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Just connect your Chihiro via Network cable to a PC as explained in several threads and upload the firmware as if it was a normal game. It will then do the update.

any link how to do that?
zero pic, pc, network cable, fw file, jumpers in netboot mode but do i need software in my pc? is the chihiro in netboot mode has a new menu in test mode? thanks
triforcetools.py can be used as well. You will need to install python on your pc.
I am unsure if the program works with the new python version. The old version was 2.x
That tool works in linux as well and even on a raspberry pi.
I have updated the 1st post with a new Version of the FW, where nothing is checked, not even the special sector neither anything is Xor'ed.

That means that you can just copy+paste the files on your CF. No need to use any program or read the Read ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE data from your CF anymore.

Just copy the 2 files to the CF and you are good to go.

Please let me know how it works for you. Thanks.
Besides the .bin file what other file is needed?

Will we still need a zero pic?
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Besides the .bin file what other file is needed?

Will we still need a zero pic?
Yes, you still need a ZERO PIC. Your CF needs to have 2 files, one is usually called ABC.bin (this is defined by the ZERO PIC that you use. Some uze XYZ.bin for instance) and the other file will have the game. That's all you need.

Notice that the ABC.bin contains the name of the game file which usually is GAME.BIN
Nevermind. See @rtw's post a few posts down, or click this link:

CHIHIRO TYPE 3: New Firmware !

Anyone? Dying to trying this out.
2) open GAME.BIN (binary file of the game, desencrypted) and make a CRC32 of it.
3) Get the result and make a XOR 0xFFFFFFFF
4) open a header file, ABC.bin and store the result of the CRC32
calculation at adress 0x08-0x0B, the order of the CRC32 is first low
byte and last high byte.

If that sounds gibberish to you, there are programs that will do this for you, like GCFI and NaomiCF:

Naomi CF Tools (however, you know of this, because you posted in this thread?)
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Could I use Naomi CF to write the .bin and just ignore the code section of the program since the new fw doesn’t check for it?
Thanks @nem. Those are the steps to do.

I can't remember now if the CRC from ABC.bin still needs to be calculated but it's a minor thing. If you have to, you just need to keep a copy of your ABC.bin + game.bin of each game and just copy them to your CF with a Drag and Drop.

@tonyt76 Please try like this. Use NaomiCF to copy the file to your CF. It will create a file called ABC.bin and a GAME.bin.
Now, that Game.bin won't work because it has a sector Xor'ed, so you need to copy+paste the original game file to the CF and rename it to Game.bin

If it doesnt work, then recalculate the CRC32 as @nem explained and it should work. Now you have a pair of ABC+Game.bin which will work on any CF.
I'm getting an error when trying to write files to the CF card either using Naomi CF or copying them directly to the card.

ERROR: Security Sector Patch

I am using a usb to cf adapter.
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Just to be clear on this issue.

If you use gcfi.exe with this Chihiro firmware it will not work.
If you use NaomiCF with this Chihiro firmware it will not work
Existing cards also official ones from SEGA will no longer work.
All tutorials written on this subject are now wrong.
Checksums have to be calculated in ABC.BIN based on the checksum of the game binary.

The article you linked to @nem contains incorrect information, I would remove that link.
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Basically all those tools, encrypt on sector based on the DEVICE ID of your CF. The biggest PITA of this is to extract the 2 byte code from each CF. This is no longer needed and any tool that will encrypt a specific sector based on the 2 byte code will no longer work...
I'm getting an error when trying to write files to the CF card either using Naomi CF or copying them directly to the card.

ERROR: Security Sector Patch

I am using a usb to cf adapter.
You have to be administrator.

What operating system are you on ?