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Type X3 video card and CPU upgrade

Any mobo with Legacy bios is fine I use a Intel desktop board from 2012 that I got from eBay for cheap.

You can use a UEFI bios mobo but you need to convert the file system on the image so its easier to use a Legacy bios board.
Any mobo with Legacy bios is fine I use a Intel desktop board from 2012 that I got from eBay for cheap.

You can use a UEFI bios mobo but you need to convert the file system on the image so its easier to use a Legacy bios board.
Thank you. I was able to boot it. Next question is I have a AMD Radeon Gpu, so when I load it up it runs super slow, basically running off the cpu only. Does it have to be NVIDIA only? How can I make Radeon work? Thank you.
The original TTX games were written for NVIDIA GPUs (all TTX revisions used Nvidia) and only NVIDIA drivers are included with the image. You can load ATI drivers on from a flash drive and that will get a few titles working but for full compatibility and minimal crashing you should use an Nvidia GPU.
So what GPU is considered the best bang/buck upgrade path for the Type X3?

I'm looking to play APM3 games like DOA6 so from what I've read it's a toss up between:

1. 1070
2. 2060

Both are close to the same price.

CPU upgrade consensus seems to be i7 2600

and RAM upgrade consensus seems to be: Not necessary.

So what GPU would you go for? I know we have space considerations to think about inside the case, but also, what about the PSU pins? Will the 1070 or 2060 work with the stock PSU in the TTX3?
Correction the 3060 doesn't work in any PC I have, so I have to see if I can RMA the card, or if it's a bios issue, as the fans turn, and it seems to respond, but won't post through the card... on any MB I have,,,,
Sure that would work if I could see the screen, the PC, or any PC I've tried that card on doesn't Post (No Bios) during boot with that card...
I bagged a GTX 1060 from a local trade-in place called CEX in the UK today so far so good fits good & VF E Sports & Dead or Alive 6 are now working great as the stock 660 wasn't strong enough.

Fits well no slim case fan needed.


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Yeah I found out the 3060 needed a UEFI Bios to function as all non UEFI MB's didn't work with it, which is a first for me, there's typically a legacy mode where it shows some low res stuff especially for the bios.... so a EVGA 3060 may not work for this setup and 1060 may be as high as you can go...
Yeah I found out the 3060 needed a UEFI Bios to function as all non UEFI MB's didn't work with it, which is a first for me, there's typically a legacy mode where it shows some low res stuff especially for the bios.... so a EVGA 3060 may not work for this setup and 1060 may be as high as you can go...

Did you patch your mobo with the last available firmware, that allows UEFI video cards to work?
Yes I followed the instructions... but like I said that GFX card didn't want to post on any older MB that didn't have it's on-board graphics card, and then when I tried to install the drivers it reported a hardware failure, it's running in my son's newer PC now, without issue, so I may have RMA'd a perfectly working GFX card simply because I had too many old "Test" Mainboards... but the TTX3 was one of the ones that wouldn't even bring up the bios on... Fans spun for like 3-5 sec... then powered down the fans and either halted or booted depending on if it had on-board GFX. What was also odd the MB didn't beep 6x so it must have seen "something" but nothing it could feed video to... so IDK, it's a first, and I've been working with PC's since 1989-1990 or so... First PC was a 286-SX... :P