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The online store will be open till midnight (UTC+01:00), I'm closing it down for February. Thank you for all your orders!

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Thanks for the heads up!
so HAS 5.0 will be up for sale in march or later if I understand correctly? (no pressure, just scheduling expenses around it if I can, because I really want one, man 🤩)
No prob at all, I'm sure as far as we're concerned, we'll all be there whenever it's ready, thanks for the heads up👍
Got mine. Loving it so far!

Had a silly question for you SHMUP vets out there...

Since I'm a noob to this autofire stuff: Some games require that you hold down the fire button to charge up your weapon. If I set button 1 to an autofire rate, I obviously lose the ability to hold it down to charge up a shot.

So, if I have a game that uses 2 buttons (default):
Button 1 = Shot (hold to charge power shot)
Button 2 - Bomb

Can I re-map it using the Reco 5 to:
Button 1 = Rapid fire Shot
Button 2 = (also Shot but NO autofire so that I can hold it to charge power shot.
Button 3 - Bomb

Is there a way to duplicate button 1 to say, button 2 and then button 3 can be the bomb button?


Just wanted to circle back that it was super easy to re-assign the keys and get this working. Menu was intuitive and didn't require me to RTFM at all, which is nice! I was able to re-map button 1 to both buttons 1 & 2. Then I set button 1 to auto-fire and left button 2 alone. Finally, I re-mapped button 3 to be button 2. Now I'm able to auto fire with button 1, hold button 2 down to charge shots and button 3 is bomb. Perfect!

Hoping to get one of the Reco pcb's and the jamma extension harness RGB makes. Any idea on an eta.
Every once in a while I run into a (mostly obscure) game that doesn't seem to want to work with this. No matter what rapid fire setting I use, I get no in game response at all.

Any odd settings I should be looking at? I read through the manual but didn't see anything.
Every once in a while I run into a (mostly obscure) game that doesn't seem to want to work with this. No matter what rapid fire setting I use, I get no in game response at all.

Any odd settings I should be looking at? I read through the manual but didn't see anything.
What’s the game?
Not with those ones, I'll try with xexex since it's the most common (and still hooked up)
I have the first two so I’ll test and reply later. I’m not even sure what that third one is!

There are a few fun little games on this hardware but nothing crazy. They can still be had on yaj when they come up pretty cheap—usually no more than $5K yen.
Yes, latest RECO. I have the older one, as well. When I get home this afternoon I'll try the new one with async, and I'll try all 3 boards with the old one.

I tested/played through ~a dozen games yesterday, almost all very obscure shooters, and these were the three that didn't play nice.
The only game I had issues with was Legion on the RECO. @RGB told me to change the rate of fire and everything worked correctly after that :) What's interesting about this one is that it didn't just stop auto fire from working, it also did weird things to the ships movement controls.

I don't have the latest RECO (still happy with the slightly older revision).
The only game I had issues with was Legion on the RECO. @RGB told me to change the rate of fire and everything worked correctly after that :) What's interesting about this one is that it didn't just stop auto fire from working, it also did weird things to the ships movement controls.

I don't have the latest RECO (still happy with the slightly older revision).
Aqua Rush is another example. The game engine freaks out with the fastest rapid-fire setting.