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If I had children, I would gladly sell them to an East Albanian warlord to finance my bid to be a beta tester for the AES version.

Because let's be honest - any kids of mine would be assholes.
I nominate myself to be a beta tester in the imaginary AES open beta test that has not ever been announced because my reasons are best!

Maybe a nice surprise for the 1yr anniversary of this thread? :)

Would be awesome...
Close one Darksoft! I think my wife would op-shop all my gear if I forgot her anniversary and spent all day in the mancave rofl
Has the initial batch been produced yet? It would be good seem some independent people give their thoughts on it.
MVS cart prices will plummet after this is released. One last cart to ever buy for my mvs machine- thank you for all your hard work darksoft- Will keep checking here for the pre order link
MVS cart prices will plummet after this is released.
They haven't plummeted because of the NeoSD and all the Nintendo Switch ports, so it's doubtful anything will make them plummet. You are seeing people parting with their collections and lots of rarer games are showing up now, but the prices are staying steady.
The AES Scene is stagnant. Too many flippers and greedy people horded all these rare carts but can't move them because no one is stupid enough to pay these ridiculous prices. $8000 for English MSX? $7500 for Blazing Star? $3500 for a 161-in-1??? I understand if it's an ultra-rare like MS1 or NTM but come on...People are trying to dump their collections and make a ridiculous profit but are finding out the hard way they can't have both. So inventory is going to rot online with no takers until prices come down. For those of you who *finally* want to finish their collections, this is a golden time. But YOU MUST BE PATIENT and READY when that deal shows up.
I know it has been stated here somewhere, but can't find it back; what is the recommended sdcard size to fit all roms?
I need to order one, so might as well buy one for the NeoMulti.
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