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Acquitted 4/11/23
Sep 15, 2022
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I got a Blast City from KC. I will update my progress and more pics as I go. Learning as I go. Currently have quite a few issues I hope maybe to find some good tips here. Biggest issue is the monitor not working anymore. Live in Orange County, CA if you guys know any Blast City CRT techs. Thanks guys!
So I have been giving my metal a vinegar bath and polishing after but this metal piece on the control panel got stuck and the screw head is totally messed up now. I tried wd40 and pliers and I can’t get it to turn. I don’t want to drill it out only because I think I’ll damage the control panel. Any thoughts?

Anyone have a link to a good thread on replacing power supply fans? I have the one that came with my blast city and the Sun psi for my Naomi.

Mostly used goof off and krud kutter. Unfortunately the part with weak paint got stripped off but still a nice improvement.
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I have my Sun PSU plugged into the Blast city power supply but when I switch off the Blast City the Sun power supply does not turn off or my Naomi 2. Is this normal?

My solution was to plug the Sun PSU into the Blast City PSU and the Blast City PSU into a smart plug. Now I just tell my Smart speaker “Turn on the Blast City.” Or “turn off the Blast City” and everything shuts off as intended.

I’m so cool. Lol.
I have my Sun PSU plugged into the Blast city power supply but when I switch off the Blast City the Sun power supply does not turn off or my Naomi 2. Is this normal?

My solution was to plug the Sun PSU into the Blast City PSU and the Blast City PSU into a smart plug. Now I just tell my Smart speaker “Turn on the Blast City.” Or “turn off the Blast City” and everything shuts off as intended.

I’m so cool. Lol.
No, not normal. Something is wrong with your i/o since the sun psu gets powered through there. I got a connector spliced into a power chord and power mine up off a power strip that turns the Blast on/off same time. But your solution works too