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Dec 7, 2021
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Hello Everyone,

I want to let all arcade enthusiasts know on Arcade Projects about a seller that I dealt with his name is Omar Fernandez on Facebook aka Candy Cab King on instagram and his Paypal name is Horacio Hernandez. Here is my terrible experience I want to share.

I reached out to him through Facebook messenger on Jan 1, 2022 and wanted help in purchasing an arcade machine. We exchanged messages and calls back and forth for two months until he showed me over FaceTime a rare cab he was willing to sell to me here in Canada because I just don’t come across any Japanese candy cabs over here and I have lived in Canada my whole life.

The cab was a Japanese Capcom Q25 rotation mechanism cab that he was willing to restore for me. I said “for sure, how long would it take?” He replied “around 4 months.”

So we agreed on a price and I paid him on March 4, 2022 $5500usd through paypal.

Fast forward to 3 months June 28, 2022 I messaged him “Hey bro how’s it going? How’s the cab coming along?.”
His response was “Hey buddy i'm at a party
I have been slowly giving peoples cabs
And this week I'm working on yours as well
Thanks for been patient.” I responded back “Cool thanks man.”

July 1, 2022
I messaged him “Do you happen to have any pics of my cab? Would like too see the progress as it has been 3 months if that's ok?.”

His response was “When you get a chance send me your PayPal info.”

I called him shortly and I told him I really want this cab completed and I trust him 100 percent to complete it.

Spoke on the phone and agreed he would have my cab fully completed by Sept 19, 2022.

Sept 19, 2022 comes along and still not finished my cab.

Oct 16, 2022
Messages me that his wife’s sister had a medical concern and me being in the medical field myself I felt so bad and told him to let me know once he will be working on the cab again.

Nov 15, 2022
I messaged him and we agreed that Dec 9, 2022 cab to be fully completed.

Dec 15, 2022
He messages me that a family member passed away suddenly and I felt bad for him.

Jan 20, 2023
He messages me “cab is almost done.” I message him back “stop sending me pictures of other people’s cabs that you have completed and that I want to see pics of mine.”His response “In 5 days you will get pics of your cab I'll make it happen this time.”

5 days go by Jan 26, 2023
I messaged him “You finished it yet?”
His response “You're getting pics Monday afternoon Saturday and Sunday don't count
Cause i'm not there I ask for 5 business days.”

Never received any pics on that following Monday at all from him. It’s now been 11 months.

Jan 31, 2023 I sent him this message:
I know you have but if the roles were reversed, you would definitely become impatient too. If you told me it was going to take you 11 months or almost a year from the start I would have not done this deal. You need to understand where I am coming from.

You keep giving me completion dates but you keep postponing them which is not cool.

The other frustrating thing also is you keep showing me other completed cabs for other customers but you don't show me anything of my cab.

If I was completing a cab and give a customer a completion date I would abide to it no questions asked. Maybe postpone once but not like 5 times man.

I need to know now when will this cab be fully finished exact date so I can setup shipping through Beltmann?

His response “Just to clarify
I'm not doing a rush job on your cab
And i'm about to finish it You're welcome to give me a bad review or feedback.”

Me in my own head, who even says that to someone….

Feb 17, 2023
I messaged him “Man I have been waiting so long for this cab to be completed. What day can I setup shipping? I need a date.”

His response “By next week
But i don't know the exact day, they know who I am they always come here.”

I messaged him “But it will be for sure next week pickup because I really don't want to wait longer.”

His response was “about 9 days for sure.”

He ignored me for 10 days.

Then he responded to me Feb 27, 2023
“I will contact you shortly
To confirm when they pick up is
No offense but you do not choose
When it gets pick
Up And to be clear i'm not ignoring you
I just didn't have a straight answer.”

I responded back “what date? I have been waiting patiently for over a year and you send me no pics and videos of my cab.”

I paid Beltmann $1000usd to pick up the cab from his house on March 3, 2023.

