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Jan 19, 2020
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United States
Another Aero City restore thread! Took me awhile to get setup for this project, but we are now off. This Aero is the sibling to @opt2not s epic restore (thread here). He did the heavy lifting and picked up both cabs for us, and then shipped it to me! My cabinet is a little rougher, but hope to end up with a similar result. Seems only right to start this thread with the same picture he used in his initial post. Overall taking this project on was inspired by @Kavas epic restore of an Aero! Now time to get to work.


So it begins...
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Time to make some catch up posts on the progress of my restore.

So first off this thing had to get packed up and shipped out from @opt2not 's place to mine.

iPhone Backup 10023.JPG
iPhone Backup 10027.JPG

Once it arrived it sat alone, Dexter wrapped, for a few months in the garage waiting to be unleashed.


In February, I finally cracked her open. This thing was packed with some gifts. Two american style CPs, a Simpsons PCB (bought from @opt2not), and a Centipede PCB.

iPhone Backup 10908 (2).jpg

iPhone Backup 10910 (2).jpg

First glance, things didn't look bad.

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one of my aeros also came to me as an americanized centipede... still have the cab and the centipede parts but they've long separated ways.
Looking closer, you start to see the character of the machine. Autographed glass, monitor burn, and some weird holes in the footplate...


Definitely some dirt in this thing, but nothing crazy...

iPhone Backup 10731 (2).jpg

Chassis is a little dirty, and some funk on the underside of the chassis and neck board, but looks to be in solid shape overall...

iPhone Backup 10724 (2).jpg

Next up was to plug things in and test it out. A couple pots are super sensitive, so took a while to get sync right. But things checked out, though I know this tube is close to end of life. Thanks again to @opt2not for testing it with his rejuvenator before shipping!



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Marquee needed a bulb and starter, but glows like a champ. Unplugged monitor for effect!

iPhone Backup 10730 (2).jpg

Next up was stripping things down. Only had to drill out the lock for the coin box (coin meter = 214357)...

iPhone Backup 11033 (2).jpg
iPhone Backup 11035 (2).jpg

Finally, everything was in pieces and ready to be dropped off at the painters for some powder...

iPhone Backup 11333 (2).jpg
iPhone Backup 11365 (2).jpg

Cleaning up the wiring and should be able to pick up on Monday. Which is good cause I have movers coming Wednesday to pack up my house for a move!
Also during the time I was waiting to prep and paint things, I located a lot of the detailed parts I needed/wanted for the restore.
Parts still needed:
  • New monitor glass
  • Various screws
  • Need to rework the coloring of the CP decal
Some photos of the good:

iPhone Backup 10101 (2).jpg

iPhone Backup 10202 (2).jpg

Ordered 50 of the grommets to save on per unit price. Already have passed on my 46 extra. Long-live Aero City cabs!


iPhone Backup 10071 (2).jpg

iPhone Backup 10546 (2).jpg

iPhone Backup 10322 (2).jpg