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How are you powering the Pi? That perhaps could lead to corruption. Do you have another Pi to try with?

Is there a way to connect via SSH to change the network settings? I'd like to have the rpi connected to my home network via wifi and (of course) use the rpi LAN port to connect with the netdimm.

Sure, you can connect to via the WiFi interface, run dietpi-software, uninstall the WiFi Hotspot, reboot then use dietpi-config to set your WiFi network up. I'll automate this process for the next build with options to connect to your home network.

If you get stuck, drop me a PM and I'll be able to help.
thanks for implementing that memory check component!

This image just gets better and better! :)
You should be fine with powering the Pi off the Naomi. But worth checking that point with a multimeter just in case.

If I had to guess what’s happening, I’d suspect a dodgy SD card. I had a similar issue, not frequently though and a SD swap out fixed it for good.
Report back. If it corrupts again, try using an external PSU on the Pi and make sure you power down from this image via the menu.
Great suggestions! I'll get that added into the next version, you're right, the navigation isn't consistent between screens so you end up having to go back to the menu, a hangover from having a pinned link at the top for the all games filter
Can anyone else using this test the Marvel Vs Capcom 2 UNLOCKED characters rom on their setup and tell me if it's loading up with all the characters unlocked? Or do you get it loading with 0 exp and no characters unlocked.
They only ever unlocked for me after loading the image, loading the game, then rebooting yet again. Give that a try?
Dear Chunksin,
Many thanks again for this netbooter which is by fare, the best one in my opinion, very appreciated !!

So I just tested your image for less than 1 hour and have some feedback to share, maybe not all useful.

Launch game:
After having defined my 2 netdimms (the first is my Naomi 1 and the second being my Naomi 2), I launched a game then had the % indicator to 100 and then it came back to the game menu when in fact nothing happened, then game was not loaded in the netdimm.
My mistake! I forgot to set the target.
-> Would it be possible to make a 'ping' of the target before sending a game and put an error message if system is not rechable, please (i.e. "Target not reachable, did you define your netdimm AND set the correct target?")

Shutdown Command:
I accidentally pressed 'Shutdown' instead of setup and as there is not confirmation message, it shutdown... So the good news is that the command is working well :)
-> Could you separate this command a bit from the others please? (i.e a bit under)

Favorites menu:
Would it be possible to have a favorite menu, please? Or maybe I didn't see it.

Best regards
I'm sorry, I'm completely new to the naomi netbooting (haven't even got the stuff I bought yet). Is this an alternative to the Pi-Force Tools mentioned in the other thread?

If so what is the difference?

And what's the preferred method of netbooting by people nowdays?
The piforcetools is the name given to the set of python scripts used to netboot from a raspberry pi and this software image is one of a few available.

Some use an LCD screen you can attach to the raspberry pi GPIO pins and manually select a game, others use a website published wirelessly from the pi. This image gives you both options so you can use it in a few different configurations.

I really need to make an overview video to show it working and the options it offers! Much easier to see it working than explain it!
The piforcetools is the name given to the set of python scripts used to netboot from a raspberry pi and this software image is one of a few available.

Some use an LCD screen you can attach to the raspberry pi GPIO pins and manually select a game, others use a website published wirelessly from the pi. This image gives you both options so you can use it in a few different configurations.

I really need to make an overview video to show it working and the options it offers! Much easier to see it working than explain it!
That would be awesome actually. Maybe even a setup video?

Does it need a screen if it already has the web page as an option?
I'm sorry, I'm completely new to the naomi netbooting (haven't even got the stuff I bought yet). Is this an alternative to the Pi-Force Tools mentioned in the other thread?

If so what is the difference?

And what's the preferred method of netbooting by people nowdays?
Dloop, just use this method. Trust me, I was new to this a few months back and i went around and around in circles trying to work out what i should use... there is a LOT of scattered and not up to date info out there.
If you are going to use the raspberry pi to hold your roms and load them from that, you want this image for your raspberry pi to control it all.

This image will let you boot the raspberry pi with microsd card inserted and your roms on there, connect your phone to the wireless access point on the raspberry pi, and at the press of a button, tell your raspberry pi to load an image onto the naomi.

Look at this video. It doesn't show you how to set it up, but it shows the end result and how simple it is to load games.

Thanks, that does look nice! I thought however this was doable with the Pi Force software which is why I am a bit confused :)
Thanks, that does look nice! I thought however this was doable with the Pi Force software which is why I am a bit confused :)
I'm pretty sure it was doable, it just updated.

This version has now been updated to run on the latest pis and have now added a bunch of new features which include the ability to use either the 16x2 lcd, a full colour lcd or the web version or even both at the same time along with the disabling of the memory check when loading a game.

TL;DR - this is the image to use for Netbooting :)
Thanks, that does look nice! I thought however this was doable with the Pi Force software which is why I am a bit confused :)
I'm pretty sure it was doable, it just updated.
This version has now been updated to run on the latest pis and have now added a bunch of new features which include the ability to use either the 16x2 lcd, a full colour lcd or the web version or even both at the same time along with the disabling of the memory check when loading a game.

TL;DR - this is the image to use for Netbooting :)
Sounds awesome :)

Is there any reason to pick a specific rPi version?

Or if I got a left over rPi zero w, is that good enough?
Hey guys i need some assistance. I have a Pi 3b+ with a adafruit lcd (16x2). I burned the wipi v4 image to a sd card using win32diskimgr and hddrawcopy. Tried this twice. Moved and extended the partitions as instructed. When i power on the pi i get nothing on the lcd and i do not see the wifi. What am i doing wrong or forgetting to do to get it working. Your help is much appreciated.
@Murray Thanks for the info. So i redid the sd card like how you said and still did not work. I switched the sd card to a Pi 3 B v1.2 that i have and it worked, so it had something to do with the pi that i was using.

Quick questions how do i choose between mvc2 and mvc2 unlocked, as i have both .bin files on the sd card but it does not show up as a option in the list of game.
Quick questions how do i choose between mvc2 and mvc2 unlocked, as i have both .bin files on the sd card but it does not show up as a option in the list of game.
There is a .csv file on the sdcard you need to edit. Duplicate the MvC2 line and change the filename to point to the MvC2 unlocked ROM. Edit the title so you can tell which is unlocked.
Having trouble with the image for Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000

I changed the name of the image to capsnk.png in the csv file, but it is still displaying the incorrect image.

What am I doing wrong?

I think I figured it out, "if you edit the file, run the import csv function under Setup to copy your changes."


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