His response was “Let me call Michelle as I have other cabs for her to pick first and she knows I’m legit and won’t do anything dumb.”

March 3, 2023
Omar calls Beltmann to cancel the order behind my back and insists the cab will be completed on March 13, 2023 for pickup.

March 13, 2023
Beltmann attempted to pick up the cab from his house again but Omar canceled it by calling beltmann again.

March 20, 2023
Beltmann attempted again for pickup from his house but Omar sends an email to Michelle stating he has Covid and is getting better so Beltmann does not proceed.

March 21, 2023 I asked him “Is the cab completed.” His response “Yes.”

I asked him to send me pics and videos of it working but says he can’t because it’s raining. I said just take the pics and videos inside your garage man.

March 27, 2023
I messaged him this “Hey man Beltmann reached out to me and they will be picking up the cab from your place this week. Please give them the cab as I have waited so long for this and very excited to see it soon.”
“Beltmann said they left you a voicemail please call them back right away.”

No response from Omar.

March 28, 2023
I messaged him “Michelle has sent you an email man. Please call them back and respond to the email. They want to pick up my cab and they are getting frustrated with you! The cab is complete so give them it man. I don't need to be the middleman.”
Hey man what the hell is going on? You have postponed since March 13, 2023 and you have cancelled pickup 3 times with Beltmann and now I get an email from Michelle saying about Covid....YOU KEEP MAKING EXCUSES! Even Michelle is like what the heck is Horacio doing??? If you don't give me my cab I will have to resort legally through my lawyer.” “$6500 usd is my hard earned money.” “You said by end of the week for pickup or Monday but now it's Tuesday still no pics, no videos no nothing! Why do you keep doing this man? This is not right at all!”

I messaged him this “You have 2 options Omar as I have lost complete trust and patience with you and so has Michelle from Beltmann.

1. Give me my cab through Beltmann by this Friday March 31, 2023 for pickup or I will be contacting Police and Authorities and they will be after you for stolen goods because I have not received anything yet.

2. Refund me full amount of $5500usd into Canadian dollars which amounts too $7480 Canadian dollars immediately through my paypal email address. I hope to have your decision soon.

He responded “Send me your paypal and you could call me out on the groups as well.”

In my head, this guy has no shame and does not care about me or the arcade community.

I messaged him this “Michelle and Beltmann don't want to deal with you anymore neither do I. You did this to yourself!”

His response “I will call paypal tomorrow.”
I responded with sending him my paypal information and giving him till March 31, 2023 to send me back all my money.

March 30, 2023
Omar and I had a civil conversation over Facebook messenger call for 10 min and he rest assured I was not going to be scammed by him and that he will return all my money $5500usd through my paypal account on March 31, 2023.

March 31, 2023
Attempted to call Omar numerous times throughout the day and sent messages about where my money is and sent him this final message for him “No calls, text, refund and nothing. You leave me no choice but to contact Police and Authorities in LA.
What will your family and kids think of how you stole my hard earned money of $5500usd and have not returned a cent to me? Do the right thing man!”

Omar Fernandez (Horacio Hernandez) Aka Candy Cab King might be an arcade enthusiast and a friend to people in the arcade community but what he has done to me is unforgivable. He straight out took my money $5500usd and ghosted me. No calls, texts no nothing. I have reported him on paypal security team and they are aware of his actions. I have also contacted my credit card company and filed a dispute about the transaction and most likely will get a full refund but that is yet to be determined. I have contacted Michelle in Beltmann and they will be giving me back a refund of $1000usd for shipping fee since they never picked up the cab from his house and now Beltmann has blacklisted him and he will not be able to ship or receive any cabs from them anymore. I have contacted local police and there will be charges laid against him!

I hope the Moderators on this site ban him on all social media platforms Facebook, Discord, Instagram, KLOV and Arcade Projects as no one should go through what I have gone through.

