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Nevermind. I cleared the nvram and deleted the buf and slot files for the third time and this time it worked.

I updated the firmware and menu today and now Last Blade 2 now gives me an E
xception Error. It's starts fine but right after the in game tutorial the error pops up. I was previously using the the older firmware and menu. I also tried it with both smoke monster packs. I'm on a consolized MV1C with 4.0 Unibios with new batteries. thanks in advance for the help!
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would it be possible for the firmware/menu updater process to automatically clear the nvram/delete the buff file? Or are these steps that should not be needed (eventually) when everything else is fine-tuned?
I bought this cartridge secondhand from someone, booted it and it worked fine, but I noticed the firmware was out-of-date, so I decided to update it. I did was I think was right by deleting the BUFF file, placing the files inside menu_20190324 in /updates/menu, clearing backup RAM on my MVS, and then plugging everything back in and powering on my MVS. Every time I plug it in now, the MVS boots to the test screen. I verified the MVS still works by testing a few other cartridges.

Attached is the picture of the contents of /updates/menu

What am I doing wrong?

I just updated everything with a new .img and TOP file and that did the trick.


  • why tho.PNG
    why tho.PNG
    13 KB · Views: 230
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the files of the menu should be on the folder that you show in the picture. No more sub directories, just the 5-6 files of the menu. If the update went well, the folder /menu inside /update should be completely deleted, not empty.
hello is it possible savestates? And save highscore ? If yes how to?
If you mean savestates like completely saving the state of a game, I see little chancesof that happening.
Automatically highscore saving is already happening.
thx so nice. Something like virtual memory card for AES game? For exemple for special character unbloqued.
@Mitsurugi-w Thanks for the detailed instructions on how to compose the ROMs. Helped getting my homebrew game running on real hardware in no time :) If anyone needs helps with this as well or is generally interested in NeoGeo development (I'm using ngdevkit) feel free to join #neogeo on my Discord: https://discord.gg/FXwhA8P
Maybe it has been mentioned before, but is anybody having music tracks cut out once in a while? When I play Neo Turf Masters or Metal Slug 1 sometimes the music will cut out until a new track loads. Sometimes just part of the music cuts out (high end will cut out, baseline cuts out).
@Mitsurugi-w Thanks for the detailed instructions on how to compose the ROMs. Helped getting my homebrew game running on real hardware in no time :) If anyone needs helps with this as well or is generally interested in NeoGeo development (I'm using ngdevkit) feel free to join #neogeo on my Discord: https://discord.gg/FXwhA8P
Are you sure it was me? :P
Haha - If you did the original post here, yes :) Had to figure out how to compose the CROM.
maybe a stupid question but whan I launch a game I have this:

how to fix it please?
I am sorry I have another time this issue. I did the standard procedure (deleted buff and delete nvram...) but I have this issue for some of game.
For samurai shodown V special (MVS) or Pulstar for exemple.
My Slot is a asian S3 MV 1B. Latest menu installed.
I try some of configuration in menu systm: MVS/Japan....
I erase all make update, and install last romset but lot of games had this issue, sometimes the error change of color (white or red...)
with another slot no problem.
With old furmwar run well (assume that older than febrary 2019). Where can I found old firmware?
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Maybe it has been mentioned before, but is anybody having music tracks cut out once in a while? When I play Neo Turf Masters or Metal Slug 1 sometimes the music will cut out until a new track loads. Sometimes just part of the music cuts out (high end will cut out, baseline cuts out).
@mukurofish is this happening on MVS or AES console ?
It seems I can't flash my Darksoft MVS no more.
I bought it in April, everything was ok (well, around 50hrs of playing... ^^'), I left the MVS unplugged for some weeks, then turned it on yesterday, tried to change flashed games and I got stuck at black sceen during reflashing (like 20min)and I was forced to turn it off.
Then I update fw and menu to the latest, updating went fine, but the problem persisted, still unable to flash.
So I format the SD card, put the games back directly from my PC HDD.
I flash just one game and it's ok.
Reboot, try to owerwrite first slot and put games in the other two... and I got stuck on flashing.
Extracted SD, formatted again, put only 3 roms on that to make it faster, and got a flesystem message, garbled screen and then this...


...which was kinda scaring.

I was able to go back to 1 slot working (reformatting SD), but nothing else.
NVRAM was cleared before every passage.
Any ideas? Is something broken\bricked?

Here is my setup:
Consolized JNX MVS (MV1C board)
8GB SD card (Sony HC 90mb/sec, not a fake one)
Smokemonster's latest pack.

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either you used the firmware for AES instead of MVS or the files on your microsd are not where they should be. Try updating the firmware again.
Thanks for the fast reply, but I used "20190721_r1073_MVS_Only.zip" FW.
Anyway, I tried again: update successful ("flash" than "top" than "cpld"), but the problem persisted
In fairness, the problem was there BEFORE I updated FW/menu in the first place.

As I edited the previous post, reformatting SD I was able to go back to 1 slot working (no difference which one), but nothing else(the error in the screenshot was probabily because I deleted some games; If I leave the set untouched it does not replicate).

Cart diagnostick is ok.

And I forgot to say I'm on latest Unibios, if it matters.
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