
  1. bravesirchris

    Afterburner Climax motor driver board issue, seat not moving

    We got in an after burner climax deluxe where the seat will not move and on started up I just get "Error ABX03 MOTOR DRIVE ENCODER ERROR". I think it might be an issue with the RS232 to 422 BD 839 - 1256R board but I dont know for sure. Any one got any advice ?
  2. C

    Converting mahjong arcade cabinets of Lindbergh, Nuno Design, Mahjong Fight Club Extreme for regular arcade games. Any experience?

    As the title implies, I have obtained the pictured machines. I’m curious if anybody has taken any of these and made them for playing fighters, shmups, beatemups? For instance, would the Nuno Design control panel be swapped out with say an Astro City control panel, or would an APM3 control...
  3. StrikerPotato

    Noir marquees Tekken 8 ongoing.

    Was sad when found out t8 is not on arcade. Wanted marquees. Made this. My marquee design came from the print shop today. Printed on nice vinyl paper for a crisp matte finish. I think they turned out pretty nice. Planning to design the strip along the control panel as well at some point. :)
  4. Z

    lindbergh multikit mount game and reboot

    Hi, I have a Lindbergh with a multikit, all the game are mounting one after the other. After that the cab restart and mount all the game again and so on. I'm wondering where is the problem ? thanks in advance UPDATE: I finally was able to pass the problem... to fell into another one now...
  5. dnphamus13

    SOLD Japanese Maximum Tune 3DX+ Cabinet & Pair of Sega Initial D 5s $4000 (OBO)

    At the moment not looking to split up. Not going to do any type of waiting list, because life happens so please don’t ask. Continue to watch this thread, or PM me every day until I break down. Located in Castroville, TX 78009 (outside San Antonio, TX) Shipping & Payment - Payment via PayPal (FF...
  6. E

    Sega lindbergh arcade game

    Hello everyone, first of all I wish you a good forum. I struggled a lot to find this forum page. I am reaching you from Turkey, I work in the technical service of an entertainment and arcade hall. My English is not very good, the video card in the (yellow) Lindbergh computer case in the Hammer...
  7. I

    Machine Comparisons

    Hello I hope this isn't considered a bad question to ask. To anyone who has used both real hardware and used the TeknoParrot emulator, could you tell me what you may have noticed the differences are? From what I read, TeknoParrot works differently than most emulators in that it's not exactly...
  8. J

    FS WTT: Lindbergh P1 Panel

    I have a 1P Sega Lindbergh panel in really good condition and would like to trade it for a Vewlix panel or any 2P Sega candy panel. Thanks.
  9. G

    Lindbergh yellow hotd4 HELP please

    Hi guys, I have been searching the whole internet to try to find what is wrong with my machine and couldnt find anything, so I decided to ask here. I have a HOTD4 cabinet which ran perfectly. I turned it off for about 2-3 months and now it wont boot. It shows me the now loading screen and after...
  10. multiretroproject

    *SOLVED* Help with Outrun 2 SP SDX AC Servo Driver Panasonic MLDET2510P Actuator Initialize Error

    Help for solution, OutRun 2 SP DX as image attached have motion that controlled by AC Servo Driver Panasonic MLDET2510P. It displays Actuator Initialize Error, and the AC Servo Driver Led indicator blinking, i've try to repair it and replace it with the new one. But the new one not included...
  11. doozer

    WTB Lindbergh 7800gs video card v5.71

    Looking for a (working) Lindbergh 7800gs video card running bios 5.71 I need it for... experimenting
  12. gamemaster14

    Is it possible to Un-Multikit a Lindbergh Multikit/Multigame system?

    Just a curious question, If I receive a Lindbergh system with a Multikit/Multigame installed, Is there any way to restore it to just running one game again? From what I understand the MultiKits use some sort of custom image on the CF card so I would imagine that the CF card would need to be...
  13. gamemaster14

    WTB Gamemaster14's 2016 Complete List (Namco, Sega and More)

    Below I have enclosed a copy of my full 2016 wtb list, I will add and remove stuff as needed, If anyone has anything listed here and would be willing to sell it for a reasonable price please let me know: Tekken Dark Resurrection Namco System 256 Disc and Dongle Fighting Layer Namco System 12...
  14. nismopunch

    WTB Sega motor drive board 838-14592-91

    Hey everyone, Looking for an official Sega motor drive board 838-14592-91 for ID4-8. Please PM me if you have one to sell or have a lead. Thanks!!