I thank you all for taking the time to read all this. Be very careful out there when purchasing anything arcade related.

A word of advice, have nothing to do with this guy!

Thank you.

Hello Everyone,

I want to let all arcade enthusiasts know on Arcade Projects about a seller that I dealt with his name is Omar Fernandez on Facebook aka Candy Cab King on instagram and his Paypal name is Horacio Hernandez. Here is my terrible experience I want to share.

I reached out to him through Facebook messenger on Jan 1, 2022 and wanted help in purchasing an arcade machine. We exchanged messages and calls back and forth for two months until he showed me over FaceTime a rare cab he was willing to sell to me here in Canada because I just don’t come across any Japanese candy cabs over here and I have lived in Canada my whole life.

The cab was a Japanese Capcom Q25 rotation mechanism cab that he was willing to restore for me. I said “for sure, how long would it take?” He replied “around 4 months.”

So we agreed on a price and I paid him on March 4, 2022 $5500usd through paypal.

Fast forward to 3 months June 28, 2022 I messaged him “Hey bro how’s it going? How’s the cab coming along?.”
His response was “Hey buddy i'm at a party
I have been slowly giving peoples cabs
And this week I'm working on yours as well
Thanks for been patient.” I responded back “Cool thanks man.”

July 1, 2022
I messaged him “Do you happen to have any pics of my cab? Would like too see the progress as it has been 3 months if that's ok?.”

His response was “When you get a chance send me your PayPal info.”

I called him shortly and I told him I really want this cab completed and I trust him 100 percent to complete it.

Spoke on the phone and agreed he would have my cab fully completed by Sept 19, 2022.

Sept 19, 2022 comes along and still not finished my cab.

Oct 16, 2022
Messages me that his wife’s sister had a medical concern and me being in the medical field myself I felt so bad and told him to let me know once he will be working on the cab again.

Nov 15, 2022
I messaged him and we agreed that Dec 9, 2022 cab to be fully completed.

Dec 15, 2022
He messages me that a family member passed away suddenly and I felt bad for him.

Jan 20, 2023
He messages me “cab is almost done.” I message him back “stop sending me pictures of other people’s cabs that you have completed and that I want to see pics of mine.”His response “In 5 days you will get pics of your cab I'll make it happen this time.”

5 days go by Jan 26, 2023
I messaged him “You finished it yet?”
His response “You're getting pics Monday afternoon Saturday and Sunday don't count
Cause i'm not there I ask for 5 business days.”

Never received any pics on that following Monday at all from him. It’s now been 11 months.

Jan 31, 2023 I sent him this message:
I know you have but if the roles were reversed, you would definitely become impatient too. If you told me it was going to take you 11 months or almost a year from the start I would have not done this deal. You need to understand where I am coming from.

You keep giving me completion dates but you keep postponing them which is not cool.

The other frustrating thing also is you keep showing me other completed cabs for other customers but you don't show me anything of my cab.

If I was completing a cab and give a customer a completion date I would abide to it no questions asked. Maybe postpone once but not like 5 times man.

I need to know now when will this cab be fully finished exact date so I can setup shipping through Beltmann?

His response “Just to clarify
I'm not doing a rush job on your cab
And i'm about to finish it You're welcome to give me a bad review or feedback.”

Me in my own head, who even says that to someone….

Feb 17, 2023
I messaged him “Man I have been waiting so long for this cab to be completed. What day can I setup shipping? I need a date.”

His response “By next week
But i don't know the exact day, they know who I am they always come here.”

I messaged him “But it will be for sure next week pickup because I really don't want to wait longer.”

His response was “about 9 days for sure.”

He ignored me for 10 days.

Then he responded to me Feb 27, 2023
“I will contact you shortly
To confirm when they pick up is
No offense but you do not choose
When it gets pick
Up And to be clear i'm not ignoring you
I just didn't have a straight answer.”

