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Good luck. I hope you were careful (unlike me) and all goes well.
Thanks! :D

Just gave it a very quick test and all seems well! I had a black screen at first, but pushing down around the A and multi board again fixed that. Quickly tried The Punisher and Daimakaimura (original). God I cannot wait to get everything set up properly once I move in Feb! Sadly, he will have to stay in the box until then ;( Finally being able to play the CPS1.5 games in all their original glory is like a dream. Because I was too stupid to check out arcade boards 16 years ago when these things were dirt cheap. Plus, I was living in Japan which makes it worse. Oh well. Thank god for Darksoft, Apocalypse, Mitsurugi-w and the rest of multi gods making these things possible!

I hope to get the CPS-II and F3 multis after I move. At least I own a tonne of CPS-II boards already. Waiting for the M84 multi as well seeing as Ganbare! Daiku no Gen-san is the only Irem board I own (missed those when they were cheap, too!) other than Kaiketsu Yanchamaru. Finally just got an Irem-JAMMA adaptor, should try that board. I bought it 2 or 3 years ago and have not tested it. One day I may save up the AU$1200+ to buy an M92 board!

Now if only I could try my S16B multi, too! Damn you dead on delivery Top3100....
I just bought a 2.1 kit (logitech z333) to put it in my new astro city.
can I connect directly with an RCA cable to the multiCPS1.5 or do I need a step-down device?
Hi Everyone! After many months of waiting, I finally have a working CPS1 multi and it is fully installed in the custom case! I want to thank a bunch of you for your help:

@Darksoft - for confirming my original C board was my first problem, I finally was able to locate a replacement from a contact on Instagram
@Mitsurugi-w - for listening to my questions about the install
@kikaso - for hooking me up with the right pins and connectors to complete the install, as well as pointing me in the right direction for the replacement pin headers and the fan
@JasenHicks - for making a badass case for this thing. I couldn't imagine this multi without a case like this.

I don't have a Supergun, so I don't have all of those fancy things in here but I did do the following:

- changed out the pin header on the game selector (I actually didn't know I had to do this when I first bought this case)
- relocated the dips using the parts from @Mitsurugi-w
- added a fan to reduce heat
- got Q sound installed and running, I wish more CPS1 games had this feature, I love the Q sound
- added buttons but they are just for show, they are not connected to anything :)

Just one small request, I remember seeing someone made a little cheat sheet for the dip switches and printed it out to attach to the case. I can't find it, would love to get the PDF to print myself.



Hi Everyone! After many months of waiting, I finally have a working CPS1 multi and it is fully installed in the custom case! I want to thank a bunch of you for your help:

@Darksoft - for confirming my original C board was my first problem, I finally was able to locate a replacement from a contact on Instagram
@Mitsurugi-w - for listening to my questions about the install
@kikaso - for hooking me up with the right pins and connectors to complete the install, as well as pointing me in the right direction for the replacement pin headers and the fan
@JasenHicks - for making a badass case for this thing. I couldn't imagine this multi without a case like this.

I don't have a Supergun, so I don't have all of those fancy things in here but I did do the following:

- changed out the pin header on the game selector (I actually didn't know I had to do this when I first bought this case)
- relocated the dips using the parts from @Mitsurugi-w
- added a fan to reduce heat
- got Q sound installed and running, I wish more CPS1 games had this feature, I love the Q sound
- added buttons but they are just for show, they are not connected to anything :)

Just one small request, I remember seeing someone made a little cheat sheet for the dip switches and printed it out to attach to the case. I can't find it, would love to get the PDF to print myself.




I have found that there were incorrect dip settings in that particular “cheat sheet.” I have resorted to googling “xxxx arcade manual pdf” and finding the settings myself.

So I revisited this, the initial issue we found was that Strider in MAME, strider official usa manual, and strider official Japan manual all contained different dip settings. What I had forgotten was that the creator of the attached cheat sheet is I think referencing all Japanese dip settings, which I don’t even know where he found them. It’s hard to find Japanese arcade manual PDFs so maybe mame has them? I don’t do anything with mame so I don’t know. The cheat sheet also wouldn’t be good for people who want to play with other regions official dip settings. I’m sure Japan official settings are all way more unforgiving. So I looked at his chiki chiki boys settings and it’s different than mega twins usa official manual I guess just because of the region differences. So perhaps it’s not wrong (I don’t think) but at the same time if he’s using mame as his source for Japanese dip settings, I don’t know how you would confirm them with official manuals.

just revisited the thread, @dos created the cheat sheet, maybe he can shed some light on this?


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I'm having some trouble getting my multi kit to work. I installed it on a confirmed working Street Fighter II Champion Edition. I just redid the installation steps to make sure everything is seated correctly with no bent pins anywhere.

First, I replaced the PAL chip on the A board.


I then seated the C board into the multikit board.


I then seated the multikit board into the A board, connected the red and green wires, and connected the JAMMA interface board.


I am able to use the LCD to successfully flash games to memory, but all that shows up on my Astro City cabinet is a black screen. The cabinet works just fine with my CPS2, CPS3, and ST-V multikits, so we can probably rule that out.

Can anyone help me figure this out?
That blue and white sticker on the first picture is suspieciously chinese to me ;)

If the multi is working and loading games, I would suspect that the problem is somewhere else, like i.e. your C Board. Do you have a different one to try? And another A Board?

What about the switch for the C Board is it on OFF as you have one of the big C Boards installed?
That blue and white sticker on the first picture is suspieciously chinese to me ;)

If the multi is working and loading games, I would suspect that the problem is somewhere else, like i.e. your C Board. Do you have a different one to try? And another A Board?

What about the switch for the C Board is it on OFF as you have one of the big C Boards installed?
I don't have any other boards to try. The switch is Off but I've also tried it with it On as well.
which games did you try? Did you try the SF2 version that was running on that A Board originally?
which games did you try? Did you try the SF2 version that was running on that A Board originally?
I tried a bunch of different games including the SF2CE. Weirdly enough, Willow is slightly different. I see this pattern flashing in different colors instead of a black screen.

Can you try with the original pal in the A board? Also post some a picture of your A board please.

This is my A board. I just tried using the original PAL but that doesn't work either.
All three wires soldered and making good contact?