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Thanks @Franco23444. Anyone know which 246 games the sys256 jumper allows you to play ?
I believe I have a list I compiled somewhere in my notes but most of the 246 games that are played on the 256 (using 246+ mode) are the fighting games like the Soul Caliburs.
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yeah we need to fix that up since we can now run tests on everything and there's a bunch of errors there.
hell, rockman exe which has been confirmed as not for this system is even on here.
@electric_monk any chance you've had time to look into supporting hard drive emulation recently? I ran across a post a few days ago that seemed to indicate a year ago or so you were thinking to look into it.
Hi @electric_monk I am using your latest version of the firmware and I don't think autoonce.txt is working?

Here is my thought - with @BladeZX and the multi he setup - we could simplify the bootup process from how it is today:

Rpi Boots up - assuming you have the default option of "run the last game played", it holds the reset line high, and then loads the right disc, and then releases the reset, and sometimes the 246 boots correctly..... :)

To simplify this - I was trying to have it save the config to autoonce.txt (I had to save to the SD card, when I tried using the USB0: as a drive, it kept saving a zero byte file). That save file should contain two lines - the interface set command, and the disk select command. In fact - it does create this file correctly, but when the ODE boots up, it doesn't run what is in the file, nor does it erase the file.

Can you check and see if maybe I am using it wrong, or perhaps I don't quite understand a nuance of it right now.

Another update - I think I have a much more solid 246 ODE/Multi setup now after a bunch of troubleshooting today. I have added in which games needs master and/or slave (assuming you are running the latest firmware version of the ODE). This seems to work very well - and I haven't gotten a blue "can't load file" or whatever it says in over 3 hours.

I still want to get the selector screen working where it doesn't pick up multiple selects, as well as have the front screen mirror the website when you say you have a 246, so it only shows those games. I will work on that tmrw.

If anyone has a 246 and wants to test out my image, drop me a PM. The more testers, the better!

After another fun day of troubleshooting -a few more things I have learned.

1) Make sure your ATA cable isn't messed up - that cost me about 2 hours today... :) After all the repeated unplugs, the top part had come undone and the cable wasn't connected all the way.

2) sometimes, if something isn't booting or working, it seemed like the security cart wasn't making a good connection. on more than one occasion, pulling it out, blowing on it (the ol nintendo trick) and plugging it back firmly resolved the issue. This would also explain why a system just sitting in a closet for 6 months all of a sudden doesn't work anymore. I am guessing oxidation build up on the connections (but not sure which side).

I also have a note out to @BladeZX - at least on the selectors that I have, when you press select sometimes it double selects, and does a double write. Usually this made the system exhibit some weird behavior, so he is looking into seeing why that button has spurious events - the up and down do not, just the select button.

Aside from that - a few folks have been kind enough to offer to test - we will see how this works more broadly.

Ok - probably the last update for today.

After more testing - I think I am starting to figure this guy out! :)

The image seems quite stable - except for Netchuu Pro - if someone has a dongle/iso|bin_cue that works - please PM me.

o When you boot for the first time, the game will never load - you will either get a blank screen, or a blue error screen (the ODE doesn't select the last file loaded - working with Elec_Monk on this)
o This is because the game loads off the dongle before the Rpi can fiinish booting - once it does, it resets the system, loads the right image, sets the itnerface and the game should boot fine.
o All images for the 246 have the correct master/slave settings - this was all tested on the latest posted firmware for the ODE - .322R
o The select button on the selector is now working (w00t!)
o The game list on the selector is now ONLY what is playable on your system (246 or 256)
o For the most part, selecting between games works -> but you need to let the first game fully load before switching, otherwise the IDE bus gets into a weird lock mode
o If a game isn't loading at all (either black screen, or a blue error screen) - the most probable issue is that the IDE bus is locked (my word). The way to fix this is to reboot the console fully, BUT (and this took a bit) you need to remove power from it for at least 10 seconds. It should boot fine on the next bootup.
o cosmetic changes to the names of some of the Rom's so its easier to read/know what is being loaded.

PM if you want the image file - I have a few folks already testing. I will do some testing with my 256 next weekend to see how it fares (same image).

Thanks for your hard work!
May I ask which RasPi are you using and which distro ?
I am using a 3b with 1GB of ram, and the distro is what BladeZX used - so, it looks like its Raspbian 10 (buster).
Ok - probably the last update for today.

After more testing - I think I am starting to figure this guy out! :)

The image seems quite stable - except for Netchuu Pro - if someone has a dongle/iso|bin_cue that works - please PM me.

o When you boot for the first time, the game will never load - you will either get a blank screen, or a blue error screen (the ODE doesn't select the last file loaded - working with Elec_Monk on this)
o This is because the game loads off the dongle before the Rpi can fiinish booting - once it does, it resets the system, loads the right image, sets the itnerface and the game should boot fine.
o All images for the 246 have the correct master/slave settings - this was all tested on the latest posted firmware for the ODE - .322R
o The select button on the selector is now working (w00t!)
o The game list on the selector is now ONLY what is playable on your system (246 or 256)
o For the most part, selecting between games works -> but you need to let the first game fully load before switching, otherwise the IDE bus gets into a weird lock mode
o If a game isn't loading at all (either black screen, or a blue error screen) - the most probable issue is that the IDE bus is locked (my word). The way to fix this is to reboot the console fully, BUT (and this took a bit) you need to remove power from it for at least 10 seconds. It should boot fine on the next bootup.
o cosmetic changes to the names of some of the Rom's so its easier to read/know what is being loaded.

PM if you want the image file - I have a few folks already testing. I will do some testing with my 256 next weekend to see how it fares (same image).

Just a thank you for the work that your doing.
Isn't there a handy reset line so the Raspi can keep the sys2x6 in reset until it's ready ? :)

Good question - the current setup uses a GPIO pin to bring it to ground. Without that program running, the GPIO pins I think are high. I will have to look and see if any are low, right off the bat.

Although the selector has a chip that the buttons go through - not sure what that does, so likely that won't work.

The easier/better answer is for the ODE to have the "autoonce.txt" feature working, then it wouldn't matter how long the Rpi took to load - it would automatically load the last game with no issue. electric_monk is looking into this.

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I've got my final 246 and 256 image built (hopefully final!).

Some interesting things I wasn't expecting - Vampire Hunter and Wangan Midnight both load up on a 246 Rev B (although you can't play them because no light gun and/or steering wheel) - but they won't even load on a 246 Rev. C.

In my images I also pulled out all the entries for the hard drive based games - just to make the list more specific to what can actually load.

Wangan Midnight both load up on a 246 Rev B
I forgot that the intro will only load on those later systems but you still need a 246A or Driving variant to fully boot into both Wangan Midnight games. They’re still the only 246 games that require 64MB of RAM. I kinda wish I haven’t missed out on the ODE to give your image a try 😅