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@Murray first I tested with bios H - Japan, after I tested w/ the latest multibios, all the tests was made w/ japan region I didn't tested with other regions configured.
Tomorrow I'll test the time hack and do a video to ilustrate the issue.
Thank You.
I'm just building a few kits for some friends. I'm using pi 3b+ and 4 with the blue lcd. I take it I have to edit some files to get it to work? On my personal rig I'm using web/touch screen so I know the image is good (V5)
@Murray thank you. I will look into it. Is there a way to sh into this image or do I need to setup a Linux machine to see that portion/file
@Murray same issue, without pic and time hack enable, tested w/ 2 cards same problem.
Gonna post my setting and a video.
I really don't know what to do next....
Thanks again !


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If you have the older white text on blue background 16x2 LCD screen you need to remove the following line in the piforcetools.py file. It drove me nuts when I originally set mine up!

I removed that line and still nothing on screen. Do you need it completely connected to the naomi for it to display something? (Adjusted the contrast pot). I guess my next step is to dig out an old image to make sure my 16x2 lcd is good
Try changing the value to another colour like red or yellow to see if you get any change on the LCD
@Murray same issue, without pic and time hack enable, tested w/ 2 cards same problem.
Gonna post my setting and a video.
I really don't know what to do next....
Thanks again !
I can't say for certain, but it awfully looks like a JVS I/O issue to me.
@GarouSP Like @mathieulh has said, it sounds to me like you might have a button stuck down on your IO. Can you try a different IO or no IO at all?

You could also go into the JVS test and make sure all buttons are zero and that the IO generally works properly.

Is it the official jamma to JVS one, or a clone?
@bobbydilley @mathieulh If I got an stuck test button I think that all games should enter in this menu loop, only atomíswave do this, Naomi games works flawless, and it is an original sega IO, I didn’t check the switches at the service menu, I will check to rule down one more thing and change the IO for another one to check that too, to be honest right now I don’t remember if there is a service button on the IO, I use the service button from the Naomi board.
So far I have done...
Changed Naomi board.
Changed Netdimm board.
Changed the microsd and burned the image a couple of times.
Removed null key and activated time hack.
Maybe there is something that I could do but I can’t imagine.
Thanks guys for the help!
@bobbydilley @mathieulh If I got an stuck test button I think that all games should enter in this menu loop, only atomíswave do this, Naomi games works flawless, and it is an original sega IO, I didn’t check the switches at the service menu, I will check to rule down one more thing and change the IO for another one to check that too, to be honest right now I don’t remember if there is a service button on the IO, I use the service button from the Naomi board.
So far I have done...
Changed Naomi board.
Changed Netdimm board.
Changed the microsd and burned the image a couple of times.
Removed null key and activated time hack.
Maybe there is something that I could do but I can’t imagine.
Thanks guys for the help!
Can you run an Atomiswave game without the IO board connected ? (They can run with no io board) and see if you still have the issue?
A little update on my issue. The 1st image I burn must have been a bad write. As the stock v4, v5, and prebuilt image work on the pi3 b+. Only hickup I'm getting is the back light does not work (it flash on for a second then off again). No matter what I do though I can not get the adafruit 16x2 blue lcd to work on the pi 4
@mathieulh tested w/o the io, worked, but I’ve tested with 3 different ios and all of then gave me the service menu loop.
I know that the io have a jumper to change button configuration, one position CVS 2 doesn’t boot, another boots, gonna test both settings to see with changes anything about atomiswave.
@mathieulh tested w/o the io, worked, but I’ve tested with 3 different ios and all of then gave me the service menu loop.
I know that the io have a jumper to change button configuration, one position CVS 2 doesn’t boot, another boots, gonna test both settings to see with changes anything about atomiswave.
Thanks, keep us posted!
@mathieulh I got an IO borrowed for test, even doing this variation in analog controls, all games worked, no more service menu loop.
My 3 ios have the same problem, strangely only in atomiswave games, at least now everything is fine, a little more tests to finish.
Thank you guys for the help!!!!


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This whole problem was a real pain, 3 ios with the same problem is like the lightning bolt drops 3 times in the same spot.
And such a specific problem that even if everything indicated the io as defective, after testing with three it made me completely discard the ios as defective.
Living and learning!!!
okay is anyone using a pi4 and get the 16x2 lcd to work? I need to pick your brain as I can't for the life of me get it to run on a pi4. Run totally fine in all 3 modes on a pi3. I can only get the web and touchscreen to run on the pi 4