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@schmoo I am honestly not sure what you're trying to solve here. I'm trying to follow your posts here but I'm a bit lost to what you're asking.

- You want to connect N1 to a modem, but insist that is it has to be done using RS422
- MetalliC explains the game does not access the RS422 port, but exclusively is using the SH4 SCIF (uart serial, driven through a rs232 chip on the N2) Post #24
- On post #43, you confirm?? that a modem uses SH4 SCIF
- More posts asking for truce, that metallic is being stubborn, why cant we collaborate, etc....

Is the question "How can I connect an rs232 modem to my N1?"

or what ?
I was trying to elicit a response to see if it was worth coming back to ask anyone for help by procuring an RS422 modem, bolting it to the back of the naomi and calling the dreampi server, or doing the equivalent in software via demul.

I've tested not only in DEMUL but also MAME and ALSO with some chopped up Kenju Atomiswave Loader code that the SH4 SCIF is available in the DREAMCAST BASE of the naomi, and it's attached to a differential adapter and has next to nothing to do with the MIE aside from being set up by the Z80 inside and turning RS485 into maple code /******** BUTTON ***********************************************************/
#define NJD_DGT_KR (1 << 31) /* Lever Right */
#define NJD_DGT_KL (1 << 30) /* Lever Left */
#define NJD_DGT_KD (1 << 29) /* Lever Down */
#define NJD_DGT_KU (1 << 28) /* Lever Up */
#define NJD_DGT_B27 (1 << 27) /* Button 27 */
#define NJD_DGT_B26 (1 << 26) /* Button 26 */
#define NJD_DGT_B25 (1 << 25) /* Button 25 */
#define NJD_DGT_B24 (1 << 24) /* Button 24 */
#define NJD_DGT_B23 (1 << 23) /* Button 23 */
#define NJD_DGT_B22 (1 << 22) /* Button 22 */
#define NJD_DGT_B21 (1 << 21) /* Button 21 */
#define NJD_DGT_B20 (1 << 20) /* Button 20 */
#define NJD_DGT_B19 (1 << 19) /* Button 19 */
#define NJD_DGT_B18 (1 << 18) /* Button 18 */
#define NJD_DGT_B17 (1 << 17) /* Button 17 */
#define NJD_DGT_B16 (1 << 16) /* Button 16 */
#define NJD_DGT_B15 (1 << 15) /* Button 15 */
#define NJD_DGT_B14 (1 << 14) /* Button 14 */
#define NJD_DGT_B13 (1 << 13) /* Button 13 */
#define NJD_DGT_B12 (1 << 12) /* Button 12 */
#define NJD_DGT_B11 (1 << 11) /* Button 11 */
#define NJD_DGT_B10 (1 << 10) /* Button 10 */
#define NJD_DGT_B9 (1 << 9) /* Button 9 */
#define NJD_DGT_B8 (1 << 8) /* Button 8 */
#define NJD_DGT_B7 (1 << 7) /* Button 7 */
#define NJD_DGT_B6 (1 << 6) /* Button 6 */
#define NJD_DGT_B5 (1 << 5) /* Button 5 */
#define NJD_DGT_B4 (1 << 4) /* Button 4 */
#define NJD_DGT_B3 (1 << 3) /* Button 3 */
#define NJD_DGT_B2 (1 << 2) /* Button 2 */
#define NJD_DGT_B1 (1 << 1) /* Button 1 */
#define NJD_DGT_B0 (1 << 0) /* Button 0 */

#define NJD_DGT_ST NJD_DGT_B8 /* Start Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TA NJD_DGT_B0 /* A Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TB NJD_DGT_B1 /* B Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TC NJD_DGT_B2 /* C Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TX NJD_DGT_B3 /* X Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TY NJD_DGT_B4 /* Y Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TZ NJD_DGT_B5 /* Z Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TL NJD_DGT_B6 /* L Button */
#define NJD_DGT_TR NJD_DGT_B7 /* R Button */

/******** DEVICE ID *******************************************************/
#define NJD_DEV_NODEVICE 0 /* Device Unconnected */
#define NJD_DEV_SYSKEYBOARD 1 /* System Keyboard */
#define NJD_DEV_SYSMOUSE 2 /* System Mouse */
#define NJD_DEV_JOYSTICK 3 /* Joystick */
#define NJD_DEV_UNDEFINED 255 /* Unknown Device */

/******** PERIPHERALS TO USE *********************************************/
#define NJD_PER_USESYSKEYBOARD (1 << 0) /* System Keyboard */
#define NJD_PER_USESYSMOUSE (1 << 1) /* System Mouse */
#define NJD_PER_USEJOYSTICK (1 << 2) /* Joystick */
#define NJD_PER_USEALL (7) /* All */

