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Are you tinning your wires before soldering them?

A bit of flux will also go a long way here.
Yes I do tin my wires.
It definitely does help out. I use a flux core solder for this. Unless you are using a different kind of flux such as paste (I'll double check if I have any) or soldering liquid flux.
Yes I do tin my wires.
It definitely does help out. I use a flux core solder for this. Unless you are using a different kind of flux such as paste (I'll double check if I have any) or soldering liquid flux.
Just something like this will work wonders - https://www.radioshack.com/products/rosin-soldering-paste-flux

I use that in addition to flux core solder. It works great especially when you are about to solder to a clean pad like on the CPS2 multi.
I advice you to put some hot glue to secure those cables. See attached picture.


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I'll pass on the glue gun.
Would a multimeter help me figure out which wire is properly connected to the gold point or not? I won't be able to do much about until next weekend when I should have my hands on a good paste flux.
I advice you to put some hot glue to secure those cables. See attached picture.
While I think that this post is sarcasm, maybe some newbies will get confused when they see this posted by the very creator of the kit, so I believe some spoiler or some note establishing that in fact this is not a good practice is needed. Also: Drakon, is that you? :o
To be fair this is potentially a good practice as long as your wires are connected and working properly and you don't plan on removing the kit, it prevents issues of the wires becoming disconnected when the board or the cab it's in is/are moved - the connector however really doesn't need to be glued on....

In saying that, aesthetically it's not the most pretty and I personally wouldn't do it, but if this was a factory mod, you can almost guarantee the wires would've been glued in place (as the factory jumper is on factory converted older boards with the F PAL)
Yes, the sarcasm part was mainly the connector. I have used it in some cases but only when I was expecting lots of movement. Otherwise it's not a factory solution as you said. Anyways, I've seen it mainly to fix long cables to the motherboard and prevent them from hanging and being dragged.
Indeed, it's definitely odd to see it on 5cm long wires, on the connector and in the amounts in the picture :P

Reminds me of Neo boards where SNK cover all the capacitors in the sound area in hot glue, and the coin cell batteries. Ergh ;(
The things a lonely teenage boy will do when noone else is around....