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Just the fact these are coming outside of Japan you should expect a project. Windy cabs in general are not beginner cabs. I just hope they have the jvs jamma converter and original monitors and chassis. The Marquee holder would be a plus but I'm not holding my breath.
Any CRT cab not coming from another hobbyist is probably going to need work. Expect to have to put in time and money on these cabs, especially for this low price. Trust, as long as the monitor works- you can figure out the rest.
Trust, as long as the monitor works- you can figure out the rest.
I'd put cosmetics before the monitor. Monitors can be worked on, wiring can be redone, power supplies rebuilt, but some cosmetics just can't be replaced, like the illuminated "Egret 2/3" panel. Or the topper to an E29.
Trust, as long as the monitor works- you can figure out the rest.
I'd put cosmetics before the monitor. Monitors can be worked on, wiring can be redone, power supplies rebuilt, but some cosmetics just can't be replaced, like the illuminated "Egret 2/3" panel. Or the topper to an E29.
So true, Im still searching for a E29 Control Panel housing.

I can deal with replacing wiring/tubes/chassis/speakers and such, but good luck finding a part that is out of production; unless you get it from another cab, and then other cabs are not available, cause you got a semi-rare (just not for sale) cab to begin with X/
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Trust, as long as the monitor works- you can figure out the rest.
I'd put cosmetics before the monitor. Monitors can be worked on, wiring can be redone, power supplies rebuilt, but some cosmetics just can't be replaced, like the illuminated "Egret 2/3" panel. Or the topper to an E29.
There are people working on trying to replace the e2 topper, and there’s still people who have spares. Personally I’d never buy an e29 without the speaker pod since you’d either have to repro your own or pull one off another cab.

If condition is that much of a factor, remember these cabs are coming from yaton. I’d prepare the worst and if it’s not, then good to go.
There are people working on trying to replace the e2 topper
I've heard this for over ten years, I don't believe it anymore.
If condition is that much of a factor, remember these cabs are coming from yaton.
It's really confusing to me why people are rolling a die on the NNC's from Yaton if there are cheaper, already domestic (for the US buyers anyway) options for picking them up with known-quality.

Hopefully everyone gets great cabs out of this, but like others I have my doubts on "like new". Doesn't affect me personally though, so a heartfelt best of luck to them. I can already see a good number of issues with what I'm after, but for the price, totally worth the effort of restoring.
Any CRT cab not coming from another hobbyist is probably going to need work. Expect to have to put in time and money on these cabs, especially for this low price. Trust, as long as the monitor works- you can figure out the rest.
Thank you for this. I get a lot of people who don't really realize this. I've been taking the year to figure out my best policies and prices regarding candies, and nothing has been quite right yet.
There are people working on trying to replace the e2 topper
I'll back you up on this, they are indeed in the works. If it were so easy to print on curved plastic, it would have been done long ago. Naysayers just be patient.
Man, I'd love one of those Q25's, but $800 + shipping for a project cab hurts.
Everything depends on what cab you are purchasing.

Limited cabs like the Q25 and a few others are simply hard to find parts for period, many don't have aftermarket solutions either. Massively produced cabs like Astros, Blasts, Naomi, and yes even E2s have more parts availability and aftermarket solutions.

The same goes with monitors. Some cabs use monitors that were used for more than one cabinet and are easier to find spares. Have other monitors that can bolt right in. Where some cabs are one offs and the only solution is finding a matching tube or fitting a replacement that isn't a straight bolt in solution.

For example: The easiest part to find on a Q25 is the QSound amp. It was used in multiple cabinets: Big Blue and Impress
Okay, update time. It's a good news bad news kind of post.

Good news:
1. All my E2 has been tested working. Button have been replace with new. They are wrap and ready to go. There is also an extra item thrown in. I'm not going to say what it is as I don't know the condition. Pics added to the drive

2. Windy have been tested working. Button still need to be change out and wrap. Some of these (6) will come with a generic jamma adapter. He is looking for more at his ware house to include them to the rest.

So-So news:
Still waiting on the Domy pics. Q25 still need to be tested again.

Bad news:
1. There is going to be a delay in shipment (reason below). I'll put the BC order last and will have to see what cabs get pack and fill the container accordingly.

2.There was a hickup with the NNC. They got converted for the Chinese market. They are still new looking but have a 220v psu and sound amp and a jamma harness. He will be swapping them out with used originals from his other NNC.

Just let me know where you stand so I can update the waitlist
So-So news:
Still waiting on the Domy pics. Q25 still need to be tested again.

But at least there's progress on everything else! :)
@XeD ill still take my windy but if someone drops on e2 ill take the e2. Its originally what I wanted anyways. Or ill take both. And yes I'm west cost.
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@XeD I was looking at the waitlist to see where things sat and I saw two as unknown location!

Ekorz is East Coast, and 8bitforlife is west coast (Hawaii actually).