/******** PORT NUMBER ******************************************************/
#define NJD_PORT_SYSKEYBOARD 0 /* System Keyboard */
#define NJD_PORT_SYSMOUSE 1 /* System Port */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK1 2 /* Joystick1 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK2 3 /* Joystick2 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK3 4 /* Joystick3 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK4 5 /* Joystick4 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK5 6 /* Joystick5 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK6 7 /* Joystick6 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK7 8 /* Joystick7 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK8 9 /* Joystick8 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK9 10 /* Joystick9 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK10 11 /* Joystick10 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK11 12 /* Joystick11 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK12 13 /* Joystick12 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK13 14 /* Joystick13 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK14 15 /* Joystick14 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK15 16 /* Joystick15 */
#define NJD_PORT_JOYSTICK16 17 /* Joystick16 */

/******** USER FUNCTION RETURN VALUE ***************************************/
#define NJD_USER_CONTINUE 0 /* Continuing njUserMain call */
#define NJD_USER_EXIT -1 /* Call njUserExit and exit */


/******** PERIPHERAL DATA STRUCTURE ****************************************/
typedef struct {
Uint32 id; /* DVICE ID */
Uint32 on; /* Key currently pressed */
Uint32 off; /* Key currently unpressed */
union {
Uint32 push; /* Key just pressed now */
Uint32 press;
union {
Uint32 pull; /* Key just unpressed now */
Uint32 release;
Sint16 x; /* axis dataX(-32768`32767)*/
Sint16 y; /* axis dataY(-32768`32767)*/
Sint16 z; /* axis dataZ(-32768`32767)*/
Sint16 r; /* axis dataR(-32768`32767)*/
Sint16 u; /* axis dataU(-32768`32767)*/
Sint16 v; /* axis dataV(-32768`32767)*/
Sint8* name; /* DEVICE NAME */
void* extend; /* Extended data */
/* internal use; */
Uint32 old; /* Key previously pressed */

, which is neat, it takes care of the Serial to Differential, the Eeprom, the JVS to Maple conversion on PORTS C and D leaving Ports A and B for dreamcast controllers. etc etc ad nauseum

For example; run a scope on the RS422 port on real USA NAOMI WITH H OR LESS BIOS, or fiddle around in debug mame and fill in the blanks from dreamshell like I did.

In my personal opinion:
The Dreamcast Came First in the form of ARC1, the set 2.1 they used to test the system, and worked from there.

now its very clear to me that you're all very busy with your own ventures to be digging around in the old toybox to help someone pick up the ropes; so I'm on my own and I'm going to just contribute what I find to mame and take off back to my own forum.

Once again I'm sorry for the misdirected trolling and deception; I've heard many stories blown way out of proportion and many valuable people lost to mutual misunderstanding..

If anything I'd like to be Miku Again. On the right foot.


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To sort of semi moderate this thread, I think what has happened is:

- @schmoo has claimed that he can play Alien Front online using the RS422 from the Naomi connected to DreamPi
- @MetalliC Doesn't think this is possible, due to the different bus systems used

There is probably not much point arguing anymore about it, and what would be best is if @schmoo can show us some video evidence of his claim.

I would really strongly suggest no one reply until @schmoo can provide video evidence of his claim. If he cannot do this, we will assume @MetalliC is correct.
To sort of semi moderate this thread, I think what has happened is:

- @schmoo has claimed that he can play Alien Front online using the RS422 from the Naomi connected to DreamPi
- @MetalliC Doesn't think this is possible, due to the different bus systems used

There is probably not much point arguing anymore about it, and what would be best is if @schmoo can show us some video evidence of his claim.

I would really strongly suggest no one reply until @schmoo can provide video evidence of his claim. If he cannot do this, we will assume @MetalliC is correct.
To sort of semi moderate this thread, I think what has happened is:

- @schmoo has claimed that he can play Alien Front online using the RS422 from the Naomi connected to DreamPi
- @MetalliC Doesn't think this is possible, due to the different bus systems used

There is probably not much point arguing anymore about it, and what would be best is if @schmoo can show us some video evidence of his claim.

I would really strongly suggest no one reply until @schmoo can provide video evidence of his claim. If he cannot do this, we will assume @MetalliC is correct.
Ive associated with Bobby on the candy cab forum for quite a while and my ideals of this place were unfortunately swayed and I had found myself.