I responded back “what date? I have been waiting patiently for over a year and you send me no pics and videos of my cab.”

I paid Beltmann $1000usd to pick up the cab from his house on March 3, 2023.

His response was “Let me call Michelle as I have other cabs for her to pick first and she knows I’m legit and won’t do anything dumb.”

March 3, 2023
Omar calls Beltmann to cancel the order behind my back and insists the cab will be completed on March 13, 2023 for pickup.

March 13, 2023
Beltmann attempted to pick up the cab from his house again but Omar canceled it by calling beltmann again.

March 20, 2023
Beltmann attempted again for pickup from his house but Omar sends an email to Michelle stating he has Covid and is getting better so Beltmann does not proceed.

March 21, 2023 I asked him “Is the cab completed.” His response “Yes.”

I asked him to send me pics and videos of it working but says he can’t because it’s raining. I said just take the pics and videos inside your garage man.

March 27, 2023
I messaged him this “Hey man Beltmann reached out to me and they will be picking up the cab from your place this week. Please give them the cab as I have waited so long for this and very excited to see it soon.”
“Beltmann said they left you a voicemail please call them back right away.”

No response from Omar.

March 28, 2023
I messaged him “Michelle has sent you an email man. Please call them back and respond to the email. They want to pick up my cab and they are getting frustrated with you! The cab is complete so give them it man. I don't need to be the middleman.”
Hey man what the hell is going on? You have postponed since March 13, 2023 and you have cancelled pickup 3 times with Beltmann and now I get an email from Michelle saying about Covid....YOU KEEP MAKING EXCUSES! Even Michelle is like what the heck is Horacio doing??? If you don't give me my cab I will have to resort legally through my lawyer.” “$6500 usd is my hard earned money.” “You said by end of the week for pickup or Monday but now it's Tuesday still no pics, no videos no nothing! Why do you keep doing this man? This is not right at all!”

I messaged him this “You have 2 options Omar as I have lost complete trust and patience with you and so has Michelle from Beltmann.

1. Give me my cab through Beltmann by this Friday March 31, 2023 for pickup or I will be contacting Police and Authorities and they will be after you for stolen goods because I have not received anything yet.

2. Refund me full amount of $5500usd into Canadian dollars which amounts too $7480 Canadian dollars immediately through my paypal email address. I hope to have your decision soon.

He responded “Send me your paypal and you could call me out on the groups as well.”

In my head, this guy has no shame and does not care about me or the arcade community.

I messaged him this “Michelle and Beltmann don't want to deal with you anymore neither do I. You did this to yourself!”

His response “I will call paypal tomorrow.”
I responded with sending him my paypal information and giving him till March 31, 2023 to send me back all my money.

March 30, 2023
Omar and I had a civil conversation over Facebook messenger call for 10 min and he rest assured I was not going to be scammed by him and that he will return all my money $5500usd through my paypal account on March 31, 2023.

March 31, 2023
Attempted to call Omar numerous times throughout the day and sent messages about where my money is and sent him this final message for him “No calls, text, refund and nothing. You leave me no choice but to contact Police and Authorities in LA.
What will your family and kids think of how you stole my hard earned money of $5500usd and have not returned a cent to me? Do the right thing man!”

Omar Fernandez (Horacio Hernandez) Aka Candy Cab King might be an arcade enthusiast and a friend to people in the arcade community but what he has done to me is unforgivable. He straight out took my money $5500usd and ghosted me. No calls, texts no nothing. I have reported him on paypal security team and they are aware of his actions. I have also contacted my credit card company and filed a dispute about the transaction and most likely will get a full refund but that is yet to be determined. I have contacted Michelle in Beltmann and they will be giving me back a refund of $1000usd for shipping fee since they never picked up the cab from his house and now Beltmann has blacklisted him and he will not be able to ship or receive any cabs from them anymore. I have contacted local police and there will be charges laid against him!

