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A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

@Mrhide well it depends, can you tell me which region it was ?

Also it would be good to find that HDD :)
That sounds right to me. AFAIK they never made an Export version for Western markets, the "Export" versions were for use in Asia. Same applies for Continuum Shift 2 for example (I think they had an Export version of this, but I could be mistaken). It definitely worked offline though and did not require network access.

Important to point out that Export SSF4 never got updated to Ver. 2012. :(
Thank you for the insight @kazuo. Even though you did not get an export SSF4 1.3 (2012), you can easily change the language to English in the settings ?
Also it would be good to find that HDD
I found it! :D :D

...you wanna tell me how to tell the version instead of uploading the 80GB dump?! please?!
I've not seen an issue during a very quick go, when does the I/O Error message first occur after starting the game.. immediately or during some operation?

Is it an original MP7-IONA-US from Mellow PCB or one of the clones?
Immediately after starting the game, I think it's the games that need coin meter spoof

Original bought it from KVCLab
When you use original Sega IO you need to spoof the coin meter pin with resistor, I don't know about Iona if it needs special configuration.
Weird issue with JVS to Jamma I/O for me.

When I use the Capcom i/o, it loads the multi.
However, when I use the Sega i/o 838-13683-93 Rev. B, it stays on black screen after the ttx2 splash screen.

Tested the sega i/o on the sega ringwide (mbaacc) and it works fine.
The 838-13683-93 needs a longer time when initialising the JVS IIRC.
Try replacing the \TypeXMulti\assets\jvsdll.dll with this:

I updated the file, ran it for 2 minutes using the Sega Rev B, but still black screen.

However, the capcom i/o worked per usual.

What were the differences between the two dlls?
Will I need to switch this when using the Sega Ringwide?
the jumper changes the extra connector from inputs to outputs

A = CN8 is an input (kick) connector
B = CN8 is an output (lamp) connector

but some games wont boot unless they see the right number of inputs or outputs on the IO board.
What were the differences between the two dlls?
The difference is that the new DLL waits a bit longer when initializing the JVS.

Can you share a picture of the IO ? I have version 838-13683-92 A and it works fine with the Type X2 Multi.

Do you have a RS485 adapter @tacobell ?