What's new
Raspberry Pi 3A or 3B or 3B+ or 4B and microSD card, 8GB is fine
USB to serial adaptor - I use the TrendNet TU-S9 but anything using the Prolific PL230x chipset is fine
Female to Female 9 pin serial cable
ACR122U card reader
Mifare 4k NFC cards - any generic ones should work fine

If you want to power the Pi with 5v from the DC Out connector on the Ringedge you can make up a Molex to USB connector with these:

14 Way Molex Mini-fit Jr. 5557 Series Female White
Model: FF55-39012145-H

Molex, Mini-Fit 5556, Female, Contact,16awg
Model: FA51-39000077-T
Hi @chunksin, is this a good BOM to sticky somehow for those following your progress? Are you still looking for a copy of ID7?
Hey guys! I am a proud owner of a Derby Owners Club unit!,

I have the program running and the cables wired the correct way. But DOC is stuck on please wait. The original printer does work but I am running low on cards :(. Thoughts?

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Hi Guys, I wanted to let everyone know that I got Derby Owners Club World Edition Card readers working thanks to @whatnot YACardEmu https://github.com/GXTX/YACardEmu.

Here are the steps to get it working

Computer -> USB to RS232 ->RS422 ->Naomi
I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075YGKFC1?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
USB RS232 Pin out
Notes you only need 3 wires | CTS/RTS Bridged | You will have to modify a cable|
Pin 2 RXD
Pin 3 TXD
Pin 5 GND
**Pin 7 CTS Wire this together with pin 8
Pin 8 RTS Wire this together with pin 7

It should look like this:


Plug it into the RS232 Board Male DB9 Port.

Then you Down load the Binary here - https://github.com/GXTX/YACardEmu/tags
Down load to your computer
Extract Files
Make a copy of config.ini.sample
Rename it to config.ini

; basepath MUST end in a trailing slash!
;basepath = /home/wutno/cards/
;Very Important you must Specify a location and there has to be a folder. If the folder is missing you will get an error.
basepath = C:\docwe_c

; Linux
;serialpath = /dev/ttyUSB0
; Windows
serialpath = COM3
;serialpath = \.\pipe\YACardEmu
; Which device should we emulate?
; C1231LR / C1231BR / S31R
targetdevice = C1231BR
; Optional
serialbaud = 9600
;Acceptable even & none
serialparity = even
apiport = 8080
autoselectedcard = card.bin

Then Run YaCardEmu.exe.
Then Fire up the DOCWE Machine

Massive <3 to @whatnot and everyone here who made this possible.
Hi Guys, I wanted to let everyone know that I got Derby Owners Club World Edition Card readers working thanks to @whatnot YACardEmu https://github.com/GXTX/YACardEmu.

Here are the steps to get it working

Computer -> USB to RS232 ->RS422 ->Naomi
I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075YGKFC1?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
USB RS232 Pin out
Notes you only need 3 wires | CTS/RTS Bridged | You will have to modify a cable|
Pin 2 RXD
Pin 3 TXD
Pin 5 GND
**Pin 7 CTS Wire this together with pin 8
Pin 8 RTS Wire this together with pin 7

It should look like this:


Plug it into the RS232 Board Male DB9 Port.

Then you Down load the Binary here - https://github.com/GXTX/YACardEmu/tags
Down load to your computer
Extract Files
Make a copy of config.ini.sample
Rename it to config.ini

; basepath MUST end in a trailing slash!
;basepath = /home/wutno/cards/
;Very Important you must Specify a location and there has to be a folder. If the folder is missing you will get an error.
basepath = C:\docwe_c

; Linux
;serialpath = /dev/ttyUSB0
; Windows
serialpath = COM3
;serialpath = \.\pipe\YACardEmu
; Which device should we emulate?
; C1231LR / C1231BR / S31R
targetdevice = C1231BR
; Optional
serialbaud = 9600
;Acceptable even & none
serialparity = even
apiport = 8080
autoselectedcard = card.bin

Then Run YaCardEmu.exe.
Then Fire up the DOCWE Machine

Massive <3 to @whatnot and everyone here who made this possible.
Thanks for the detailed steps! Awesome that you have it up and running!
Hi everyone, I’m trying to dump my Derby owners club horse cards with an msr-206 card reader. I have modified the card reader to raise the read head and cannot for the life of me get track 1 to read off the cards and can’t figure out why. I don’t think it can be moved any higher. The settings I am using for the reader are: Hi-C 210bpi 8bpc none parity for all tracks and 62 leading zeroes all tracks.

No matter which way I swipe I either get nothing for track 1 or maybe half the data at most and it isn’t consistent. Tracks 2 and 3 are always consistent and the correct number of bytes.

Can anyone possibly tell me if I am doing anything wrong? Here is a pic of where my read head is. Thanks!


