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Apr 22, 2020
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First of all hello to everybody. I just registered here being interested in older arcade games and finally having the change to build something. I'm a long time game collector/retro gamer but genuine arcade hardware has eluded me.
I finally have the space to build a small cabinet with exchangeable PCBs using the JAMMA connectors. And I'm looking for a PCB to get me started.
My basic criteria are: something compatible with JAMMA, not having time bomb batteries or similar and being reasonable priced. I'm fine with doing some repair work if necessary.
Gamewise I would be most interested in classic shoot em ups, preferably Konami or Toaplan. But might also be interested in Taito platformers.
I would highly suggest Psikyo games, like Strikers 1945 I or II. They can be found around or under $100, are JAMMA, and has a good "classic" feel to it.
I appreciate your suggestion (and I do like military themed shooters) but I would prefer something bit older. I have the Saturn version of Strikers 1945 1 and love it.
Gotcha, older than Strikers. Ok.

Sky Shark (aka Flying Shark) is an older Toaplan that could be bought for < $100 USD.

There's always the Raiden Series. Raiden 1, 2 and DX. But these are getting closer or over $200 USD.

1942 and 1943 are also great oldschool shmups. 1943 having powerups and the less annoying music.
Something like Sky Shark would work nicely, or either of the Toaplan heli games, or Daisenpu, Tatsujin etc. Salamander is also a game I have always loved. Plenty of games I would enjoy. Just about what's available for sale and for what sort of money. I know most of the older shoot em ups (mostly by the console ports) but have no idea about the arcade board prices.
or Daisenpu, Tatsujin etc. Salamander
Tatsujin and Daisenpu are both 300+ EUR games and Salamander is usually more than twice that.

if you want to keep it under around 100 I'd recommend:
Sky Shark
Raiden 1

@ShootTheCore offer for Raiden 2 is a really great price for that PCB, I usually see it sell for almost twice that.

I'd recommend getting something cheap for your first PCB, especially if you're using it to test your custom cabinet built. you really don't want to be risking a high value PCB for testing purposes.
1943 is still cheap and it is my favorite shmups..give that a try.

getting into this hobby now might be a bit expensive.. I am going to assume that you know what Groovymame is and the MisTer and that, that is not what you are looking for. My first setup were two USA cabs with Groovymame..I used that for over a decade. I only got into getting PCBs about 10ys ago and today PCBs are too expensive for me.
Man....I know you said you are looking for a bit older...but for the money....a cart copy of Ketsui/DDP:DOJ/ESPgaluda2 and a PGM (1 cart and 1 board for around 200$) Is the best deal on the planet right now.

Classic arcade shmup love....absolutely reasonable price, and SheepNova has taken care of customer issues really well, for those that had them.

@ShootTheCore 's deal on that Raiden 2 is also killer, as both it and DX are also starting to climb, and have been seen for 175+ recently as well.....but the shipping is gonna kill you to get it to Finland....I'm shipping a sega baseball panel tomorrow, that's costing the buyer 80$ for shipping alone.

You should really reach out to the crew over on ArcadeOtaku as well, and ask for some good starter shmups, that folks would like to ditch, as a large majority of the folks selling are from Europe, and you are more likely to find a much easier time having things shipped to you, than from here in the states, or Australia.
I’ve got a Raiden 2 board that I can sell you for $100 plus shipping if you’d like. It has a battery for maintaining high scores but you can safely remove it. It’s a great shmup!
Everyone is giving great advice, but R2 at $100 is a steal, jump on it!
I’ve got a Raiden 2 board that I can sell you for $100 plus shipping if you’d like. It has a battery for maintaining high scores but you can safely remove it. It’s a great shmup!
Uhh, does you board actually save high scores? Because if it does, the board needs to be dumped. It's rumored that when the battery dies the code that does the saving is also lost.

@winniez, I can hook you up with an old school shmup. PM me and I'll send you a list. Cheap shipping too!
I’ve got a Raiden 2 board that I can sell you for $100 plus shipping if you’d like. It has a battery for maintaining high scores but you can safely remove it. It’s a great shmup!
Uhh, does you board actually save high scores? Because if it does, the board needs to be dumped. It's rumored that when the battery dies the code that does the saving is also lost.

@winniez, I can hook you up with an old school shmup. PM me and I'll send you a list. Cheap shipping too!
^ yes, this, so much THIS!

Also, could I get that list too, nem? :whistling:
I’ve got a Raiden 2 board that I can sell you for $100 plus shipping if you’d like. It has a battery for maintaining high scores but you can safely remove it. It’s a great shmup!
Uhh, does you board actually save high scores? Because if it does, the board needs to be dumped. It's rumored that when the battery dies the code that does the saving is also lost.

@winniez, I can hook you up with an old school shmup. PM me and I'll send you a list. Cheap shipping too!
I'm interested on that list too! Hardly ever see any PCBs sold in Finland.
Thanks for all the replies, most helpful. My price range is roughly 100e-200e. Sent PMs to ShootTheCore and Nem.
Man....I know you said you are looking for a bit older...but for the money....a cart copy of Ketsui/DDP:DOJ/ESPgaluda2 and a PGM (1 cart and 1 board for around 200$) Is the best deal on the planet right now.

( and I'll take that Raiden 2 when you're done with it!)
Uhh, does you board actually save high scores? Because if it does, the board needs to be dumped. It's rumored that when the battery dies the code that does the saving is also lost.

I didn't even pick up on that but yea, I've got 3 of those boards and none of them save high scores even on battery.
Meh, for shooties I really love the classics like R-type and Lifeforce... You need some deep pockets for dem PCBz. X/
This is sorted, ended up getting Raiden2 from ShootTheCore and possible some boards from Nem.
Might still be interested in affordable older shoot em ups.
You may also want to look into buying an Arpicade setup or even a Pandora's Box 6. Both of which can be used in a jamma setup.

These boards have 1 to 2 thousand games on them.

This way to can play lots of games and see if you like them before spending big money buying real boards.
