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Grand Master
Jun 3, 2020
Reaction score
USA, California
So I know at one point, there were patches floating around to get some of the Naomi games that dislike the Vewelix JVS IO (reporting it as not having enough buttons). But, I can't seem to find them these days...

Anyone got a pointer?
I think it was @MetalliC who made the patch that disabled JVS switch check for CvS2.
right, but I don't preserve such stuff. just made, make it public and then delete
Does anyone still have this "CvS2 JVS" version? I'm doing a fresh install of a netboot and CVS2 is my favorite game. I don't see it publicly hosted anywhere on the threads.
are you sure you really need it ? it is dirty patch to fix stupid Taito Viewlix JVS IO, if you have other IO it is better to use original binary
in any case you may try to change 3 bytes by yourself

offset new_value old_value
00001AAA: 0B 0C
00001AD4: 0B 0C
00001B10: 0B 0C

this patch is for "World" CvS2 version, GDL-0008