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Hi Guys, i need help, i am a new owner of a wmmt3 , i have setup YACardEmu on a Raspi3. It does communicate and i can create a Card, but only 1 as soon as i buy a new one they both get corrupted. I am pretty sure the problem is me, but i can t figure out what i am doing wrong.
here my config :
basepath = /home/bsl88k/YACardEmu/cards/​
;basepath = C:\Temp\cards\​
; Linux​
serialpath = /dev/ttyUSB0​
; Windows​
;serialpath = COM3​
;serialpath = \\.\pipe\YACardEmu​
; Which device should we emulate?​
; C1231LR / C1231BR / S31R​
targetdevice = S31R​
; Optional​
serialbaud = 38400​
; Acceptable even & none​
serialparity = even​
apiport = 8080​
autoselectedcard = card.bin​

here what i have in my cards directory after first card :

here after second card created:
Ok after many trial , i succeeded to compile 3387ffa , so now my problem is the name of the card they get either card.bin or card.bin.1. not easy to remember wich is wich , is there a way for the card to have the name entered by the player on the card??? when i log to myip:8080 am i suppose to be able to scroll the cards ?
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There's no easy way to do that, no. I'd have to make it work with every game that my program works with, and most have some type of encryption on the card data.

You are supposed to be able to scroll the cards, but there's some bug I haven't bothered fixing yet.

RE: the bin files
The ".1", etc. are generated when the game dispenses a new card and you have the name the same as one that already exists. The current master version was supposed to automatically save the currently entered card in the config, however from what you've shown I have some bug on the Linux version. You can completely ignore the print.bin, it's just a copy of the data that is sent to the printer, soon(tm) I'll be doing something with that.

So in a roundabout way, your current card is likely the "card.bin.1".

Edit: I fixed the master version if you want the auto card to be the last used
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Ok , then if i understand well , as we are 5 players in the house the cards will be name card.bin, card.bin.1, card.bin.2 ... etc ??

The CHANGE button is it used to select a card ?

Thanks for your time and great work
"Change" is used to select the card, yes. Then you'd "Insert" when appropriate.

The naming depends on what you want, the only time you get .1, .2, .3, etc. is when there's already a card under the same name.

So you'd want something like mindstorm.bin & john.bin, etc.
Good, getting the hang of it.

Tried the corrected master, it still create files like this


With a \ as first character.
In my setup the caroussel to select card does not scroll at all.
It's up and running :D with my WMMT3

My setup is a stand alone headless Raspberry Pi with only a button to power up or shutdown to standby mode .

YACardEmuBox.jpg how cards look in the UI bruno.bin.png

as it was not easy to setup , i have create a repo, to keep track of what needed to be done. Hope it may help others interested by this project.


A big thanks to @whatnot ,for his patience responding to my multiple questions !!:)
What would be the best way to run this on a 4-player WMMT setup? Is there a way to store the card data on a network server so all cabinets can access the same card data?
What would be the best way to run this on a 4-player WMMT setup? Is there a way to store the card data on a network server so all cabinets can access the same card data?

Which 4 WMMT do you have in mind?
pretty cool. isn't WMMT and MK uses same reader ?
about F-Zero - I guess the problems exists because you use simple hardcoded replies instead of real emulation. (also the reason why WMMT and MK needs different that way made scripts - results is different on different contexts)

in meanwhile I've finished RE/emulation of Saxa HW210 RFID card reader, mainly for NAOMI Dragon Treasure 2/3 and WCCF games. but it also was used in number of Lindbergh games (Virtua Tennis 3, Ghost Squad, etc). let me know if you interested to know details.
Hi MetalliC, I have WCCF and card reader not working. Would be great to exchange. Thx!
Seeing my friend mindstorm88 (who got my extra Wangan) setting up the card reader got me back into wanting to run Wangan midnight 2 with cards.
Now to fit all four games, I removed that "huge metal safe" acting as a coinbox on each of them, saving ~ 15 inches, allowing the fourth to fit! so the card readers are gone.

Is anyone running more than one instance of the card emulator at the same time? @winteriscoming ? Do you run one or 2? is 2 how? manually?
I want/need to run four ! @chunksin do you see any reason why it couldn't be done on the same WIPI? the cab id ( & usb/com port) would probably need to be added to a menu or is that already configurable? or would NFC be easier?!

So after having check with chunksin if I could show this off, here's his *4* seat card emulator running on my 4 Wangan setup!

You choose your game: (Wangan Midght 2 for me!)

You choose your seat and you insert your card!

You need 4 USB to DB9 cable and voilà:


it supports NFC which would be super nice and faster but it's not required for me and my small basement. Perhaps a real arcade could use it!? ( there is no support for Wangan 3 at this time)

He mentioned plans to release at large eventually but is busy with a new job now so patience but know this exist, works and is just awesome!
Thanks a lot Chunksin! (and of course winteriscoming as well)

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