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I guess your best option is to follow the picture above. I don't think those who can do this are going to release the information publicly.
I wouldn't mind sharing the info but I don't have a Gunforce board handy to give proper details.It shouldn't be too hard to run wires for the missing address lines though, just by comparing with an other romboard.
There are additional chips piggybacked on top as well but I'm assuming those are the same type of logic with additional IO channels.

I have a Gunforce handy, if you're happy to document the process I can ship it to you or take some detailed photos
There are additional chips piggybacked on top as well but I'm assuming those are the same type of logic with additional IO channels.
I have a Gunforce handy, if you're happy to document the process I can ship it to you or take some detailed photos
Yeah !
But I have few projects I'd like to complete first.
It shouldn't be too hard to run wires for the missing address lines though, just by comparing with an other romboard.
I think this should be done properly. A small board that sits on the eprom sockets and can hold i.e. 4 games if you use a Gunforce PCB. It's not a multi but it's a good solution.
I hope @brizzo is ok with that.
I have a Gunforce handy, if you're happy to document the process I can ship it to you or take some detailed photos
I have one too! We need @Hammy on this one ;)

If you look at the thread at villagebbs, the guy actually bought the board from the person who did the conversion but this is what happened:

"Well actually I bought it from him but it wasn't working properly and I must say he was very easy to deal with and took the return and refunded me promptly. The game was missing half the sprites once you started the gameplay. That board looked like an old conversion from a Gunforce PCB. Even though the conversion was sloppy it's almost a little impressive that someone even figured out how to convert that game."
I have a Gunforce handy, if you're happy to document the process I can ship it to you or take some detailed photos
I have one too! We need @Hammy on this one ;)
Yeah i have both boards it's just time. There's way more exciting stuff to look at and apocalypse is for sure the same.

As you know this kinda thing i like to find out! gunforce h/w is real low down on the priority list especially when major title a much more common game will run them ALL.
Hello there. I have uploaded a total of 9 hi-res pictures of my R-Type Leo (it used to be Gunforce) to the link below:


I hope this can be of some use to people trying to convert Irem M92 games. All I did was provide the technician with the files from @Mitsurugi-w and the rest, he says, was common information found online. He did not get into specifics.

Nothing caught my attention, I can't see any obvious "work" or "mods" done to the board, but then again, layman eyes here.

I hope to someday find some more Gunforce boards, I really want to convert them to Blade Master and In The Hunt, lovely titles.
That's what I thought, too, @Hammy

No jumper wires, no weird looking mods... looks like a regular board with eproms instead of mask roms.
I thought it would be like the wiring board pictured before...

Is there no need of wiring to convert to a Gunforce II???

Good luck :)
As I was browsing the threat I was like wowo that board looks familiar! It was me who bought that years ago. What a crazy mess! There were chips stacked 3 high. still neat to think that some operator probably converted that board himself back in the 90s to make some more money on his board
As I was browsing the threat I was like wowo that board looks familiar! It was me who bought that years ago. What a crazy mess! There were chips stacked 3 high. still neat to think that some operator probably converted that board himself back in the 90s to make some more money on his board
Only to discover sound was crypted :evil:
so guys the Bottom line is that the Rom board of gunforce 1 is diffrent than all the other Rom boards and therefore ist Pretty hard to make any conversion on it?

But the Mainboard of any gunforce is just the same as all the others? and any Rom board will work on any main board?

so guys the Bottom line is that the Rom board of gunforce 1 is diffrent than all the other Rom boards and therefore ist Pretty hard to make any conversion on it?

But the Mainboard of any gunforce is just the same as all the others? and any Rom board will work on any main board?

gunforce 1 is not a good donor board to use for a m92 conversion; whilst i am certain it can be done, Hammy has worded it best 'good luck'

my basic understanding is yes, any m92 main (A) board can be used with any rom (B) board...
I know this is an old thread but wanted to update some of the info here based on my own research. A Gunforce rom board can not (easily) be converted to Gunforce 2 because GF2 uses memory banking. Major Title 2, Ninja Baseball Bat Man and Dream Soccer '94 also use memory banking. The memory banked games uses two pairs of 4MBit roms for the CPU and which 2MBit portion of the second pair is visible to the CPU can be changed by code at runtime.

R-Type Leo, In The Hunt, Hook, Mystic Riders, Blade Master and Undercover Cops do not use memory banking. They have a pair of 4MBit roms and a pair of 2MBit roms for the CPU. Gunforce is unique because it is the only game that uses two pairs of 2MBit roms. The board does have the address lines necessary to address 4MBit roms, however the logic that does the ROM chip select is not configured for it. In order to support the 4MBit roms used by these other games you need to replace the M92_B-7H- PAL IC on the rom board with the M92_B-7H-D (which can be found here: https://wiki.pldarchive.co.uk/index.php?title=Major_Title_2_(M92), other versions of this logic will work two but this one is the most versatile). That will enable the full addressing of the 4MBit roms.

Superior Soliders might also be supported, but it has a lot of character rom data, so I am not as confident.
Great info there. Is there a public wiki where this type of valuable pcb mod/repair information can be added? So many pieces of gold like this scattered around the forums and blogs.

You are making great progress on the M92 mister core.
Honestly I got this board cause of the Multi (if it ever happens) but, if this were easier to do for gunforce2 I settle for just that game.

I guess my best and easiest way to play gunforce2 is just the mister or mame?