
  1. jermz1

    Sega Sign - under the age of 18 are not allowed DOWNLOAD AI. FILE HERE Forgot to bid on this a few days ago. Really cool sign to place in your arcade. I don't know the exact dimensions, but I whipped up the artwork. You can scale it to whatever size you would like. Example below
  2. fergo23

    WTB Blast City Coin Door \ Cabinet Metal Frame *SOLD*

    Hi all I am looking for the metal frame that goes behind the coin door on a blast city. See pictures below in regards to what I am after. If anyone has one for sale can they please message me here or DM. I can also be contacted via email, If you have a coin door with the...
  3. Coughdrop

    FS WTB Original SEGA HOT-2005 Panel / Naomi Universal Cabinet Control panel Overlay (+ a few Questions)

    Hello!! ^^ I just got my hands on a Naomi Universal Cabinet after years of wanting one. I was planning to restore it which sadly seems to already have been done to a degree (lazily) with white paint, but i would like to undo that and redo it with more care. In looks i'd like it to be as close...
  4. rfsup

    WTB Naomi Games and Accessories - Just starting a repair

    Just bought a broken Naomi motherboard, for the exercise of learning the repair. My goal is to assemble the parts I need to start repairing. Then: Add Net-boot support. Looking for (in order): Any verified working game cartridge (honestly, just want a way to verify once I have the motherboard...
  5. doccaz

    [Repair Log] Naomi 2, take 2

    Okay, if you've followed my repair log, you know that it worked for a while, then stopped for good when one of the BGAs crapped out. Well, I bit the bullet and bought another one from a questionable source, "guaranteed tested", for a fair price. It arrived yesterday and indeed, after setting...
  6. d00mdrew

    Any difference between Astro City and New Astro City cab stickers?

    I can’t find a lot of info on the web but want to confirm since I’ll need some soon for a repainted NAC. I’m assuming the NAC OEM cab stickers are the same or very similar to the AC cab stickers (as the factory stickers on Aeros are pretty much the same as ACs)? Thanks!
  7. S

    FS Original Sega boards for sale (System 16 & C) + Atari Tetris

    Hello, Lot of original PCB for sale : ALTERED BEAST (original) - SOLD AURAIL (original) - 250€ BAYROUTE (convert) - SOLD FLASH POINT (original) - 200€ M.V.P. (original) - 225€ TETRIS (only rom board + cpu) - 75€ TOUGH TURF (original) - SOLD WRESTLE WAR (jyuohki mb) - SOLD COLUMNS (Sega System...
  8. J

    Using a Sega Saturn Virtua Stick with the Triforce

    Hey all, I guess the title says it all, my goal is to splice a Sega Saturn controller port to the ribbon cable of the JVS I/O I have, 837-13844-02 board. I found the pinout of the 40 pin connector and for the Sega Saturn controller but I'm not entirely sure what should go where, which is what...
  9. J

    SOLD PlayStation Xstation Console; Sega Nomad with LCDDRV Mod

    Hi all, I have a couple of retro gaming items for sale: PAL Sony Playstation console only with Xstation installed and 64gb micro SD card - £150 (PayPal F&F) shipped anywhere in UK - SOLD. Sega Nomad with LCDDRV mod and Sega CD and SMS sound mods for playing on a compatible flash cart - £400...
  10. M

    WTB Sega Blast City

    Hey guys. i'm looking for a Sega blast city. i'm from Portugal (Europe). Please keep in mind that if you don't meet all the requirements it might not be a problem, just send me a PM / DM and we can sort it out hopefuly. Requirements: Working (lol) Great condition Monitor without any burn-in...
  11. Softdrink

    Laser-cut Astro City Marquee Holder

    Overview Front view of the marquee holder installed on a New Astro City cabinet. A few years ago I created a DIY lasercut marquee holder for the SEGA Astro City and New Astro City arcade cabinet. This design wasn't perfectly accurate - I didn't have reference to an original holder at the...
  12. S


    Hi, For sale, two rom boards for the Sega SYstem 18 arcade motherboard : - Where's Wally + CPU (new abttery) + trackball subboard -> SOLD - Clutch Hitter + CPU (new battery) -> 90$ Shipping from Belgium, contact me for exact shipping cost to your country. Thanks Thierry/ShinobiZ
  13. Scillianaire

    Busted the USB port on my Naomi 2

    Somehow mangled the USB port on my Naomi 2, any suggestions? Anyone have a digikey link for the part. I would love to repair rather than replace the filter board. Pics
  14. Ed - HCF

    Naomi 2 CPU & Case Fan Replacement

    Hi All! I've just finished up replacing all the fans in my obnoxiously noisy Naomi 2, documenting the steps in the process, and I thought I'd share the video here in case it may help others. Hope you enjoy! Link: View:
  15. Scillianaire

    MS-9 horizontal collapsing and geometry issues

    Got a cab with an MS9 recently and the monitor seemed DOA. Took it to PNL and they got it back online but now it doesn’t maintain geometry and if you push the image right on the remote board it starts to collapse on its self -the displayed image is noticeably crushed/ more narrow to that side...
  16. robbiederhase

    Need help with my Naomi 2 CF setup.

    Hi everyone. I'd please like a little help getting my Naomi 2 set up with a CF reader dimm board i got from axunworks. So I run a little game/music/collectibles shop in socal and I have a small arcade section for guests to come play. I bought a blast city just to run a Naomi 2 board...
  17. Little techy

    Sega triforce

    Afternoon guys! I have received a mario kart arcade gp 2 triforce pc with damage to repair. I'm still self teaching about component work and failing to see where the trace goes from the negative side. I'm confident that I can repair if I can just find out where it goes. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  18. Little techy

    Ghost squad chihiro pc error.

    Good afternoon guys I'm new to arcade projects and hope to help when I can, but for now I have an issue with a chihiro pc in my ghost squad machine that I could use some help with. Error 21 - the game is not acceptable with main board. I have used 2 separate identical disks and 4 different...
  19. Softdrink

    (New) Astro City Cashbox Shelf

    Overview A few months back, I designed a custom shelf to fit above the cashbox in the Astro and New Astro City cabinets. I've been very busy with work, so I only just finished documentation of it - but it's been working fine for me for over half a year. The project is open-source and I've...
  20. gamemaster14

    Sega Naomi 2 Board will not run Naomi 2 games?

    I have had a Naomi 2 board for a good while now, never had any issues with it, The other day I tried to run Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned and it just freezes at the Sega screen. I did some more trouble shooting, Naomi 1 games such as Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core work...