of course you want a Vewlix style cab. If you're going to put say a PS4 in there then honestly your needs are much more modest. But if you want to switch back and forth from a PS4 to jamma PCBs it will add some complication. Maybe you don't care about that, or even want to hear the opinion, you're kinda prickly, but people are just trying to steer you to something that will work for you, we all just want people to be happy and able to play games here.
The good thing is you guys don't have to understand.
We can only go by what you post. If you say Street Fighter PCBs then that tells us that the cab you can maybe not quite afford isn't actually the best option for you, that's all. Those older PCB games will look bad on it, and be harder to get working. That's not me pushing an opinion, it's just the fact of the matter.
You didn't mention that SFIV was your priority. In that case of course you want a Vewlix style cab. If you're going to put say a PS4 in there then honestly your needs are much more modest. But if you want to switch back and forth from a PS4 to jamma PCBs it will add some complication. Maybe you don't care about that, or even want to hear the opinion, you're kinda prickly, but people are just trying to steer you to something that will work for you, we all just want people to be happy and able to play games here.
Ya my bad. I apologize for my previous response. Trying to get my hands on a vewlix has been a very challenging endeavor. So i guess i have been prickly. Thats on me
I actually took two Vewlix Ls OFF my order because nobody was buying them at $1,500.
I'm saying that's because "people" don't understand what these things actually sell for brand new.
A Vewlix Diamond Black 4 pack is 20,000$ before shipping, making each one 5,000$ fucking dollars and you can't just buy one!

Or understand that 1500$ (while still a good chunk of change) is less than everyone else hands down!
Also... And I don't mean to sound like a baller here because I'm just a working man like ya'll...
In this arcade hobby we all love so much, a few thousand dollars isn't shit/will buy you like one Cave game (or maybe just the box it comes in). :P

To me the C cab is the best of the vewlix line up
@rewrite see why I want to trade my Diamond for your F? The F is 100% the same as the C only in white rather than red.
It IS the very best of the Vewlix line up, D-man is 100% correct (take if from someone who owns both)! ;)

The L cabs, the Diamond cabs... Sure they are "nice" but they contain cost cutting features.
To put it simply they are budget cabs, the F and C are the true feature rich cadillacs of the family.
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Ya my bad. I apologize for my previous response. Trying to get my hands on a vewlix has been a very challenging endeavor. So i guess i have been prickly. Thats on me

Nope Jassin you definitely sound like a baller. So buy that C from Derick for me and i'll be your BFF :P !!
A Vewlix Diamond Black 4 pack is 20,000$ before shipping, making each one 5,000$ fucking dollars and you can't just buy one!
And this is now. What did vewlixs cost originally, like $15-20K each when they released, unless Im wrong with those numbers.
(take if from someone who owns both)!
Eh, I own both too, and while the lights missing on the Diamond is unfortunate, the top one is easily remedied with a light fixture out of just about any arcade cab made in the past 3 decades, and the CP lights aren't terribly expensive either. All the wiring from the F is still present even if the lights are not, so it's an incredibly simple fix.

What else is the D missing? The PSU, yeah? In an LCD cab I'm not using the JVS power supply anyway. I'm more intent on putting widescreen content in the widescreen cab and everything that has a widescreen option plugs in with only a standard power plug. And I must have six of those JVS PSU's in my closet if I did want to throw one in there anyway.

And you can make the argument about them not coming from the factory with IO's, but no one is buying them from the factory anymore, and your odds of getting a diamond with an IO are about the same as getting an F, C, or L with an IO.

Plus the Diamond has a "nicer" screen. Or well, it accepts 1080P anyway which is nice. I don't agree that it looks any better than the F at all image quality-wise.
I don't really know why people want to buy Vewlixes and Noirs at all for playing JAMMA games
Cuz CRTs are dead... *runs away as the forum lights the torches* haha ;)

And this is now. What did vewlixs cost originally, like $15-20K each when they released, unless Im wrong with those numbers.
Right, or stop to consider that when Super Street Fighter 4 came out you couldn't buy just the red Capcom cab solo.
You had to shell out for the complete cab setup with game/artwork and I think even agree to purchasing a minimum of 4 (just like the Diamond Black today).
Eh, I own both too, and while the lights missing on the Diamond is unfortunate, the top one is easily remedied with a light fixture out of just about any arcade cab made in the past 3 decades, and the CP lights aren't terribly expensive either. All the wiring from the F is still present even if the lights are not, so it's an incredibly simple fix.
Ah but you are wrong my friend... Just go ahead and try to put your Vewlix F ilumated move strip inside the Diamond control panel.
You are in for a rude awakening if you think it's going to fit without taking a Dremel/grinder to the inside of the cab.

I know this because it's exactly what my friend Bill did to his Diamond Black... Ground away the inside metal frame mount, forever changing its functionality.
You also have to deal with the chrome side clips of the illuminated move strip, see Diamond family also removed them too.


Plastic coin entry vs Chrome
No indentations, the back panel is 100% flat
No chrome side clips

Other differences are in the leg levelers/feet, Capcom uses a angled bracket to offset the foot.
Diamond just said "F it" and the leg leveler just passes clean thru the foot.

It's all revisions made to save Taito money on the production costs, pure and simple. *cough budget cab *cough*
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Ah but you are wrong my friend... Just go ahead and try to put your Vewlix F ilumated move strip inside the Diamond control panel.
You are in for a rude awakening if you think it's going to fit without taking a angle grinder to the inside of the cab.

I know this because it's exactly what my friend Bill did to his Diamond Black... Ground away the inside metal frame mount, forever changing its functionality.
So it really just comes down to color preference and 1080P without illuminated movestrip or 720P with illuminated movestrip.
Well yes and no... See I put a 1080 new LCD into my Capcom without making any modifications to the cab.
Can you do that with the illuminated movestrip in a Diamond?
Will the leg levelers ever not be drilled thru the foot in a Diamond (the Chewlix is like that too and it looks ghey)?
Is the Diamond as good a Vewlix cab? ;)
Well yes and no... See I put a 1080 new LCD into my Capcom without making any modifications to the cab.
My improvements to make it more like an F run ~$100 on the high end. Making your F have a comparable monitor was what, 18x that? :P

Plastic coin entry vs Chrome
Isn't this also plastic, just chrome looking?

Also a $10-20 fix to have it also be a chrome one. It'd clash something fierce though.