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Nov 14, 2015
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So finally got this little cab in.


Debating whether to change the artwork or leave it as is and just get a color matching 1P control panel fabricated.

The wife wants to leave the artwork as is, I wanted to do an astro city type theme,

Olly from arcade shop made a quick mock up for me:



But our son is over ruling our choices, now, he doesnt know about the cab yet since its an x-mas gift. We asked him what are his favorite characters, the top answer time and time again was SONIC :) Happy because its basically Sega's icon character.

So I guess I will have to have some artwork made with a Sega Sonic Theme.

Who do you guys recommend that can fabricate some custom panels for this little cab?? Im thinking I will make some 1P & 2P panels and maybe some blanks for future use.
I just have a hard time converting any dedicated cabs unless I can reverse it fully. It's not a very common cab. Changing the control panel would work fine though. :)
Is it easy to change the marquee, or is the Dinosaur King one applied like a sticker to the cab?

Cool cab, looking forward to seeing where you take it! 8)
I just have a hard time converting any dedicated cabs unless I can reverse it fully. It's not a very common cab. Changing the control panel would work fine though. :)
I know, I was thinking the same thing so I can revert it back, since the game does work and i have spare cards for it and all. The wife of all people is talking me into letting it be, and just get a new CP fabricated for it with a similar color scheme to match the original artwork. X/ what to do???

I wonder if this game has been dumped? Seems to work off of a flash card, has a keychip and a boot rom, etc...
Cool. Darksoft sent me one to do some testing for Metallic. ;)

The S-JIHP works perfectly with the motherboard BTW. Make a custom Tetris Giant control panel. :)
letting it be, and just get a new CP fabricated for it with a similar color scheme to match the original artwork
this is what I would do if it were my cab. the bright orange color scheme is pretty cool...

it's like a creamsicle

This guy here did an Aero-City theme: http://www.ukvac.com/forum/jamma-dino-king-mini-aero-city-sold_topic347731.html

Personally I don't think it works, at least not with the existing orange on the cab. I guess if you were dead set on a totally new theme you could vinyl wrap it in white. that would cover all the original art while making it completely reversible too.
Cool. Darksoft sent me one to do some testing for Metallic. ;)

The S-JIHP works perfectly with the motherboard BTW. Make a custom Tetris Giant control panel. :)
lol, yeah, my wife would love that, about the only game she knows how to play.
this is what I would do if it were my cab. the bright orange color scheme is pretty cool...

it's like a creamsicle
Hmmmm.....that does look good, simple/clean. I might just do that. If I ever feel like it, I can always change up the artwork at some point in the future.
Oh, btw, Does anyone know where I can source one of these transformers?

I am looking for the following part # 560-5515-V-91, its the stepdown transformer (120v --> 100v) that sega uses on these cabs.

Unfortunately, this unit was being used with an external stepup transformer since the cab is internally setup for 230-240v.

I guess I can always gut the internal transformer/psu and replace the whole thing.
Can you do me a favor and trace the wires from the connector at CN15 and see where they go? The manual says sound effects line out but it's separate from the stereo sound. I'm making a stereo adapter pcb for this system right now.
Wow, never realized they are that tiny next to your NNC!
designed for kids. would be difficult to get two adults playing on one lol
Can’t wait to see @Derick2k final design, getting some good ideas for my boy ;)

He is only 9 months old now, so plenty of time to think about it :D
This guy here did an Aero-City theme: http://www.ukvac.com/forum/jamma-dino-king-mini-aero-city-sold_topic347731.html

Personally I don't think it works, at least not with the existing orange on the cab. I guess if you were dead set on a totally new theme you could vinyl wrap it in white. that would cover all the original art while making it completely reversible too.
The Aero City did come in an orange variant... That would have been a better reference point:

These are quite common in the UK here's the one I converted to a mini Neo Geo cab
Looks awesome :thumbsup: Thanks for the share.

Do you still have contact info for the control panel fabricator? I need to get a couple of metal plates made for this.