I hope the Moderators on this site ban him on all social media platforms Facebook, Discord, Instagram, KLOV and Arcade Projects as no one should go through what I have gone through.

I thank you all for taking the time to read all this. Be very careful out there when purchasing anything arcade related.

A word of advice, have nothing to do with this guy!

Thank you.

Damnit man. I feel for you.
What a nightmare. The patience you had are unbelievable.
I feel like there's enough people in the cali community that some folks should swing by his place.
Problem is half of them are his "friends". Aka people who are afraid they won't be able to get overcharged for something rare or get written into his will or something. People won't talk bad about him (in public anyway, they're all happy to chatter away endlessly in private) because heaven forbid they get blacklisted from buying something from him (like you'd WANT this sort of experience). The Southern California arcade "community" is really good at that sort of thing (some nice folks aside). He's also good friends with the owner of arcadeshock.

You really have to feel for the guy though, Omar's about the saddest person on Earth this past year. He's had SO MANY brothers and uncles die at different weeks/months inside the past year. At least 15 of them. Three different painters for his cabinets have met their untimely demise as well! He has unfortunately run that card so far into the ground that he has direct route to Japan for everything now. I would be terrified of the karma coming from those lies.

What sucks most is he was only ever going to flip one of the Mexican seller's Q's to you anyway. When you're straightened out let me put you in contact with a genuine guy down there that can hook you up with the cab you're after and will do international shipping no problem (this is not an invitation for anyone else).

Omar's screwed over a few of my friends now and I'm sad to see that he continues to be the single most deceptive seller in our small community. This isn't some continued struggle of an existence on his part, it's malice. Every step is intentional to ensure he keeps your money and you're just begging for him to send you /anything/ at this point. I have watched it play out again and again and again.

Dude's also clearly unstable and threatened me with violence because he got kicked out of a facebook group *for screwing people over*. Got the classic "I know what you look like" even, which is hilarious because my pfp on facebook is me. So. Duh. Of course you do. I'm not the one who hides his face in all the pictures.

Best advice I can give is to walk into your bank, bring with you all of your communication, every text, email, video, the paypal transaction information, everything. Talk to a branch manager, see what sort of fraud protection they can help with. Some banks are very good at this. Be sure and talk to a manager, not just some CSR that's going to tell you they can't help. You may be surprised at exactly how much they can help you.

And as a message to everyone (and sorry Dekken, I am in no way trying to call you out or anything) since this is happening again and again and again with bad sellers: for the love of bleeping god stop letting transactions go on longer than paypal's protection. If you REALLY need the extra time, and the seller is legit, have them refund you and pay again to get another 6 months of protection. If the seller won't do this for you force the refund and walk away.
Hi Rewrite,

Thank you for insight on this serious matter. I totally felt bad for Omar when he was going through stuff in his life and even spoke to him about how to handle certain situations because I too have experienced stress and loss in my family but nothing compared to what he may have gone through. He was very appreciative of my kind words during the time around Christmas 2022.

I truly believe that if you are kind, respectful and good to people that your life will be okay too. Positive energy and hanging around people who are positive goes a long way. I believe the main reason why he is suffering in this life right now and has experienced so much death is probably how he has been cheating people of their money, threatening others and just being downright cruel in every way possible.

I am very saddened that other people including yourself have dealt with such disgust and unprofessional behaviour from him.

Anyways, this is definitely a learning experience for me and I will for sure take your advice about the paypal protection seriously so this will not happen again.

Honestly, I felt alone during this whole mess and feel much better knowing that this arcade community has strong support for one another.

And as a message to everyone (and sorry Dekken, I am in no way trying to call you out or anything) since this is happening again and again and again with bad sellers: for the love of bleeping god stop letting transactions go on longer than paypal's protection. If you REALLY need the extra time, and the seller is legit, have them refund you and pay again to get another 6 months of protection. If the seller won't do this for you force the refund and walk away.
Another simple and good rule is to never pay for something that's not in your hand. If the seller is legit he will restore the cab with his own time and money and THEN sell it. Not use your money as funds to get it up and running... which isn't uncommon.

