I got my used card and was able to solve the data format completely!! Here are my findings...
First, the cards are written right-to-left, which is typically backwards from normal US readers and my MSR605X device. So you have to scan the card backwards or you will get incorrect data (because of the start bit must be 1 rule I talked about before). I had a lot of trouble scanning the used card because the position of the magnetic tracks were off a little bit - I don't know if all cards are like this or if the machine that wrote mine was misaligned. I had to bend the tip of the card and read the tracks individually.
Next, each track is 72 bytes. There is a start character of FF, the payload data, an end character of FF, and an inverted Block Check Character (
BCC) at the very end. Every byte of the payload has the bits reversed. So you must reverse every 8 bits to get the correct payload data.
To verify my findings, I took the 3 tracks, extracted the payload data, reversed the bits as necessary, and put my card data into the Demul emulator. Success! This matches what was printed on the person's card.
So that proves this works. Therefore, to write emulator data to a real card, just do the steps in reverse:
Can't wait to try this out at the real arcade. If it doesn't work, it's probably because my card writer doesn't write the tracks with the expected distance and margins that the sanwa one does. If that's the case, I don't know if there's anything I can do to fix that. Fingers crossed i guess haha.