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Sep 25, 2015
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So, I've heard a pile of different things about what's needed...
What does one need to actually get a CPS3 up and running to run any game?
Can someone put together a decent explanation of this, because I feel dumb here.

I've heard things from "you just need to re-encode games to match your cartridge" to "you need to put a saturn cpu onto the security cart in place of the main cpu"
Also, where does ram quantity, and these fancy new custom ram sticks come into play?

Well that has been kind of explained, maybe information is a little bit spread so it can't hurt telling it again :)

There are 6 games for CPS3 (with different regions, but basically 6). Each game comes with a cartridge that holds the CPU (Hitachi SH2) and also the BIOS. Both are encrypted with one of the 6 different keys (one per game).

Also each game has different amount of SIMM Memory. See here:
So if you want to play them all, you basically need to have a cartridge that can run any game or to convert all the games for the keys of your cartridge. So I made two possibilities

A) Change the CPU from the cartridge for a non encrypted regular SH2 and convert all the games and the BIOS to work with this CPU. In this case you need to change the CPU from the cartridge and the BIOS of the cartridge as well.

B) If you remove the battery from the cartridge you end up with a cartridge that works like SFIII 2nd Strike. So I converted the BIOS and all the games to work with this setup. In order to make it work, just remove the battery and solder my special BIOS instead of the one that.

In both cases you need to have the maximum amount of SIMMS which is the ones from SFIII: 3rd Strike.

My menu allows you to play all games but in order to change to a different game you need to rewrite the SIMMS again which takes about 40 minutes. I'm working on a new version of the BIOS which should speed up the process A LOT.
Here is the hardware that you need:

CPS3 Motherboard
4x 128mb simms
2x 64mb simms
Superbios Flashed Security Cart from Mitsu
SCSI2SD card (so you dont have to use cd-rom drive)

I can probably set you up with most of these, except for the flashed security cart, I can give you a regular cart though, and you could order an scsi2sd card.
I've got a free original CPS3 SCSI drive with cable you can have (pay 6$ for shipping)...
If for some reason you don't want to order a SCSI2SD. ;)

I highly recommend the SCSI2SD tho, and scoop up a Jasen's custom Plexi too! :thumbup:
Didn't they change the size of the iscasi for a smaller one so Jase's will not work anymore. If not please link me to one that is comparable with Jasen's plexi. Thanks
SNK is totally right here... The footprint of the SCSI2SD device changed recently.

I'm not sure if Jasen is aware? Or if he is, a redesigned plexi is even an option (I believe he is currently deployed).
I love this community,

So I can send you the following:

DEAD CART (if you want I can send the dead cart to Mitsu to flash for you) I have to send him like 2 other dead carts I have.

Jassin can send you the Drive and you are a pretty much set, but you should get the SCSI2SD.
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... If defor doesn't jump on that, I'm thinking of getting into this world too so I'd love to buy from people here :)

Is there a significant difference between sh2 versions?
Is there a significant difference between sh2 versions?
Only if you wanted to write CPS2 SIMMs...
The two versions of the CDR are the same, the custom has got 4th Strike.

But after playing it, 4th Strike to me is hacky trash.
A) Change the CPU from the cartridge for a non encrypted regular SH2 and convert all the games and the BIOS to work with this CPU. In this case you need to change the CPU from the cartridge and the BIOS of the cartridge as well.

B) If you remove the battery from the cartridge you end up with a cartridge that works like SFIII 2nd Strike. So I converted the BIOS and all the games to work with this setup. In order to make it work, just remove the battery and solder my special BIOS instead of the one that.

My menu allows you to play all games but in order to change to a different game you need to rewrite the SIMMS again which takes about 40 minutes. I'm working on a new version of the BIOS which should speed up the process A LOT.
I'm also looking into this as I want to have a CPS3 setup some time in the future, and the 2 options regarding the SH2 are still not very clear to me.
Maybe you can explain what I would notice gameplay wise between the 2 options?

From my information I found and the way I understand it:
- Option A would be the 'standard SH2' and this would mean the games run 100% as they would on the original hardware
- Option B is with the 'custom SH2' as it installed from the factory, but what would the downside here be compared to option A? Games running 99% identical to the originals due to encryption differences?

This new BIOS you talk about, this would be a new chip retrofittable to existing carts or a software flash for existing carts with the current chip installed?
There's zero difference.
The regular SH2 option was provided *very* early in development because there were issues with using the original custom encrypted CPU which supported only some of the games.
It's been solved now and is not required. Actually it's been solved nearly a year (does anyone read the posts on this forum?)
All the official games are playable with the original factory CPU.
Nowadays no one does the SH2 swap. Plus you have to find a normal 'donor' SH2 which is difficult and will cost you more and you have to find someone capable of swapping it. Don't bother with the SH2 mod. The original CPU works fine as-is.
All that's needed is remove the BIOS flash ROM, re-program it then replace it back on the security cart.
Then burn the CD with the Darksoft version and boot the PCB.
Yes I do read the posts on the forum and things that are not clear to me is why does Mitsu offer the 'better' standard SH2 option if there is 0 difference as you say?
So is there still a difference?

There are two conversion options available:

Bios-only conversion:-----$55

With this option I will only swap the bios chip of the cart. We will leave the custom SH-2 in place. You will still be able to load any game and play. This version uses encryption tables for the games. There is always a slight chance that there could be a decryption error that could cause a lockup or freeze. There have been no reports in a long time, though

Bios and SH-2 swap:-----$150

The best option. This conversion replaces that custom SH-2 with a standard SH-2. This allows us to play all games without the need for encryption tables. This ensures the best available game play and is the best option for the hard-core collector or competitor!

CPSIII SuperBIOS Conversion Services
clearly you have not read or understood the 3 sticky posts in the CPSiii section of the Forum.
Someone with more time/patience will have to answer....
Well, the main reason is that at the beginning, the SH2 was a 100% direct replacement that assured that the games will work 100% like in the original.
The version for custom SH2 required me to do some specific tables that were at the beginning faulty and some games froze at random points. Tables have been improved a lot and I believe that maybe 1 error was reported in the last months. So it's up to you to choose which one.
Thanks for your info, couldn't find clear information on the difference in the sticky post, but if someone can point me to this info, please do.

But it all comes down to whatever multi set I will come across for sale as it wouldn't matter as long as I use the correct CD release for the type of SH2 I would have :)
I've got both versions of the cart and I can't tell any difference at all....

The $55 option will be fine for 99% of people.
I think I nailed it above, so I'll repeat it again...
The only reason to own the swapped SH2 cart is if you plan on writing CPS2 SIMMs.

If all you want to do is play the 6 original games on CPSIII you only need the 50$ option/cart.
I resurrected a dead all-in-1 CPS2 board by re-writing the simm with the $55 bios swap cart...

One Question - I know most SCSI CD-Rom drives work but has anyone tried using a SCSI DVD-Drive (as I will have a couple from scrapped kit in a couple of weeks) with a CPS3 board.

@Darksoft - "New version of the bios" - I assume it'll be another bios swap not a flash upgrade from a CD. If so I'll hang onto the two dead carts I have until it's released...
Yeah you can write cps2 simms with either version.