It's always the cab flipper/restorer that should deal with the risks. If the buyer pulls out during the process...well tough luck, but you will still have a restored cab to sell to someone else once it's done.

When it comes to scammers like this pos, there's no rules. So choose your business wisely. Don't get eager or suckered in to deals because of FOMO. You will always find new ones.

Edit: reformulated a sentence.
and feel much better knowing that this arcade community has strong support for one another.
Unfortunately the go-to when getting screwed over in this community is "don't tell anyone publicly", which just leads to shoddy folks like Omar screwing over even more people... Victims in this community are always silent, and that only harms everyone around them.

I'm sorry that you felt alone, and I'm sorry that everyone wasn't louder about their awful experiences with him. I'd mentioned them a few times in @ItsBobDudes and @tonyt76 's thread against him, and have been quite vocal on FB groups when anyone considered paying him for anything. I do wish we'd run into one another sooner and could have warned you better.

At the end of the day you'd have been sorely disappointed with what you got if you had gotten something. If it all does work out, I will be happy to get you in touch with a real seller who does do decent work, and for much less (no affiliation, just someone I've had very good experiences with). You just shoot me a message when you're ready.

And if you do go down the lawyer route and need more information (like an address to serve him paperwork to), let me know.

Another simple and good rule is to never pay for something that's not in your hand. If the seller is legit he will restore the cab with his own time and money and THEN sell it. Not use your money as funds to get it up and running... which isn't uncommon.

The risk on a cab flipper should always be on his end. If the buyer pulls out during the process...well tough luck, but you will still have a restored cab to sell to someone else once it's done.

When it comes to scammers like this pos, there's no rules. So choose your business wisely. Don't get eager or suckered in to deals because of FOMO. You will always find new ones.
While I absolutely 100% agree with this, it simply is not how any US flipper in this community operates (except that one nice guy in NorCal). It's all "Well I need the money for the powder coating", to which one SHOULD reply "Then go get a loan from the bank to support your business, your inability to fund a cab flip isn't my fault".
Yeah I understand America and California is very different from here. Huge area of land and not an awful lot of Japanese arcade culture since you had your own thing going on. :) We in Europe, and especially Sweden, are spoiled rotten since we had a huge operator running different SNK cabs on location here. Another one was a massive importer of PCB's from all over the world selling to operators of generic woodie cabs.

And then since 2005 we had guys in the community bring massive amounts of containers in from japan. Not to mention many in Europe did the same.

I digress....

I hope it works out for you Dekken
Hi Rewrite,

I can’t speak for everyone but not standing up for yourself and speaking the truth about how one has fallen victim to a scam will only hurt the community more and more.

I am very happy that we are all on the same page when it comes to this. Honestly, being fairly new to the community just this past year I really didn’t know about these feedback forums and didn’t think of them much.

Only now after reading some of the Aug 2022 posts about Omar that I still can’t believe I feel victim to this. Ultimately, I am glad that I will never receive this cab from him because I would not have truly enjoyed the full experience. Deep down my heart was like the deal has been tainted and there is nothing good coming from all this but bad energy, so that’s why I gave Omar those choices and in the end I will go the Police, Lawyer and suing route. I mean if you break the law there are consequences and if you think you can avoid this you must be an idiot.

I think Omar underestimates what connections I have and what I can do especially with the law. This is not my first rodeo with writing letters and having people convicted for their wrong doings.

I just never thought in a million years it would be regarding an arcade machine lol.

I really appreciate you offering me to reach out about expanding my collection for a hobby I love so much:)

I do have Omar’s complete address on file when I was setting up through pickup with Beltmann.

If I need any other advice or help I will for sure reach out to you personally man.

Thank you for your support and knowledge.
