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There's no hex file for a PIC with null keys.

It does work if I install a battery and inject null keys with the Arduino, but the point was getting rid of said battery.
I see. If it were me and I didn't feel like chasing the ghost in the machine I would either battery it, or try to see if someone can compile the hex with a null key... surely that would be easy if the source code is available.
try to see if someone can compile the hex with a null key... surely that would be easy if the source code is available.
I'm not that knowledgeable but I try to improve myself every day. :)
I guess I could compare two hex files using an editor and spot where the keys are stored in the file (hopefully they're no compression or weird data manipulation going on).
That's a good challenge, I like it.
Here is my progress.

First I compared two hex files selected randomly (19xx and avsph) :


Only 4 lines are different (2 to 5).

Now the question is, how to make the link with the keys?

{ 0x07,0x00,0x02,0x40,0x00,0x0A,0x04,0xC2,0xA4,0x02,0x02,0x20,0x04,0x3C,0x2F,0xEB,0xE0,0x63,0x81,0xC0}; //19xx
{ 0x0F,0x00,0x02,0x40,0x00,0x08,0x04,0xC0,0xB1,0x20,0x79,0xAB,0xE9,0xC6,0xCF,0x09,0x42,0x5B,0x52,0x38}; //avsph

I think I got it:





So now I need to:
- replace those 20 values by 0xFF
- understand how is calculated the checksum for each line (it's probably well documented somewhere in the datasheet or on the web)
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Well it didn't take long to understand the checksum calculation:

100 - (10 + 00 + 00 + 00 + FB + 2B + 00 + 30 + 8A + 00 + 04 + 08 + 84 + 0A + 82 + 07 + 00 + 34 + 0F + 34) => discarding MSB
= 100 - 8A
= 76

Now I'm going to handcraft a new file with null (0xFF) keys.
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Here's what I got for lines 2 to 5:


Which gives the following hex file:



Going to test it in about minutes.
It works people! :thumbsup:

A big thank to Eduardo Cruz and @aje_fr for their work.

Now if a new game/revision/set of keys is discovered we can easily handcraft a new hex file using the method above without knowing anything about writing code for PIC devices.

On a side note, if installing a PIC with NULL keys you won't have to worry about discharging the capacitors from time to time anymore.
I know I know, why using a phoenix version when you can restore keys for the OG code? There are a least two reasons to me:
- phoenix versions let you choose the region
- some hacks/conversions use null keys
I'm trying to repair a CPS2 grey board set I've received, but I'll keep it on topic as much as I can. If an Infinikey was soldered on and taken off a ST board, what would it do if the board had Avalaunch chips already (no battery)? I think this may a root cause of the board not working at all (purple screen).
No Infinikey and no battery with a decrypted program rom set should result in a working board. Have you tried shorting EXC5? Maybe it's still holding the keys in memory.
I -think- I did with a screwdriver across all three points for a minute, and that didn’t help, but there’s a little dodgy soldering I may need to touch up from the uninstall. I also wasn’t using clips or have gone through the tester chip yet (next steps), but I was thinking the same about holding keys in memory. Just making sure I wasn’t missing anything key related.
I -think- I did with a screwdriver across all three points for a minute, and that didn’t help, but there’s a little dodgy soldering I may need to touch up from the uninstall. I also wasn’t using clips or have gone through the tester chip yet (next steps), but I was thinking the same about holding keys in memory. Just making sure I wasn’t missing anything key related.
I've always used exc1 to short and clear any stored corrupted key information. It may be the same as shorting exc5 but thought it worth mentioning.
I tried shorting both, but I’m still getting a pink screen. At this point, I need to find a known working setup to test, but thanks for the suggestions.
Suicide tester rom time?
Tried it. Still pink, bro. Raised voltages to just above 5v; used clips; tried with an uncased B board; reseated the C board. Nothing changed. Checked continuity on a couple unbent pins and where work was done installing/unstalling the infinikey, and everything beeped well. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone with a gray set, locally, but it’s my best idea at this point to rule out one or both boards.
I can make you a special one. 19XX EUR dump did not exist when original CPS2 Infinikeys were produced. Next production run will include it and a few more keys for other revisions not previously dumped.
What's the status of the Infinikeys? Sent a msg a while ago looking for a 10 pack but never heard anything back. Still looking for that 10 pack!
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Hey everyone,

I'm attempting to install an infinikey on a Capcom Sports Club (Euro) pcb. I have installed infinikeys successfully on the other cps2 boards in my collection. However, I am unclear where to begin on this one as it is unique with 2 tiers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hey everyone,

I'm attempting to install an infinikey on a Capcom Sports Club (Euro) pcb. I have installed infinikeys successfully on the other cps2 boards in my collection. However, I am unclear where to begin on this one as it is unique with 2 tiers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The add on board is additional ROMs for CSC - you get a smaller one on SSF2X

Pop the top board off and install Infinikey on B board as per normal :)