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I think the main problem was the rom, as you can see it was incomplete.
Once i got the correct powerstone file everything just worked.
The source i was getting my roms from was incorrect after seeing the correct ones.
Testing other games now!

Edit: DOA2 works as well.
Nice one, I tried to power a Naomi netdimm setup from the converter in the beginning as well, didn't work for me. Glad it does for you guys.
I still think for a solid setup it's a good idea to get a separate power supply for the Naomi, and run the jvs converter off the arcade power supply. That way you aren't putting undue stress on the converter and hopefully it will last longer!

Hi, new to all of this, and I'm slowly assembling everything i need for a PiForce Web setup. So far I have a Naomi, netdimms with 2.13 and 3.03, and a raspberry pi with a dongle.
I don't have a zero pic, but I keep reading about piforce images that don't need it. Where do I find those, and are there any with web interfaces?

I'd rather not get a Zero pic if i don't need it for netbooting, since I'll never use the CF anyway.
I believe you need a PIC of some sort - regardless, or else you will get an error. I can test tonite to make sure unless someone else responds.
Hi, new to all of this, and I'm slowly assembling everything i need for a PiForce Web setup. So far I have a Naomi, netdimms with 2.13 and 3.03, and a raspberry pi with a dongle.

I don't have a zero pic, but I keep reading about piforce images that don't need it. Where do I find those, and are there any with web interfaces?

I'd rather not get a Zero pic if i don't need it for netbooting, since I'll never use the CF anyway.
the 3.03 firmware should work fine, you might need to update the 2.13. Don't recall off the top of my head, search the forum for compatible firmwares.

You need a compatible bios for the naomi. And you don't need a zero pic if you keep the pi plugged into the netdimm. If you are booting multiple netdimms, you either need a switch or a zero key.

Read more here: How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

Although #7 isn't necessary, the rest is rock solid.
Thanks for the responses. Yeah I'm keeping the pi connected to the Naomi. For some reason, I cant find that tidbit of information in any of the guides. All of them just say you need a PIC. Thanks for finally confirming that. I'm getting the Bios soon as well. I guess I can get started on these! I'm also buying a separate PSU for this. The power issues drove me crazy even when I was running Naomi cart through the Capcom IO.
You would be surprised! The 3B+ (latest), doesnt boot any of the distro images of piforce / piforce web. Raspberry PI Zero does boot every one.

Logged on
mount -o remount, rw /
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

My friend google tells me that the pi 3 B+ needs a different firmware. They also only talk about updating from raspbian stretch.
You could install the latest raspbian on your 3 B+ and install the piforcetools.py.
This wan't give you the advantages of the custom image like the web interface.
It can also suffer from sd card corruption if you remove the power without first shutting down the os properly.
(why they use a read only root fs)

Making a linux distro root fs "read only" is not a beginners task. Setting up the web server probably isn't either.

Does it work out of the box on the pi zero with the usb 2 ethernet cable? Maybe that's the easiest approach at the moment?
Wish I had stumbled on this thread earlier. I figured out that the 3b+ wasn't compatible with the current images after a day or so of fiddling.
I seen a Adriano board for this its 99 but its compact and offers same feature.
I was wondering if anyone could assist with getting this to work?

I'm currently using dev-tty0's Piforce Web and can't seem to load games from the browser.

Setup is as follows:

- Naomi 1 mobo with multibios f/w
- Net Dimm with 256mb, f/2 4.02 and zero key pic
- Raspberry Pi 3B with 64gb micro sd and Piforce web version 1.2
- Naomi IP is set to
- Raspberry Pi IP details below

root@minibian:~# ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr b8:27:eb:05:ad:55
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::ba27:ebff:fe05:ad55/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:948 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:516 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:56259 (54.9 KiB)  TX bytes:47959 (46.8 KiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:79 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:79 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:7136 (6.9 KiB)  TX bytes:7136 (6.9 KiB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr b8:27:eb:50:f8:00
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::ba27:ebff:fe50:f800/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:8481 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:0
When I do a pc transfer of the bin file (eg transfergame.exe <game_name>.bin, the games load up fine.

However, when I try and load it from a web browser, no game will load.

The ipad is successfully connected to the "naomi" wireless and I can see games when browsing a web page gg.com for example, but the moment I click on the game, the naomi system is just in a "checking network" state and the webpage just appears to be "loading" a page.

I've tried a cross over cable directly from the net dimm to the pi - same behaviour.

I've also tried connecting a cable from the net dimm to a hub, from the hub to the pi - same behaviour.

I can connect to the pi from my desktop so I know it's in the 192.168.1 subnet, I just can't get the pi to load the bin to the net dimm.

Anybody have any suggestions?

I think you have to set your net dimm ip to
I'll try it, but I don't believe it should matter.. since i'm in the same 192.168.1.x subnet I should be able to use anything from .1 through to .254.

I'll give it a go anyway.
I think you have to set your net dimm ip to
I'll try it, but I don't believe it should matter.. since i'm in the same 192.168.1.x subnet I should be able to use anything from .1 through to .254.
I'll give it a go anyway.

You will need the following items to use Piforce-Web:
  • A Raspberry Pi - http://www.raspberrypi.org/
  • An SD Card (4GB or greater)
  • A suitable wireless card (but only if using the pi versions 1 or 2 - see below)
  • A Naomi, Triforce, or Chihiro arcade system.
  • A Netdimm with a zero-key security PIC installed.
  • A crossover cable
  • The netdimm will need to be configured in static mode with an IP address of, netmask of, and gateway of
Yeah I recall reading that. I'm about to try it, it's just there's something else on the network that's using

Also don't know how to set the gateway to on the Net dimm
No need to set the gateway, and the ip on the netdimm is solely for the netdimm connection between it and the rpi. which is why you connect the lan port on the netdimm to the lan port on the rpi.
I'm not sure exactly what happened, but the same setup now works properly on the pi/naomi - I didn't change anything. I can't think of why it works now and not before.

Naomi IP is, I plugged a normal patch cable to the pi and connected to the naomi network, loaded a web page and launched a game!

Shortly after my monitor died, the whole thing started working via Piforce-Web

I've got a totally divergent branch of piforce web going on where I'm integrating a frontend for the card reader scripts.

I'm nowhere near ready to release, but one change I've made is to have a progress bar for netbooting. I hate sitting there wondering what's happening with no indicator. :P

If anyone is willing to make a public update and integrate that into the original piforce web, I'm happy to share the changes needed to make this happen.


  • Screenshot_20190618-144801~2.png
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Oh man that'd be such a good update!

That's the only thing I'm wanting with chunksin's release.

For now, I'm just grateful I can do use it :)