I'm glad he played devils advocate for me and I understand that coming out of nowhere swinging the Richard was probably a bit too far on my part without definitive proof;

I've been steeped in the Dreamcast and the Naomi cabinets since I was 9 years old and to this day play crazy taxi weekly if not daily; I guess you could say I never really got past 1999 with my gaming habits and I'm just trying to keep the Dream alive. I guess those servers never really closed in my heart.
SH4 SCIF is accessible on N1 via cart connector CN1:

B45 = RXD
A46 = TXD

The signal is UART, not RS232 compatible to directly connect to a modem (need to use a transceiver chip like MAX232N). It is compatible to connect directly to various types of FTDI usb/serial cables if you want to talk directly to PC instead.
- @MetalliC Doesn't think this is possible, due to the different bus systems used
I'm 100% sure it is not possible, I've spent some lifetime to check all the IO access code in this game, and - there is no any code to access NAOMI's RS422, this game doesn't aware of RS422 exists at all.

it also looks like some (ill) persons posting a lot of bullshit to this forum, while trying to make an impression they are c00l hax0rs or smth like that.
If there is someone in the world who knows all inns and outs on Dreamcast/Naomi it’s @MetalliC so if he saying it can’t be done trust me it can’t be done :thumbup:
If there is someone in the world who knows all inns and outs on Dreamcast/Naomi it’s @MetalliC so if he saying it can’t be done trust me it can’t be done
I'm not "someone who knows", but someone who cared to spent some part of my lifetime on disassemble the code in games, analyze it and check various things. even if these things are totally useless to me lol
@MetalliC shit kissing your ass here and you still put me off ... “someone who knows” :P :saint: Sorry brother :D ;(
After looking into Brizzo's cookie; and asking a few arcade operators; again...

It was a 2001 Jumpers Naomi + Racing Cab Link Card > Alien Front Game Card.

It didn't work in Canada properly because of shitty telephone lines not up to the challenge of 56k Baud internet and the kits were sent back to Sega for the deposit. (Citation: Ex-Playdium Mississauga Tech whom asked not to be named as he still is in business)


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pardon my French, but how the heck "Oinori-daimyoujin ~Matsuri~" coin pusher medal game I see on the photos in 2 last posts related to this topic ?
Hold your horses Vetal.

The Location test was done with Jumpers Naomi's;

The reason I was getting garbage from my Naomi was because it wasn't entirely compatible with the game.

Now we know.

Thst also means there are several revisions of Naomi that are little explored.

Cage Naomi
1998 Naomi
Hopper Naomi

2001 Naomi
Actel Naomi


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SH4 SCIF is accessible on N1 via cart connector CN1:

B45 = RXD
A46 = TXD

The signal is UART, not RS232 compatible to directly connect to a modem (need to use a transceiver chip like MAX232N). It is compatible to connect directly to various types of FTDI usb/serial cables if you want to talk directly to PC instead.
yes; so a original classic Naomi would need to be gently persuaded with a small modification chip; or have an Arduino pro micro soldered in (the correct) spot with a serial repeater sketch...like in my photo...but I was getting garbage data from the RS422 plug.

I'm out of town right now; I'll have something down as video when I'm back.
Also jp13 is the maple Gnd and and the AICA clock cart/board switch is jp1
so what's this IRIX software you have??

i used to use IRIX, it's just a POSIX compliant unix clone.
very similar to Linux.

i still have the hardware even.
I got modem working because the SH4 IF on the Naomi one is converted to RS422.


I used this software to try it; a real RS422 dongle would be better.

An rs422 version of the Arduino softwareSerial library. It has two TX pins, TX+ and TX-. It only uses one pin for RX, as the positive pin of rs422 can be read as normal rs232.

If the device only listens to one RX pair it can be read as RS232 @Darksoft @MetalliC

This is how I did it without the mystical and fabled modem; I have the server software and extensive knowledge of the sames and differences between the two software versions on either Naomi or
I have a GDI equippped Dreamcast and a Classic Naomi with a Netdimm with a currently broken Pic slot that still boots off Triforcetools.py.

Stay tuned ..
I don't know if the pictures of the system menu dialing it in the telephone simulator you attached are just for reference but they are mine from a video I took and posted on Twitter explaining that I was able to connect a NAOMI 2 via RS232 -> USR v.92 -> DreamPi and Alien Front detected the modem and dialed out connecting online. I used the Dreamcast live Alien Front server for the IP address but the game would always disconnect dropping back into single player after loading a round. This was tested with only 1 other player on the server.

I don't know how the lobby/game matching works for a mix of Naomi & Dreamcast players so I was going to load up various Dreamcast players in the same lobby with and see if the Naomi would connect....maybe a minimum number is required, etc which is why it was dropping back to single player....or maybe cross-play never worked....?

Twitter post of the modem detect and dial out:

Twitter post of 8 player Dreamcast local Alien Front battle vis Flycast.